I want to wish you all a happy and prosperous 2015. There’s just something about those multiples of 5, isn’t there? They just have to be special. I want to thank all of you who read Arlo & Janis, whether in the newspapers or online. You make my life as I know it possible. You probably don’t think of it that way, but I do. I will continue to do the best I can. Also, I thank those of you who come here to my own Web site. I’m tempted to say, “the usual gang of idiots,” but I don’t want to offend those of you who were not readers of “Mad Magazine” in your youth. As for the Web site, I think I can promise this will be the year of bigger and better. Please stick around.

Not Again!
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
203 responses to “Not Again!”
I think I’ve posted this before, but my favorite Neil Gaiman quote rings in the New year:
“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”
Happy New Year Mr. J.
Thanks for making me smile every day
Here’s wishing all a happy, prosperous and healthy 2015!!
Thanks Jimmy for all of the entertainment. And yes I am sticking around to see what the next year brings.
Happy New Year to the A&J family. Mr. Jimmy, thank you for another wonderful year.
To completely change the subject, todays’s Outback Bowl is between a site favorite, Auburn, and my alma mater, Wisonsin. Go Bucky!
Roll on Tide!
Go Tigers!
Mr Jimmy, I’d hate to start a day without seeing what you saw when you peeked at us through the windows. Makes the day Symply start off right and with just the correct amount of Fargone twist to make me feel like we were together thinking them up. Here’s to you and a great 2015 too!
Thank you, Mr. J and much love, Jackie Monies
LOVE the changing of the copyright! Or should it be copyWRITE? I’m sure one of the “usual gang of idiots” will explain why…or NOT.
Don’t worry about possibly offending any of us. We are your friends and we have similar warped senses of humor.
Watching the Rose Parade, makes me think of my Mom. When Purdue went in 2001, my wife insisted that I go and take our son who was a HS Senior. While waiting a Detroit radio newsman was interviewing people (the LA Auto Show was about the same time) and I told him about my Mom & how I wish she was watching it with me. A few minutes later my brother (with a borrowed cell phone) called me. He was standing less than a block away. I told him Mom brought us together to watch the parade with her. Interesting fact is that I assumed that there would be a strong aroma to the parade. There really wasn’t…. except for the occasional horse!
Happy New Year and God Bless each of you and your families. Praying for health and happiness.
I’m sure you meant “the usual gang of idiots” in the best possible way, as it did in Mad magazine. For those who never look back (at least to “yesterday’s” blog)…
Ghostly Observation #1 – It is better to have a Happy New Year than not. So, Happy New Year everyone.
And yes, this danged place does have a way of becoming part of one’s life, doesn’t it?
Bama Boy, what time is the flag drop?
Offended by ‘The Usual Gang of Idiots’? What, me worry?
How about “the same rowdy crowd that was here last night is back again”? It’s from a David Bromberg song called “Sharon” available on fine YouTube everywhere. Since Arlo & Janis uncannily track our lives, I figure you must remember Bromberg, one of the finest small venue performers I’ve ever seen. He can play anything with a string on it, including your shoes.
War Eagle!
Happy New Year y’all, may your blessings be many, disappointments and heartaches be few, and God’s favor rest on you.
(All of the lyrics to The Oasis)-Garth Brooks.
Not much of a football fan but I do like the bands. Every December Winter Park sponsors a parade and “Battle of the Bands” featuring the marching bands from the colleges that will be playing later that day in the Russell Athletic Bowl in neighboring Orlando. It’s a lot of fun even if you have no connection to either of the schools. Wisconsin was here a few years ago and put on our favorite show so far.
Happy New Year to this terrific band of misfits 🙂
Ruth Anne, One of the things that I miss are the halftime shows at the Orange Bowl and the Rose. I also remember admiring the Cowgirls kicking in Dallas at the Cotton Bowl and Cowboy games (before the Cheerleaders), That was a more innocent time.
Sometimes wish they could simulcast it so if you didn’t want to see the talking heads, you could enjoy the show.
Watching the Purdue band in the Rose Parade gave me chills.
Idiots is as idiots does! Happy New Year to All!
Smiles and love to all!
A happy, healthy, and prosperous 2015 to all! I don’t comment often, but A&J are one of my favorite online families and I come here every day. Keep up the great work.
Happy New Year, on this page too.
Idiots? Been called worse, so will take it as a compliment.
Watching NHL Winter Classic while pot roast is roasting and apple pie baking.
Later all.
From this idiot, keep peeking in our windows so we can laugh at ourselves.
I see no one here has mentioned New Year’s resolutions. Good! As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t believed in ’em, I don’t make ’em. If you decide some action is important enough to undertake, you should implement it at the decision point, not on some arbitrary date. And it’s totally a coincidence that today is the day I have gone back to strictly tracking my food intake under my Weight Watchers plan. 🙂
I really didn’t bust my diet, holiday-style, but what with spending so much time looking after my Mom in recent months, I did get off track with my eating and had little time for proper exercise. I gained seven pounds over a period of time during which I should had lost four, so I consider it a net gain of eleven. But don’t worry…I’ll soon be bragging about losing those eleven. 🙂
Round up the usual suspects! Love, jackie
TruckerRon, I’m so sorry for your loss. Even when you know what is coming, you are never truly ready. Prayers for you and your family.
And thank you, Jimmy…when I count up my blessings, you are one of them! (And the denizens of the Village are a bunch more!)
A peaceful, healthy, and joyful New Year to all! May you come closer to being the person your dog thinks you are!