A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Meet the New Year…

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

I am of two minds about a new year. On one hand, it is an entirely arbitrary concept, for the first day of January is no different from any other day. It just so happens that in the system we have developed in the western world for keeping track of our solar progression, that particular day represents a starting place. You’ve got to start somewhere, right? For most of human history and in some cultures now, the day which we call January 1 doesn’t represent even that. On the other hand, I think a day to be reminded of time’s ephemeral nature is not a bad thing. To pause and reflect, to remember, to resolve to improve and do better: this is not wasted wool-gathering. If by some fantastic construct the Gregorian calendar had no annual renewal, I think it would be wise to invent a holiday devoted to the promise and the peril of the concept we call time. I suppose that’s exactly what we’ve done, and that’s my point.

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38 responses to “Meet the New Year…”

  1. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    This is a favorite strip as it is so true. Our move was quite an adventure for our cats as they are indoor cats and have an aversion to car rides. They were certainly spooked by the move, but once they figured out that the furniture was the same and that we were not leaving, they have started to grow accustomed to the place. They also reinforced the concept that a house is a house, but a home is something more. I’m sure that they have already forgotten their old digs.

    Good luck in your new home, Steve. — JJ

  2.  Avatar

    I love this strip Jimmy. Good morning. I am pushing a concept I borrowed from a temporary sign in front of a church, “life doesn’t have a remote, you have to get up and change it yourself.”

  3. John in Richmond Texas Avatar
    John in Richmond Texas

    I have a real reset restart time, as wife died a year ago this week, I know someone else here has been through the same thing. I started the year 15 pounds lighter than a year ago, that was a nice start, I’m at 175, right under 6′. I need to tighten my middle up a bit, but still look good in a suit. Have some good female companionship and have joined various social groups and do museum volunteering. So this year, I have to get in a routine or pattern of my favorite groups and activities and not be scattered and decide if I still want to be in a big house by myself. It’s like my “life shuffling” is now my regular life and how I live, but I’m good with it; it’s who I am now. My “hopefully real” girlfriend introduced me to Bill Bryson with “A Walk in the Woods” – why didn’t someone tell me about him before? and always I check here daily or more

  4. minnesotadon Avatar

    HUH? WOW! Jimmy that is deep thinking!

  5.  Avatar

    John life gives us lots of restarts buT most people don’t avail themselves of them

  6. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    John: Is the “hopefully real” girlfriend a reference to the movie Tootsie? I am glad that you really made positive strides this year after such a significant disruption in your life. As many others on the blog can attest….Change isn’t usually easy, but life is all about changes.

    Thanks Jimmy for the good wishes.

  7. sandcastler™ Avatar

    I agree with minnesotadon, deep thinking. Guess it is okay occasionally, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your comedic timing.

  8. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    So if today were simply known as “Day Number 725,375”, we’d have still had Day Number 725,371 off work to watch college bowl games?

    Seriously, I seemed to notice a paucity, nay, an absence of mention of “New Year’s resolutions” among the Villagers. Are they falling out of vogue? As I’ve said before, I don’t make them, my reasoning being that if a significant change needs to be made in your life, you should implement that change immediately; and that if it’s so unimportant that it can wait for a particular date for implementation, it likely won’t get accomplished anyway.

    Not that I have anything against introspection…I do that all the time, just not obsessively.

  9. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    So Ghost are you assuming that A.D. (In the Year of our Lord) would begin when Christ started his ministry at age 30? 725,371 divided by 365.25 is about 1986. However the calendar is not an exact science and has been “tweaked” often through out the years. But you are probably very close.

    Today is my 21,564th day on earth. Didn’t JJ have an interesting strip on how to calculate Arlo’s age?

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Actually, Steve, I assumed that Siri would come up with a reasonable answer when I asked her, “How many days since the beginning of the Christian Era?” 🙂

  11. sandcastler™ Avatar

    In a short 47 days our household will bid farewell to the year of The White Buffalo and welcome the year of The Wayward Turkey. No resolutions will be made until after the ritual wine drinking and hot tubbing.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    sand, at that point, don’t forget to date your checks The Wayward Turkey, instead of The White Buffalo.

  13.  Avatar

    Ghost, if people will do anything to change or not do anything to change, no date in the world will have any effect on the accomplishment, it comes from within.

  14. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Good one, Ghost!

  15. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe 😉 Did someone call for a Hero, ma’am?


  16. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    “life doesn’t have a remote, you have to get up and change it yourself.”
    I am keeping this

    MANY tears ago I made a New Years Resolution not to make New Years Resolutions
    It is one Resolution I have not broken (there are no others so I am OK there too)

    It was not that long ago that the New Year started March 1 hence September
    October November December (7,8,9,10)

    Our Tippy was a feral (which MBH got so he would stay around us)- when he became the only outside cat we took pity upon him an let him on porch during coldest time. He must have talked to the others because soon he was sneaking in the house(unsuccessfully) – A local Vet has a Barn Cat fixing (or breaking if you will) at less that 1/2 price.- Now he has the run of the place, probably the smartest of the group. Will not sit on my lap (does with BH ) but in bed has to lay against me or on me. We have “3 cat nights”.

    Dad “stepped on the rainbow” 17 years Jan. 4, I still talk to him.

    Write “The Wayward Turkey” on a dozen checks that way you will not forget.

  17.  Avatar

    Old Bear I think you and your better half and I would get along fine!

    Most of the outside cats are inside cuddling in my clean laundry. I have to get a heated kitty house put up on porch for those that won’t come in. Must Remember to search for one on net. I had a cat cupboard on porch for ages but the feral ones were skittish of closed doors so ended up draping with a heavy comforter but I worried about fires and electricution in rain and snow.

    Wish I could post a photo of the endless buffet breakfast at Golden Corral Pig out Parlor for Kitties (Hal inserted the word breakfast, not me) I put it on Mindy Facebook page. There are rows of patio bistro tables on my long porch and a cat on each eating a can of tasty treats in gravy.

  18. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    I built cat house – insulated 6 sides (4″ expanded foam)

    2 port holes double glazed

    6″ round port for entrance

    Carpeted – with inside balcony

    Covered front porch

    If there are 2 or more cats it does not need heat.

    it is 24 X 40 inches inside.

    top insulation removes for ventilation in summer.

    A 60Watt incandescent bulb is all you need for heat
    put it behind a wire hardware cloth 1/4 or 1/2 inch spaces
    If you want use a line voltage thermostat with low settings
    the kind that turn on block heaters on cars or stock tank heaters.

  19.  Avatar

    This is a note for John. I got an invitation to go sandhill crane watching at the Lighthouse Inn, the cranes were back along with a lot of other marine birds in water to view. Lighthouse is in Aransas Bay and a lovely water front boutique hotel. I have stayed there of couse. This is a great deal that includes rooms with pool and garden access, a trip out on bay to see birds, credit in dining room, package is good and you also get good breakfast buffet. Add on additional days for $99 a night.

    I am not suggesting you go with me, I am suggesting you invite your might be girl friend for a very romantic bird watching trip, something she has probably never done. If you aren’t yet to this stage you are moving very slowly but I promise, this is kind of road trip to get points for being outdoors, romantic, sophisticated cool guy and it is an easy drive from Richmond and a much nicer hotel than you’d get going to somewhere like Bermuda.

    There are a couple of guys I might consider for this except they are intrigued by my feisty, cheeky personality but more so by my assets. Since both have their own money, it’s not my monetary assets!

  20. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “… a very romantic bird watching trip”? I guess I don’t understand romance as well as I thought I did. 🙂

  21. TruckerRon Avatar

    Maybe it’s bird watching you don’t understand as well as you thought you did. Birders can be an interesting group (at least Conan thought so)…


  22.  Avatar

    David had expressed interest in a sandhill crane trip uo to Nebraska I believe last year on the Platte River. I have been there done that. He had invited or wanted to invite a lady friend. I have also been to The Lighthouse Inn which is considered one of the most romantic hotels in Texas. It is luxury hotel and most people in Texas are familiar with it. A date would be impressed to be taken there.

    If he met this lady hiking and doing outdoor things, Aransas Bay is charming beach town full of interesting things to do she’d like. It is actually The Lighthouse Inn at Aransas Bay in Rockport, Texas, great private pool, restaurant looks out over water too. Or they could lock themselves in room with private balcony and rocking chairs and look at water.

    And to add elements of what Ghost considers romantic break out some champagne, throw some rose petals on the king sized bed, give her the brief pajamas with edible fabrics and hope the birds fly by at some point. You might bring your own music, I don’t remember music in room but they had fluffy robes.

    Sorry Ghost, you were asking for this. LOL I may decide to call that rancher after all.

  23. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    …and we have heat, to the tune of $210….but we have heat, Amen.

    Old Bear, you have one good memory there, or an excellent filing system. Love the look on the cat’s face.

    We have three indoor cats, one wanna be inside cat (she actually belongs to the neighbor) and one innie/outie. I don’t know what it is, but my Big Boy Buddee loves to lay against the hallway walls on his back…..

    ….an auger came out. I was checking feed in troughs, all four tiers, all give units. Feeding time was over, and I walked past aisle two…..’clean up in aisle two”. Thankfully, it went out at the end of the feeding. I have a new co-worker, Jonathon (Andrew is in jail, and probably wont be out for a while….long story), but I assisted. He kicked that ‘snake’ and she recoiled back into auger…..with just a few feet left in the aisle. He will be my maintenance man, and boy do I have a list. Had to move two cages of hens, water junction leaks, but first I had to dry them off. Have I mentioned antiquated here before????? I know I haven’t mentioned Jonathon is nice to look at and very respectful…plus a hard worker. He’s been with the Boss for more than 10 years.

    David, set up your own pace with what makes you comfortable. I met my husband about three months after his wife died. She died from liver failure. I was very hesitant about dating him as it had only been three months. He told me that he mourned her death while she was dying, liver failure is a horrible death. And that God did not intend for man to live alone. He told himself that he would give himself three months, and then start a new life. We married nine months after I meant him.

    Jackie, when I was head of housekeeping, I hated those stinking rose petals, and cleaning the hot tub……and there never was a tip. I usually helped the girls when we had “one of those rooms”!

    ya’ll have a blessed

    gotta get work clothes out of dryer soon…..

  24. Debbe Avatar

    GR 😉 …let’s give it a shot….