Here is another A&J comic from the recent past, 2014 to be exact.

Learnt Offerings
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
104 responses to “Learnt Offerings”
Well hello, it’s a new day!
Day. That was a pun. I am working on them.
Don’t give up your day job. 🙂
I’m actually more intrigued by the Devil’s Cut® than the “angel’s share”.
Devil’s Cut is delicious. Hearty and bold. Angel’s Envy is another good one.
Ok, Ghost, you are into dark things. I still look like an older angel, not like a dark witch.
Angel off to pay two veterinarians and collect two neutered cats.
We caught three possums last night. Minion took them far into wooded area. I hope if they have babies they are in their pockets and not waiting at home for their mamas.
The new three story kitty Victorian is on porch and kitties running in and out. Two captured kitties moved into fancy litter box with house appearance, so we set it up as a kitty house too. The Big Mama and Sylvester mackerel tabby cats I just was given think they are in heaven and one is living in canopy bed and other in a new wing chair.
Crazy cat lady decorating. No cute kitschy stuff, good decor and live cats.
New minions is an out of work oil field pipeline welder with a gift. He can wallpaper beautifully and put anything together! Of course my portfolio may drop to point I can’t afford minions?
I will get him to weld a good oilfield grade smoker on a trailer when house gets repaired. If you’ve seen one, you know what I mean.
Just a hard-working young lady trying to make her way through life, Jackie.
For those of you who like snacking on cheese and crackers, do a google search on fromage forte to find a great way to use up the last little bits of the cheese. Each time it’s a little different, but that’s what makes it so good.
TruckerRon, I think you;ll find this interesting:
Morphy,(Sorry to be so late with a reply.) Not sure what my Morphy number would be but I have played chess both socially and competitively for over 50 years. My best friend, Dr Phil LaHaye taught me the moves in 57 in college at SLI. I know Jackie knows where that is. It is now ULL. Since there are very few tournaments in Baton Rouge, I play most of my games by server on the internet through the Correspondence Chess League of America (CCLA) and the U.S. Chess Federation (USCF), but not much in the latter organization. I would be glad to help anyone interested in playing and joining CCLA since I am currently vice president. I much prefer mind against mind and don’t play computer chess at all. CCLA is non-computer. I think chess is the greatest game invented by the mind of man. I once read a fiction article that pitted Morphy against Fischer. It wound up a draw at about 1000 games. They were both great but suffered from mental problems. My chess playing ability does not cause me mental problems. I am just a long time patzer.
TR., Reference to Ziggy: I didn’t know he was still around. Thanks for the link. My favorite Ziggy is where he says “I prefer things the way they aren’t!” I feel the same after having grown up in the 50’s.
God bless us every one.
Debbe, come back, please.
That is what I’d ask too, just a line. You don’t want me and the Adventure Dog going to all the egg houses and Tru Value Hardwares in Southern Indiana! We have good clues and if needed I can pick Mark up in Alabama so I end up in right location.
We love you.
I had an interesting little trip this morning. I was driving west on I-10 towards Pensacola. Now I have to admit that I am always driving too fast, but I haven’t received a ticket for speeding since about 1970. I had just passed an unmarked car parked under an overpass, but I knew that he was looking the other way so I didn’t slow down. Hold on. This isn’t going where you think. About a mile further on I was passed by a Lincoln town car. It was cream colored and just like new. My last Ford product was a ’94 Crown Vic and it will remain the last, but I appreciate a nice car. The car went ahead until it was probably 150-200 yards in front of me and I was no longer looking at it. I was approaching an area of mowed grass in a wide median and past that began a wooded area between the eastbound and westbound lanes. Suddenly movement in the median caught my eye. The Lincoln was out there spinning around. He hit a bump, all four tires left the ground, he landed and went backwards into the trees. The brush closed and he was gone, disappeared. I’m thinking “did I just see what I thought I saw?” Of course I did and not only that but the car is nowhere in sight and I’m the only person who saw the accident. I pulled over, grabbed my mag light and went to find it. I knew where it entered the woods but I didn’t see it until I was almost on it. It was up against a large live oak and wedged backward under a low limb with the car crushed up to the driver’s seat. Two guys climbed out of it with big smiles on their faces because they knew that they were lucky to be alive. I called 911 and ended up wet and dirty, but I would do the same anytime.
I neglected to mention that we had heavy rain just prior to this.
Thank you Jerry. That was good.
Jerry, you are a good, caring person.
Yes, where is Debbe? Sure hope she is all right.
Domacain I got the last two cats picked up and paid for just now. I have a surgery reservation for Tuesday with the small animal vet and a bring them in and we’ll work them in with backup vet who I really like too. I am still 71, he is 61 and primary vet is in 50s, I know you’re ahead if us. All levels and ages represented. Docs daughter stopped in when she saw my truck just now at clinic, she manages it, so she’s maybe 40 or so. Can’t believe there was the day when women weren’t welcome.
Jerry, Bless you for helping. I know what it would have been like to have been left in my former car on it’s side. Kind of scary now but at the time I was just happy to be intact.
Jackie, I was in Auburn’s vet school form 1963 through 1967 and there were four females in the entire school of about 280 members. Now the vet schools everywhere are 75 to 80% female. I’m not sure if they were unwelcome or just didn’t not apply for whatever reason. Louisiana had 9 spots at Texas A&M, four at Auburn and 1 at Oklahoma State that was kept for females before the Auburn spots opened in 1963 because T. A&M was all male at the time. It was easier to get accepted at medical school in LA than vet school back then.
Debbe, Please come back. We care.
God bless us every one.
domaucan1: Quite alright, Unix time started shortly after I did, and doesn’t recognize sunrise/sunset. By that I just mean the internet is make believe, and someone’s always up. I’ve been in and out several times myself.
on point: I learned the game from my father. Hard to tell accurately from a child’s point of view how organized or haphazard that may have been. Followed two or three years of games when I asked. It was a really big deal for me, at eight years old, to win, what I’ll chose to take his word for, was a fair game. I was so proud it was my ‘show and tell’ at school the next day. But, without a circle of players near me, or maturity to know there were probably dozens within 20 miles, if I would just ask, my skills were not developed. Even as an adult, ‘do you play chess?’ is usually met with a change of subject. I wonder if you see the same outside of those you already know play?
As an outsider, I’m also surprised. I thought correspondence chess was buggy-whipped by the chess engine. Though no one would admit to getting a little electronic kibitz, a level of trust was lost. My perception was that gave rise to rapid-chess and faster. You’ve shown me otherwise.
Good for you Jerry. And good for them that they were in a durable car. Some people talk about angels protecting us. Folks, sometimes we are those angels, don’t pass the opportunity to somebody else or you’ll never know how good that feels!
domaucan1: I didn’t question your assessment of Morphy’s psychology without refreshing my memory. Wikipedia can be flawed, but it presents any difficulties he may have had, were put forward by his sister, after his death, to sensationalize for profit. I don’t trust the internet in general, but they do provide several published references.
HAL (I like that) keeps wanting to capitalize ‘internet’ , I think he is a little self-assured?
I’m sorry I crossed up some details, but the information is there for review.
Me: “Open the pod bay doors, Siri.”
Siri: “Hey HAL…open the pod bay doors already!”
My annual Pubic Service Announcement for guys: If you think that you’re “gonna git some lovin'” from your sweetie on Valentine’s Day by buying her a ginormous $99.99 Teddy bear, you are almost surely wasting your money. Unless you get it from the ginormous $99.99 Teddy bear itself, in which case…EWWWWWW!