Someone requested more of the “Vince” strips. I did get sort of distracted after I began this story arc. After beginning it, I was reminded looking through the old stuff that Vince was something of a recurring character in the spring of 1993, a sounding board for Janis. All the arcs are similar in nature, so I have abandoned chronological order and for the rest of the week will offer what I call “The Best of Vince.”

Male Bonding Does Not Involve Duct Tape
By Jimmy Johnson
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293 responses to “Male Bonding Does Not Involve Duct Tape”
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Debbe 😉 Wow. Having one’s car egged in the parking lot of a hen house…what are the odds? 🙂
The gag about the people’s cats seeing them naked made me think of some of the things Ludwig must have seen around Casa Day, especially in the bedroom. In fact, I believe that’s been the subject of several A&J cartoons. 😉
I don’t want to start any blasphemous rumors, but… Vince reminds me of present-day Gene…
I never liked Vince. Maybe I’m too loyal to Arlo?
Is it just me or does Vince resemble Gene?
Reposted from 0810, before JJ switched comics:
-2F on the cheap thermometer attached by suction cups to a triple pane window. But they predict possible above freezing this weekend: +34 or so. That’s when it will get messy. About 4? on the ground now.
GR6: . . . I believe that’s been the subject of several A&J cartoons.
Don’t recall all 3/4 panels, but think I remember Janis shutting Ludwig out of the bedroom and saying, ‘He stares!’
Whoops: 4″. emb
We had one who was a nipper. 😉
Wow, I go off for a few minutes and miss a whole new post and the conversation on the pros and cons of mushroom soup-which I do happen to like, by the way.
Ghost Sweetie, your kitchen is WAYYY more organized than mine. And I have to admit, I have only two soup pots. I do, however, own a Kitchenaid stand mixer, two tube pans, two bundt pans, and half a dozen standard baking sheets. I also have three full-sized baking sheets. They all live on a shelf in the garage as I have no under-the-stove storage. Why is that, you ask? Because this is my stove:—60-inW-6-Burners-1-Standard-Width-Oven-1-Bakers-Width-Oven-24-in-Manual-Griddle-and-Broiler-c181p21489.html?gclid=CO2oibS_icICFSIV7AodwQQAMg
And I agree that Vince looks a lot like Gene.
Jean dear 😉 My first thought at seeing the photo of your stove (somehow, that word seems inadequate; “food preparation center”, perhaps?) was, “Wouldn’t one be concerned that a burglar might just roll your FPC out the door and be off with it?”.
Then, of course, I recalled that you live on a mountain, which might cause the miscreants a certain number of problems, not the least of which would be starting down your driveway with it and not being able to stop. Also, I suspect they would have to bring four gorillas and a Super Duty pickup with them, rendering them rather conspicuous, especially on top of a north Georgia mountain.
Of course, I’m actually just jealous that you have a “stove” that could cook most anything and commute to boot. What kind of mileage does that thing get? 🙂
Keep the Cadillacs, Lexis, Mercedes, that is what I always wanted.
Have stove, will travel. Jean must be a hit when she pulls into the RV park with that stove hitched to the rear of the Winnie. If she starts serving biscuits and beans we might have to call her Mrs. Wishbone. 😉
About telling your kids about walking to school in the snow, when my daughter was in her teens she and I went to a gallery showing. Turns out owner was one of my old boy friends and prominent primitive painting/art expert. She said why didn’t I marry him, since obviously he remembered me but I hadn’t remembered him? I said it was because I thought he was going to be a social worker and I didn’t want to stay poor!
One of his employees wanted to know if I had really known him as a kid? I said yes, why? They wanted to know if he had really had to hoe and pick cotton because the rows got longer and the sacks heavier with every telling!
Love, Jackie
With Trapper Jean’s stove, Jackie’s barbeque smoker and Ghost’s kitchenware ya’ll could set up your own restaurant! Call it Gene’s place.
Mark, how about “Mary Lou’s Cafe A-Go-Go?”
Jean did you have to put fire protection in walls behind the stove when you built/installed it? That and the fact I never got to build my dream house was reason I never got one.
My dream house, by the way, is a 3/4 scale model of Beauvoir in Biloxi, MS. I still own the plans as they were never built and were ours, not architects. I doubt daughter will ever build it as she likes more grandiose designs!
Beauvoir is my favorite Southern home. I hated that Katrina took it out but glad it has been rebuilt.
Love, Jackie
Wow, what a stove – it would fill up a third of my kitchen! Very nice! I’ve got my two daughters, sons-in-law, and 8 grandchildren coming to stay next week for Thanksgiving; that is when I begin to wish for more pots and pans, a larger stove, and a larger fridge! But, since it’s only two of us for the majority of the time, we just make-do and manage to get everybody fed somehow! 😉
OF site overcast, may be getting ready. Little wind, no bison.
Granny Carol, that is true! It might actually fill my office, if not my present kitchen. My dream house has a full wood fireplace in kitchen, fireplace in master bedroom, a separate bedroom sitting room with fireplace, big double hall from front porch, formal dining and formal living room, a real wine cellar, entire upstairs for children’s/guest bedrooms, children’s family room. Without looking I can’t say about bathrooms and laundry but I remember it had construction that involved hurricane proof pier foundations and steel superstructure, bottom floor/garage had fold up sides to let the water go UNDER the house and working doors and windows like original plantations to bolt down.
Well, that’s a little trip down Memory Lane I haven’t made in a long, long time! I have been leaving Jimmy’s Sunday cartoon about Arlo thinking that he didn’t know how his life would turn out when he was young. That is to remind me we never know how things are going to end up, not even from one day to next.
All because of a stove I had forgotten I ever coveted!
Love, Jackie
During my recent travels in Alabama I saw no fields of corn, zero, zip, nada. Plenty of cotton though. Are they paying not to grow corn now? Re the Frank Lloyd Wright house in Florence I found it extremely interesting because the inside is very very much like the house my wife’s father built in Tallahassee the same year, 1939. The main difference is that the quality of the Tallahassee house was much better. Wright only did the designing and his work was known for not translating well into practical buildings. I asked my wife and she said that the house was built to her mother’s directions and yes she had studied Wright’s work. We heard a rumor that there was a Wright house in Pensacola in a certain area so we did a search. We found an extremely likely candidate. I can’t believe that it isn’t but officially there is no Wright home in Pensacola. Some day when I’m in Pensacola I’m going to knock on the door and see what I can find out.
Oh yes, the Wright house in Alabama is mostly a reconstruction because the home had been condemned and was going to be torn down until the city had it rebuilt and turned into a museum.
Oh yes, the Wright house in Alabama is mostly a reconstruction because the home had been condemned and was going to be torn down until the city had it rebuilt and turned into a museum.
Oh yes, the Wright house in Alabama is mostly a reconstruction because the home had been condemned and was going to be torn down until the city had it rebuilt and turned into a museum.
Oh yes, the Wright house in Alabama is mostly a reconstruction because the home had been condemned and was going to be torn down until the city had it rebuilt and turned into a museum.