Remember the memorable 1997 sequence at the beach, when Gene’s friend Mary Lou is expecting a baby? Of course you remember it; it’s memorable! Well, the above is the lesser-known final cartoon in that storyline; the family is back home, and Mary Lou is forgotten. Or so it seemed at the time. I guess you would equate this one to the little skit they would tack on the end of television sit-coms, little jokes that stood apart from the basic plot. You know, the last minute or so that was always dropped when a show went into syndication, to make room for another commercial.

Letter of the Law
By Jimmy Johnson
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236 responses to “Letter of the Law”
“I’ve cut it twice, and it’s STILL too short!”
Jackie, and others interested, if you have the TCM (Turner Classic Movies) on your tv source. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir starts at 1pm Central. I’ll let you make your own time adjustments for your zone.
Good one, Den!
I think last week I mentioned that my son measured twice and cut once, while I measured once, cut five times and swore like a sailor…. Jimmy was no where to be seen last week, but he nailed that one!
There’s an area in the Gulf of Mexico that I am watching. There’s been nothing from the hurricane people yet.
Have a grandson visiting, whom I had not seen in too many years. Right now, he is a bit of a rolling stone. He was reared in Idaho… was in Arkansas while in the AF… then Portland, Oregon… back to Idaho… then to Dallas… He was trying to decide if he should go back to Idaho but decided to come to Ohio and visit his mother and me. *sigh* I am just tired thinking about all his travels!
And… he has a dog. A very nice dog, but… she stands probably 30 inches at the shoulders. When she decides to stand in the tiny hall between the dining room and the living room, nobody else can move! Luckily, she is a very gentle, well-behaved lady, which happens to be her name.
Should be interesting around here for the next several days!
Good afternoon Villagers….
It is a hot, sultry day here in S IN……my poor Miss Prissies…..eggs still not acceptable by my standards….86 degees in there when I left at 3ish
And Denise, The Boss still has not shown up….he was do back today. With the strict bio-security being intense……for 72 hours after arrival in the states///he cannot come in contact with both of the hen houses. Skittles and I worked today….had fans running and drying on the conveyor at 7:30 this morning….temp in hen house was already 85 degrees. and I found time to reflect on your comment about kissing my toes π
…and emb I do not go barefoot in the hen house. I wear jeans and not shorts…..don’t need any flies up my shorts π
Thanks guys, you made my day better….had ‘Skittles’ with me today….
GR π I kept thinking about Janis Joplin all day….the tunes that hit me as earworms…..”Take another piece of my heart now,baby”
You know what’s been bothering me…I think Ian has run away from home, I was asleep in bed when he left late that night and I’ve not heard anything since….he’s somewhere in Evansville since Friday night. It would be good for him to find a job there…he hates the hen house, and is gifted in computer tech…self taught and is good at it…his friends bring their ‘whatever’ over to him to fix….I told him to start charging.
Going to hit the recliner…grab a ‘cold one’…..and the rest will be history
We’ve got ‘free’ showtime….watched a real downer movie last night with Billy Bob Thorton, Morgan Freeman…..when the movie was over….I thought “damn that was depressing…It was title “Levity”…or something along that line…..
Sweet dreams to all…and GR, love the music you’ve been posting. For some reason I woke up with Eric Clapton’s “Lay Down Sally” in my head….”all I need is someone just to talk to”
Debbe, I know how the pain feels honey. It is hard to lose them at any age.
Debbe, you and Ian are in my thoughts and prayers.
Debbe obviously you need to be covered up in the Hen House. I was wearing thick gloves but the bee still bit thru it! The hand swelled up the size of a grapefruit. However the first bite got my on the thigh just above the knee. Once it got my hand I ran into the house as I was showing my wife, 2 more bees flew out of my shorts! It got me in the groin area, but fortunately I did not swell up too much from that bite.
Kids need to find their way. Got has huge plans for Ian. We will keep praying for him.
Debbe π You knew your comment about flies getting into your pants would remind me of this, didn’t you?
“Cry Baby” is my favorite Joplin song. We just had another bad lightning storm. Here in the Florida hills we have the lowest temperature of the day in north Florida and usually the highest high temperature.
Debbe π “Summertime” was one by Janis; this one is by Arlo. Get it? Huh? Huh?
Marching to your own drummer can be a good thing. On the other hand, I’ve known a couple of women who marched to the beat of their own symphonic orchestra…not so good. π
“and emb I do not go barefoot in the hen house.” I was pretty sure you didn’t.
Peace, emb
My hostess and I went to see “The Mystery of Irma Vep”
here in Port Townsend, WA tonight. A play of brilliant writing, high camp and Gothic horror. Two male actors played eight parts in Ludington all the female parts. Real quick change artists!
I had never seen this one. Told hostess I will find a DVD of Rocky Horror Show which she has never seen, that if she liked this she would love Rocky Horror. She had just watched Muppet Treasure Island and loved, I said same actor.
Love Jackie
Cockatiel again did the egg-on-top-of-the-curved-cage-top trick today! This time, it did not roll down the outside, but it (apparently being of higher caliber) also didn’t fall through the top and into a food dish. The egg just stuck enough between wires/bars to remain in place. The cage door being wide open, she could easily have used the inside of said cage….
If propagation of the species were left to this female, we’d be out of cockatiels in a few years or a decade.
Almost hut the Like button.
Good morning Villagers….
Thanks for the hugs and prayers guys. I am sure the good Lord is listening. I broke down last night and called Ian. His friend’s number is in my contacts on my cell phone…..I knew there was a reason I was still holding onto my phone. Anyway, he said he didn’t know when he’d be home and also added there were lots of jobs down there, but he is broke, and doesn’t want to feel like a bum. I look for him to be home soon. Told him to call me today, if not, I will call him. He orders the feed for the hen houses when The Boss is not around. His friend is a chef who works at a country club there in E’ville. Evansville is my old stomping grounds before I left for Texas.
Gotta leave early….get the fans running on the conveyor belt. Today, I really need to go shopping for cleaning supplies for both hen houses….I pick 8 up from everything….dish soap, Clorox, cleaning rags, Lysol, TP and paper towels….I hate it. Ian usually goes with me…today I will get ‘Skittles’ to go with me. I go to Dollar General for all of this too.
Still looking to be in storms way, we are in the red zone…..bring it on. The fields are so lush green with corn and soybeans.
Cxp…your cockatiel, when the other egg hit her feed tray, did she eat the egg? My hens attack the eggs on the belt, making a mess of things. Look out if I happen to drop one in the feed trough, all you see are heads and red combs diving for the egg. Sometimes I do it on purpose.
GR π I remember that particular strip for a reason….it’s funny!!! Thanks for the smiles and the tunes.
Indy Mindy, when will you hear about your job interview?
Jackie and Denise…..yes, it is hard to let lose, and Steve I pray you are right about His plans.
Ya’ll have a blessed day
Steve, my husband was stung a couple of weeks ago by a bee. His hand was so swollen, it didn’t look normal. He took Benedryl. I actually have a phobia with bees, wasps, hornets, that I go into a panic mode when one is around. Sorry you got stung more than once.
Today’s grin:
Re: today’s real time strip, who are “the Baileys”?
Gal….I am excited for you….your Grandson’s visit….enjoy it. He sounds adventurous.
Debbe, most likely Bailey’s Irish Cream Liqueur. Favored for drinks with coffee.
Are you up in the northwest part of the state, Jerry? What’s happening with that disturbance in the Gulf you were watching?
Cep, is she exhibiting any next building behavior? Over the years, I had many male canaries but only one female. Before she laid, she would rip up the paper flooring of her cage and pluck feathers to make a nest. On the other hand, there was the morning dove in my back yard who two years running laid eggs in a flowerpot containing only dirt and no nesting materials.
Debbe, that might be a reference to the Baily’s Irish Cream in that coffee cup I see before her. (As a bookseller in a bookstore with a cafe, I favored soy chai latte…when I got tired, I occasionally asked for a sai choy latte.)
Oops! Mark beat me to the answer while I was catching up!
I know about Bailey’s, one of the few hard drinks I care for, but that never would have occurred to me. I expect a large % of JJ’s ~ knowledgeable readers are going, “Huh?’
Peace, emb