Someone requested more of the “Vince” strips. I did get sort of distracted after I began this story arc. After beginning it, I was reminded looking through the old stuff that Vince was something of a recurring character in the spring of 1993, a sounding board for Janis. All the arcs are similar in nature, so I have abandoned chronological order and for the rest of the week will offer what I call “The Best of Vince.”

Male Bonding Does Not Involve Duct Tape
By Jimmy Johnson
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293 responses to “Male Bonding Does Not Involve Duct Tape”
About rude, nasty comments about Janis, I took all those very personally, since Janis is the character I identify with. Not only do I like her, I feel like so often she is my mirror.
Good comment on deer as meat on the table. Lots of that around here, and some will eat less next year / low deer population this fall. Unfortunate that no editor caught this. “. . . tends to last he and his wife an entire year.”
Lord Byron could not have known that a better translation [NRSV] of Gen:3.6 says, “and she also gave to her husband, who was with her, and he ate.” BOTH heard the talking, legged serpent. Not that the writer didn’t try to focus this legend on the woman. Gen 3:17 begins, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife [when did they get married?], . . ..”
With exceptions and some irony here and there, the Bible and the NT are male-centered collections.
Jackie, not what I’d call a great report on Mike, but one thing I’ve learned over the past year is that in health issues, it’s usually relative…it can just about always be worse.
Perhaps I can post something on TDS about their moderated troll and relate it to our departed troll. That might attract some of our former Villagers back over here. Of course, if others start coming over here, I’ll have to start being nicer. π Actually, my remarks about them have always revolved around a handful of them, the ones that probably are not all that well thought of over there. And it’s not like the Village is a suburb of Area 51.
And yes, emb, apparently”proofreaders” are extinct, and “copy editors” are barely still extant.
Debbe π For those of us of a certain age…
Good ol’ Keith…if you looked up “dissipated” in the dictionary, it would probably have his picture by it.
Well, I had heard a lot of scandalous things about Lord Byron (yeah, I’m that old!) but I had no idea he had a sense of humor.
About copy editors, I keep repeating the “Arlo” I slipped by the copy editors long, long ago. When asked by the reporter (me) who he intended to claim as clients since all the good ones had been taken, my friend replied: “Just say I have designed for kings and queens, but mainly queens.”
Which I did and the paper printed it!
Love, Jackie
Makes sense. Even though many people don’t realize it, there are many more queens in the world than there are kings. π
About “locavore” deer hunting, where I live now there are a lot of deer hunters and in Louisiana the parish where I am from has only two industries, large scale corporate cotton and corn farming and deer hunting leases. You can actually earn more from a good leasing program than from farming with less equipment to maintain. So, I was raised with deer hunting and hunters and by them, so I thought I couldn’t be surprised.
Daughter on preservation/historic board got a new neighbor next door in most historic single street/homes in entire historic district.
And guess what has been hanging out on the deck in plain view for entire week? Two deer carcasses, hung so they are plainly visible from her windows and the street.
Mayor, city council, historic board are all stunned to discover this is not prohibited in the city! And believe me, there isn’t an area more “city” than this!
I grew up 20 miles out in country, so deer hanging in our back yard wasn’t going to discourage tourism. Nowadays it would encourage hunters to see “kill” there.
She says this fall the raised decks have been festooned with a regular display of dead animals and fowl next door, left to age I guess.
Love, Jackie
Ha! Not unlawful to hang out carcasses, but I’ll bet there is an ordinance against hanging out laundry on a clothes line.
A Native American grace –
Now that I am about to eat, O Great Spirit,
Give my thanks to the beasts and birds
Whom you have provided for my hunger;
And pray deliver my sorrow
That living things must make a sacrifice
for my comfort and well-being.
Let the feather of corn spring up in its time
And let it not wither but make full grains
For the fires of our cooking pots,
Now that I am about to eat.
And one from The Canticle of the Creatures by St. Francis of Assisi –
Praised be my Lord for our
Mother the Earth, which
Sustains us and keeps us and
Brings forth diverse fruits,
And flowers of many colors –
And grass.
Copy editors: I am copy editor for my UMC and also for the hospital where I volunteer. I get very little work there, despite continual examples where they could use it. As I’ve demonstrated before, I could use it here. We all need it.
Some might hold that Jesus would not have needed it, but some biblical scholars say he was probably illiterate, being poor and education being costly. He was a bright kid, though, and we all know of bright kids who have taught themselves to read and write. He apparently didn’t know Earth was round; the only people who did then were some Greek nerds, not even hoi polloi. Those who wrote about the ‘ascension’ seemed not to know.
I thought cheezburger was about cats.
Peace, emb
Will catch up on comments tomorrow, must had to bed. However, I must share. My musical neighbor seems to have shelved his mediocre, guitar-accompanied cover of “Let It Be” for the moment, and has switched back to the late-summer staple, “Imagine” on piano. He’s a *bit* rusty. Mind you, this person is still light-years beyond my own musical talent, but heavy is the hand on the chords. I really, REALLY want him to succeed, if only so I don’t have to keep hearing “Imagine all the people, living in harmo.. {off-key notes}” [SLAM SLAM SLAM of chords, resetting for next attempt] “Imagine there’s no heaven….” over and over and over again. And I am well aware this pales in the light of all of the incredibly serious illness, but sincerely hope everyone makes a swift and successful recovery from all their various ailments, and a failed virtuoso is their worst tale of woe.
And no one blew away did they?
Lady Mindy, mental health is also important, so you have my sympathy as well.
emb. I seriously doubt Jesus was illiterate since he is noted as reading the scroll during a temple service. And writing in the dust with his finger.
Dear eMb, Thank you for the explanation, it certainly looked as if something was missing, and it was! And the math symbols are a mystery to me. I didn’t take many math courses in school, and in college, none. Chris was very good at math and if anything was beyond me, he would do it.
Jackie, I love your story about the “queens”. Lord Byron could probably tell a few also. He lived quite a scandalous life and shocked a lot of people. His long poem “Don Juan” is very funny in places, naughty too. Maybe I’ll look it over after Thanksgiving, I could use a good laugh.
Is anyone else failing to have their info be automatically entered on the Leave a Reply form? Apparently the latest version of my browser doesn’t do something the same as the previous one… and both allow(ed) cookies.
Jackie, and Ghost, the Times-Picayune has compiled a list of 175 Thanksgiving recipes on their website. Here is the link:
Symply peeking then I’m Fargone…
Symply Fargone, I’ve been wondering what has become of you! You’re only peeking? You come right back and stay a while, please.
Trucker Ron, several episodes of my “cookies” disappearing for no reason I could see, happened a few weeks ago, hasn’t happened for a while. My information on this site and on GoComics and on Facebook, others too, all vanished and I had to type them in again. Pain in the neck. Hope you make out okay.
Symply! Come on in and sit a spell, won’t you?
Ghost, thanks! I do love collecting recipes, and you’ve put up some good ones.
I did see a reference on TDS this morning to a rather nasty comment made by someone, but the comment itself was missing. It’s good to know that someone over there is making the attempt to keep things a bit nicer over there.
I hope everyone in The Village and their various relatives has a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!
Good morning Villagers….
On TDS, there was a poster who was very mean, and one comment she/he made was way too below the belt. I am glad she/he is gone.
So Jackie, I couldn’t fool you with the name “Spent Hen”? This morning I feel like it, I have allergies also and they are worse in the morning. My husband bought me some Musinex and cough syrup. I take a couple of generic Benedryl before bedtime each night. Take care of yourself because you need to take care of Mike. I’m glad your daughter is there with you.
GR π they say that the only two surviving things after a nuclear holocaust will be cockroaches and Keith Richards. π
And Simply, where have you Fargone at?
New tires today, new tires today, new tires today….broke tomorrow, broke tomorrow broke tomorrow……….., I love my Izuzu Rodeo Sport…but I’ve never have taken the top off, she has a roll bar in it too…..maybe some day
ya’ll have a blessed day
….emb, they have links on the top of the page to other pics of celebrities, dogs, memes (what ever that is).
Important List
. The most destructive habit. Worry
. The greatest Joy. Giving
. The greatest loss. Loss of Self-Respect
. The most satisfying work. Helping Others
. The ugliest personality trait. Selfishness
. The most endangered species. Dedicated Leaders
. Our greatest natural resource. Our Youth
. The greatest ‘shot in the arm’. Encouragement
. The greatest problem to overcome. Fear
. The most effective sleeping pill. Peace of Mind
. The most crippling failure disease. Excuses
. The most powerful force in life. Love
. The most dangerous pariah. A Gossiper
. The world’s most incredible computer. The Brain
. The worst thing to be without. Hope
. The deadliest weapon. The Tongue
. The two most power-filled words. “I Can”
. The greatest asset. Faith
. The most worthless emotion. Self Pity
. The most beautiful attire. A Smile
. The most prized possession. Integrity
. The most powerful channel of communication. Prayer
. The most contagious spirit. Enthusiasm
. The most important thing in life. God
author unknown
today’s grin
And I don’t have to do the math anymore… just told me it is 25 degrees colder than it was this time yesterday……yay!!!!!!!
Thank you for the important list Debbe! I saved it in my notes on my iPad and printed it out for good measure. Wear your Carharts!
I don’t understand why people riot when the legal system doesn’t produce the result they desire. It seems to me that people’s protests and the rioting are based on their feelings and preconceptions, not the legal evidence. In Ferguson, Missouri, the 12 people that heard the available evidence have said the policeman should not be tried for criminal action. Because of that there were cars and businesses burned or otherwise destroyed. How much of that property was owned by blacks, or how many of the people at risk were black?
It is clear that as a society we still have much to do addressing race equality. I grew up in a racist South, where there was no equality. Since then there have been HUGE strides. Many of those changes were initiated with peaceful protests. More were the result of hard work and perseverance. None of the gains were ever achieved with riots.
I don’t know the skin color of anyone here in the village, I don’t care. I am European/Amerind genetically and I live, have worked, and worship with people of many colors. Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Europeans are living together successfully. I hope that the current unrest doesn’t somehow undermine that progress.
There is obviously an issue between police and young black men. I don’t know why that is– I’m an old, sick man and I don’t have any experience on the current streets. I can say that the young black men I do know are polite and productive members of society. The police officers I know of all colors are hardworking, honest, law enforcers. There is a disconnect somewhere, but it is beyond me. My supposition is that there are some bad kids and some bad cops. I have to trust our system to deal with those problems as they occur. It doesn’t seem like armed insurrection is yet required to regain the people’s rights.