Here is another A&J comic from the recent past, 2014 to be exact.

Learnt Offerings
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteranβs Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
104 responses to “Learnt Offerings”
Jerry’s car wreck rescue from yesterday afternoon….
We had a similar wreck, caused by snow, thirty-odd years ago, except no trees trapped us in the car. Brand new Oldsmobile totaled, but we had one door we could walk out of. Our oldest daughter was in her teens (now in her fifties) had the only VERY slight injury. But my point is that cars went right on by us as we tried to flag down help. Finally a police officer, Sheriff or State (can’t remember) saw us and it all turned out fine from then on. Jerry: on the behalf of the people you helped THANKS.
Indiana SAM (Steve Moore)
Debbe π You are tougher than most, hon. Glad you’re better and welcome back. Now that you are, maybe we should go on a little trip.
Ah shucks yal. Debbe, glad you are still kicking around and making the big bucks. Locally we have a new type of mosquito borne virus. At least that’s what the fish wrapper says. I haven’t seen any mosquitos since summer.
Morphy, ICCF(International Correspondence Chess Federation) allows chess engines, CCLA does not. I’m sure there are some unscrupulous individuals that use them but, since we are a bunch of friendly,trusting people and the prizes are small, I think that most people play their own games. It would be indeed a hollow victory to win a game with computer assistance. I say that using computers in correspondence chess is like putting bull dozers in the NFL and calling them over-sized football players. I have given up play in ICCF because of the computer use.
Debbe, Glad you are back. Be careful with all those chemicals and I hope your girls can weather this latest viral storm. I’m afraid international travel has caused us problems with our animal population and do not agree with USDA’s proposal to move the Foreign Animal Disease Laboratory from Plum Island to middle America. There is too much danger of escaped disease agents and other problems. I think it would be cheaper and safer to “fix” the FADDL at Plum Island but nothing is logical when the “gomment” handles it.
God bless us every one.
Th-th-that’s all folks:
At one time I wanted to learn to play chess, but husband#1 cured me of that. He was a fanatic about playing formal games in the style of the Masters, if that makes any sense. A friend said not to worry, that my slightly erratic style was just fine, but by then I had given up. My Dad taught me to play checkers when I was a little girl, and I stuck with that. One thing husband#1 never understood is that checkers is just as much a game of strategy as chess.
Jerry, you are a good man.
Debbe, I have bronchitis every winter, so I sympathize with you there. Do take care of yourself or you might have half the Village at your doorstep with chicken soup!
It’s a good thing I checked before I clicked Submit Comment, or we’d have had one too many A Nonny Mouses. Husband was tinkering with my computer the other day, and the name field was blank. π
Trapper Jean, Considering Debbe’s work, I doubt chicken soup would be on the menu. How about a nice bowl of spicy chili with a side of sour cream instead? That’ll open up the sinuses without any extra meds! And some sweet cornbread too.
Oh joy, greatly relieved that Debbe is all right. Dear Debbe, you have plenty of problems but you are a strong, hopeful woman and will overcome whatever life is throwing at you. Take it easy, dear. I’m glad you share with us and we try to help.
Domaucan1: I like your style and views on multiple subjects. For chess, I think the game is prize enough, and so don’t compete for more than nods. It’s not the victory, it’s the interaction. When that interaction involves an unseen bulldozer, well, we used to call that cheating; and that was a label you _really_ didn’t want. Society changes, even if I am reluctant.
Jerry-let me add my thanks to you for helping. Most people pass by because 1) it’s easier not to notice and 2) there are risks to self involved, including lawsuits by those you try to help, injury to you from the conditions encountered when you try to help, injuries to you from those in the accident if the car was stolen and they decide to continue on their way with your vehicle. I applaud your decision to go to their aid anyway. I know it was not easy for you.
Debbe – glad to hear from you again. I am a lurker more than a poster, and don’t have time to lurk more than every few days, but I enjoy your comments. You may not realize your importance to the Village. Take care of yourself and don’t be a stranger.
Morphy – interesting to hear from a new voice in the Village. I’ve played chess occasionally, mostly back in college, but also a lot of other games. Lately it’s been dominoes with the other seniors at the Rec center in Conroe – maybe once a month or so. I don’t play very competitively. I was amused during the last year or so to see that my 4 to 5 year old granddaughter likes to play games the same way I do: She wants everyone to win! When we play “Match” and she gets ahead in finding matches, she tells me that the one she just found is mine so we can be even. Last Christmas I got her a game that was designed for teamwork by the players to reach the goal and she loves it! I sense you are a lot more competitive than I am, but that’s okay too. After all, in most encounters someone has to win, and we need all the brains and talent we can get in this world. I don’t like those who push themselves up by putting other people down, but I think most of the Village has that opinion, and if you feel the same way you will fit right in.
Back to work now. And ditto domaucan
A short review of villagers comments shows the same level of interest I see In Real Life (IRL) when I propose a game.
But Ghost seems to have the most fun with his chosen endeavor.
Thanks, Judy. Still hopeful. Haven’t left yet.
domaucan1: Your experience would suggest a Morphy number of 5, possibly 4. But Baton Rouge may indicate a –3– through unrecognized channels. Makes you wonder how close we really are to those who came before.
Dad taught me chess when I was in the early grades. I took to it to the extent of plotting out the published games’ moves on my board whenever they were found in the Sunday NY Herald Tribune. Can’t say that I was any good unless playing equally inept opponents. Most fun I had with the game was in college against a Russian exchange student who, it became obvious, was SERIOUS about his game. Of course, I lost, although it took him quite a while and I was actually ahead in pieces when the end came. My suspicion is that he was spending a lot of time trying to figure out what kind of strategy I was using when, in truth, I wasn’t following any pre-set plan!
Glad you’re back, Debbe. Indeed, Jerry is a good guy for that action on the road…. When I posted at 1:35a.m., I had not gone back to read the earlier posts first. I reiterate my enjoyment of the cartoon mentioned at that time.
c x-p: I’ve had the same feeling in the late stages of a game many times. Every time, without exception, if I have the courage to ask: My opponent thought I was the strong player, and they were lucky. Clink glasses, reset board, try again.
domaucan1: like fantasizing over a lottery win, if I could play an M3…. even if it were a hopeless loss, I could open a new link, and pass out M5’s like candy. Yes, son, I remember the day I met him, over those 64 squares. My voice quavered, he pretended not to notice. I drew White. With a sweaty palm, e4, and we were off! Twelve moves later, yours truly was a wreck. A pile of junk! Here’s your M5. Pass it on.
Folks, it’s not hero worship. If you could have a spoken line in a Kevin Bacon movie, you’d do it. Right?
Judy, I recall learning a valuable lesson regarding competition in my management class: Know who you’re competing against and why! We played a game involving Teams A and B making several “trades” and being able to take all the points while the other team lost points if you succeeded in fooling them. Only at the end of the game were we told that we were all part of the AB Corp and that we’d squandered resources. My team accidentally won by dealing honestly with the competing teams.
This article discusses the importance of not destroying your company when maneuvering for resources or position against other divisions of the company.
Taking Valentine’s cupcakes and cookie trays around to lots of people and businesses I love. Doing it early to.not put off until the end. Red heart trays and chocolate and vanilla cupcakes with big icing swirls. Hypocritical on my part to give them out but people love cupcakes more than a basket of apples.
Got my new driver’s license, the best I have ever had except the redding of face. I look sunburned or wind blown. Hair and smile great.
Before I forget…… is Mark’s birthday. I have already wished him happy birthday so the rest of you need to do so now. Happy birthday dear Mark, happy birthday to you.
Debbe – Yesterday was wretched. First delivery from new distributor was a nightmare. Imagine – using a twelve foot long, dot-matrix printed invoice/bill of lading (triple carbon copy, landscape orientation), with no methodology of locating a specific item EXCEPT Open. Every. Flipping. Tote. And. Search. Ridiculous. I even managed to break the desk phone in my office at work. Slammed down the receiver so hard, it quit working. I beat on it some more this morning. I can now answer a call, but can’t dial out.
Today was better-ish. Newest minion is fine with my instrumental music interests. Papa John’s for the win. π And Thunder is currently using me as a cat tower. π
I am awful at chess and checkers. But my all-time least favorite game is Candy Land. No matter what I do (even cheat!), I lose. I even managed to somehow lose a turn while playing the freebie computer version from a cereal box!
An organization I used to belong to. Lot of work, but a lot of fun, too.
Jackie and her Scamp, “Cowboy Cookies”.
Happy Birthday, Mark.
First rule for dealing with recalcitrant electronic equipment is actually the same as for mechanical equipment, Lady Mindy…get a bigger hammer.
Jackie, I hope you weren’t sailing it when it ended up on the trailer. π
Mark: Happy birthday. Here’s a present
posted here ages ago but brought to mind today by an email.
Peace, emb