Remember the memorable 1997 sequence at the beach, when Gene’s friend Mary Lou is expecting a baby? Of course you remember it; it’s memorable! Well, the above is the lesser-known final cartoon in that storyline; the family is back home, and Mary Lou is forgotten. Or so it seemed at the time. I guess you would equate this one to the little skit they would tack on the end of television sit-coms, little jokes that stood apart from the basic plot. You know, the last minute or so that was always dropped when a show went into syndication, to make room for another commercial.

Letter of the Law
By Jimmy Johnson
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This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

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236 responses to “Letter of the Law”
Yes, the reference could be for the drink, but my first thought? That lady looked like Beetle Bailey’s mom!
Likely not the only book-seller driven to drink by recent marketing and shopping trends.
Denise, at least you didn’t order a “chia latte”.
Debbe & Denise: The cockatiel who lays the eggs didn’t have a chance to “recycle” the broken one; she was locked out of that huge cage into which the egg fell. [When she lays, she tends to peck the blind cockatiel who lives in that large cage.] The blind inhabitant may not have known the broken egg was there. Usually, the egg-layer uses her own cage for the festivities, but we do keep her door open so she can fly when/if she wants to. She – as well as the parakeet – absolutely love to buzz me or the MBH while we are eating in the adjacent kitchen. House is arranged so that there is a loop, and the two aviators often fly that loop, buzzing anyone in the kitchen.
Yes, the egg-layer loves to shred the newspapers lying in any cage. It is a sign that eggs will soon appear.
Ah, yes! Bailey’s Irish Cream! Very tasty stuff, ranking right up there with Benedictine in my opinion.
I use the nonalcoholic version sold in grocery stores. Very tasty. Have had the real thing in coffee once, at a special-occasion dinner and it was very good.
And i think today’s strip has another meaning too. Notice the bookseller is able to finish Janis’ comment for her, indicating that she has heard that one often. Most likely by people who then leave without buying one.
A recent quiz on was “Famous Pairs” — they give you one half of the duo and a category, you supply the other half (such as “Romeo”, Entertainment — answer “Juliet”).
One of the questions was “Arlo”, Entertainment — answer “Janis”, of course!
Disappointing news for A&J fans, though — it was the question least often answered correctly (only 6.7%).
Calvin [John, not the kid with the plush tiger] might opine that that low % proves this Village is among the Elect. Not my theology; Calvinists are totally depraved, me only moderately. Also favor real free will, not predestination, and don’t believe in “the Elect”, just in a hereafter run by Elohim [accent on 2d syllable], whom I consider loving, but just. [Need to look up a ref. here, but will lose this if I leave. Later.]
Another nice liqueur is Cointreau, which I’ve not tasted in decades. Don’t keep a wine/liquor cellar, and don’t get invited to the right parties. Actually, I do, but they are mostly church potlucks or dinners where the hosts are happy for me to contribute a mixed 6-pack.
Peace, emb
I happened to glance out the kitchen window about 2 hours ago and saw that one of our trees had been blown down during the night! Didn’t hear a thing…wonder if the birds did.
I’ve already called the tree firm which removed our mature ash a few years ago for a thousand dollars; hope they are cheaper for a mature [but rather smaller] crab apple. If there are some benefits, one would be that there will be many fewer leaves to remove this fall and hardly any apples to rake up this summer. Another will be the removal of the main route for local fauna to access my roof. Those benefits are, indeed, worth some $$.
“…just in a hereafter run by Elohim [accent on 2d syllable], whom I consider loving, but just.” For a list of those who will be favored there, see Mt. ch.3-7. My favorite metaphor [not because I’m a sports fan but because it will be widely understood, is that the Sudanese, Holocaust victims, and such will sit on the 50-yard line, we will be way at the back of the end zone, at least for a while.
Peace, emb
Missing punctuation:
Actually, I do, but they are mostly church potlucks, or dinners where the hosts are happy for me to contribute a mixed 6-pack. “potlucks,” I do not bring 6-packs to church.
“My favorite metaphor [not because I’m a sports fan but because it will be widely understood], is that the Sudanese, Holocaust victims, and such will sit on the 50-yard line, we will be way at the back of the end zone, at least for a while. I think my most common boo-boo is failing to close [ ] or ( ).
Peace. emb
Sorry to have been so silent. Computer problems and nothing much to say.
GR6, that A&J from 11/10/03 is my all time favorite. Thanks for the memory.
JJ, we have missed you in your long absences. I’m sure you must have other things to do. Keep up the great cartoons.
May God bless us every one. Prayers for those in need and we are all in need.
Jimmy really stirred the paper/e readers debate again today. Why is it that people on both sides have such a hard time appreciating the good points of each format? Nothing can replace my Arlo & Janis book, but carrying 2 Bibles and a commentary in a small Kindle to church is wonderful too. An old book or a new book has a delightful smell, yet I spend much less on reading material for my Kindle, some books free. It is a great balance between the two.
They’ll have to pry my books from my cold, dead hands, or did someone already say that? Disturbance? I’ll check after lunch.
I have heard other people cover that tune and Arlo (& his drummer) ate the
only ones to get the timing and rhythm down pat.
Knew a girl that went in the horse barn bare foot – in winter – in the snow.
Don’t think she ever let her kids do that though.
“…nothing much to say”, domaucan1? Heck, that’s never stopped me. 🙂 And “You’re welcome.” That’s a favorite of mine, too.
Yeah, Gary, but if you extend that 6.7% through the adult population of the US, that would be a fan base I’m sure Jimmy would be proud to have.
And Ursen, as soon as I saw the real-time cartoon early this morning, I vowed not to look at The Dark Side today. I can only imagine.
Are -it is supposed to be are
Dearest Ghost, you made a wise decision. I looked at some it and it left me grouchy.
I’m finding it hard to believe that the (yes, grouchy looking) cashier is drinking a strong alcoholic beverage, at work, and letting it be known to anyone listening. Couldn’t there be some other explanation, that no on has figured out yet? The real point of the joke is that she’s heard people say this many, many times. As for the Baileys, don’t see any relation to the comic strip either. A book? An author? A place? An old TV show?
some of it!
Ursen, I like your tolerant attitude and agree with your comment.
The area that I was watching in the Gulf is breaking up. TS Claudette is predicted to be no threat to the US. That’s what they said about Opal in ’95.
Galligo, you may not know it, but Beetle Bailey has a sister: Lois Flagstone.
Sideburns: I had forgotten that!
And don’t the Bumsteads live down the street from the Days (Arlo and Janis, that is)?
Next door according to Arlo.
And the Bumsteads should mind their own business.