I’m running a little late this morning; life goes on in the studio. I think I’ll give everyone, myself included, a little break from recent topics. Enjoy it; it won’t last. (The links are still working and open for business, BTW.) Here is a Ludwig cartoon from 2005.

Keeping It Clean
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
55 responses to “Keeping It Clean”
Amazon delivered two copies of Rheta Grimsley Johnson’s new book yesterday. I got one for friends who just lost their 16 year old yellow lab and one for my wife in memory of our 15 year old Jack Russell who died a year ago. I plan to read my wife’s copy. I’ve enjoyed Ms. Johnson’s writing since her column replaced Lewis Grizzard’s column in the Press Register.
This year is a strange one:
More related to Two Thumbs Up: https://consumerist.com/2016/07/21/so-long-vhs-last-vcrs-rolling-off-the-line-this-month/
Found the story about the Utah Mormon marrying Venezuelan online girl friend and ending up in jail as spy totally credible. And believable, having lived there off and on through much military and political upheaval.
Think I will have a tomato sandwich out of garden to wash down brie cheese I ate in depression. With more iced tea and lime.
As far as places to go, I’ll still go with Hawaii. Granted the cost of living is a bit high, but the climate is wonderful. A relative spent 2-3 years there said that actually got bored of the weather and that he preferred a change in the seasons. I guess I will only partially agree to that. I just don’t like extremes.
When I lived in Venezuela we got bored with never changing weather. When I lived in Hawaii did the same. It was the same every day. Got antsy for change in climate and moved back to Louisiana.
I was pregnant. Blame it on that. Locals call it Rock Fever.
We should have flown to Los Angeles and gone home to Waikiki. Bad decision to return.
After living on Oahu for 2 years courtesy of Uncle Sam, I miss that climate every time we have freezing weather or shake and bake temps. As far as I am concerned that was the most perfect climate I have ever had. Not too hot and not too cold, as baby bear said about things, it is just right.
Oh, and it did change, but not violently or in big swings all at once. Barring the rare tropical storm that blew in.
Mark speaks the truth. Much better climate than Venezuela both physically and politically.
SEATTLE – July 20, 2016 (KOMO/CNN) – “A homeowner investigating odd noises in the attic found a stranger living inside his home.”
She claimed she had been there for three days but left before police arrived. And people worry about raccoons.
Someone wake me up when 2016 is over.
Ghost, the really odd thing about that story(to me, anyway), is that it was a woman living in a man’s attic. More often, its’ the other way around.
Hey, y’all! I actually have some teeth as of this afternoon! There may be some need of future tweaking of the fit, but they feel good now. I wonder how long before I can chew as automatically as most people can. It has been one week short of seven full months.
Haven’t yet heard officially about the temporary space-holder I swallowed 2 weeks ago; expect to hear this evening from my gastroenterologist about today’s xrays.
While I sent my MBH to Hawaii a bit more than 20 years ago, I’ve not been there myself. Except for the prices and the poi, it sound enjoyable [I happen to like Spam].
“Sounds” or “sounded”, that is.
“We need to play less Pokemon GO. Perhaps the government should step in?” – Probable future headline. (Seems they already have.)
Someone wake me up when 2016 is over.
Wasn’t Janis playing Pokémon in strip this week?
Since I have no idea what either original or this version is I am safe. The aisles were full of it at Walmart last night so I assume it involves a profit?
Yeah, for Apple.
The most advanced thing I play on a computer is Spider Solitaire.
I like Age of Empires myself, but had to buy from an online service so I could get a version that runs on Windows 8. I had a set of very good Civil War games for Windows XP and prior versions. Got a box set with about 6 games for under $10 at a flea market. Can’t play them on the Windows 8. If I want them again I would have to buy new versions at around $35 or more each. Can’t afford that so playing other things instead.
What pray tell is that?
I am currently trying to find the dates for the R2AK Race to Alaska in 2017. Since a team in New Zealand has begun a boat I assume we have one?
Don’t have time to find Pokémon, I can’t find real things!
What Jackie needs…
Jackie, it’s this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_Empires_II
The Civil War games are basically computerized versions of the board games I loved to play when I had time and friends to play them with. This is an example of the updated version:
Jimmy must be psychic: http://www.sailsimulator.com/
It’s when 2016 is over that I’m worried about.
“You’ll never go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator.”-Helen Keller