I want to wish you all a happy and prosperous 2015. There’s just something about those multiples of 5, isn’t there? They just have to be special. I want to thank all of you who read Arlo & Janis, whether in the newspapers or online. You make my life as I know it possible. You probably don’t think of it that way, but I do. I will continue to do the best I can. Also, I thank those of you who come here to my own Web site. I’m tempted to say, “the usual gang of idiots,” but I don’t want to offend those of you who were not readers of “Mad Magazine” in your youth. As for the Web site, I think I can promise this will be the year of bigger and better. Please stick around.

Not Again!
By Jimmy Johnson
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203 responses to “Not Again!”
Jimmy, take solace in the fact that you weigh less than the Wisconsin kicker…
Nobody has mentioned black-eyed peas! I just finished a bowl of black-eyed peas cooked with ham hock. Hope everyone has a pleasant holiday.
Congratulations to Auburn on a hard fought game. Taking Wisconsin into OT was quite the accomplishment.
Jackie, around here rounding up the “unusual suspects” might be more accurate. 🙂
Gee, David, I didn’t think anyone needed to mention black eyed peas on New Years’s Day. (I almost made a bad joke about The Black Eyed Peas hip-hop group, but I resisted.) I hope you also had some cabbage. Remember, the rule is black eyed peas = luck and cabbage = money in the new year. Oh, and corn bread, because…black eyed peas and cabbage.
Oops, the “Anonymous” above was me posting this:
TruckerRon, I’m so sorry for your loss. Even when you know what is coming, you are never truly ready. Prayers for you and your family.
And thank you, Jimmy…when I count up my blessings, you are one of them! (And the denizens of the Village are a bunch more!)
A peaceful, healthy, and joyful New Year to all! May you come closer to being the person your dog thinks you are!
Daughter and I went to my mom and aunt’s favorite restauranr where they ate lunch everyday-and had their own reserved table, Do not ask how this is done in a seat yourself Southern meat and three establishment! I wanted to give their wait. ress one last tip from mom but she was off today.
cWe had blackeyed peas, turnip greens, cabbage, ham hocks, corn bread, fried catfish and baked corn casserole plus the best and only pecan pie cobbler I have ever eaten. There were more things but we didn’t eat them and a salad bar and drink all included for 7.99. Only in the South!
Love, Jackie
I forgot the batter fried fresh green beans. And mashed potatoes and rice and gravy and swiss steak.
Ghost, I made the Polish version of black eyed peas and cabbage: golabki. 😉
Oh, Jackie, that sounds so good!
I had potato salad and lasagna. (I’m hoping that equals meeting a cute guy with an Italian accent. 🙂 )
I fixed pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and homemade apple pie; hoping Loon returns the favor tonight. 😉
We always have black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day. But this year will just have veggies/dip and maybe a ham/salami with cheese sandwich.
Had stove top popcorn last night, so might do a repeat tonight. Not healthy. Cook in bacon grease,butter, olive oil with a splash of water as the heat cooks the kernels. Then I spray butter the cooked popcorn. And take my statin drug…
Lady Mindy, I hope you don’t meet an ugly guy with an Irish accent. 😉
I’ll take cute guy with Irish accent too…
Son # 2+wife and mini-dachshund just left for home after feeding son # 1+wife and me pork covered w/ spiced apples + 2x baked potatoes and peas [not black eyed]. Wife # 1 had baked brownies. I had my first w/coffee and my 2nd w/ van. ice cream. We will have fix it yourself light suppers.
Will pick up a smoked goldie at Morey’s en route home tomorrow. They have two tables outside for summer use: The Tables Down at Morey’s. Once took a Kodachrome of sons’ mother there. [Speelczech recognizes neither goldie nor Kodachrome.]
Light snow this morning, but likely not enough to make driving difficult.
Peace, emb
emb – I had to read that a couple times to figure out how many people you dined with. Glad you enjoyed dinner. Go for a third brownie, warmed, with ice cream, coffee, AND caramel sauce for me, will you?
Happiest of New Year’s to all. Been a difficult holiday season for us (mom in hospital, 3 stents later home and grumpy). I have SO enjoyed this week with A&J and friends. Has made me smile numerous times, so thanks. I needed that. I shall now go back behind the curtain and enjoy the show.
OK, Lady Mindy, how about a cute guy who is fluent in ASL?
Actually, for several months while my sister was on a ventilator in the hospital, about 75% of our communication was by ASL. I got a book and a set of flash cards, and we both picked up on some key phrases pretty quickly. (Not that I have any allusions I could carry on much of a conversation with an ASL-fluent deaf person or an ASL translator.) I hope to have time to work on it some more in the near future.
Ruth Anne and Steve, I too miss the days when they used to show the band routines. Your simulcast idea is a great one.
JJ: Sorry about Auburn’s loss today.
During the Rose Parade, I heard one of the airheads refer to the Clemson Tide. Really.
Jimmy – Been following your website since 2004, don’t think I’ll stop now.
Hard to think it’s been around over 10 years.
They actually showed the bands at the Rose Bowl game. Of course that was when I went to the kitchen and made dinner. But I heard it.
Debbe, here’s a nice bluesy song for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NITSpcWduvA&list=PLC7E6l-5hG62Ubworoblr-HaAM72foPsq&index=12
Cold and rainy night and day here. Yet it is only 41 and miserable cold. Why is that? This always happens in LA so I brought my faux fur coat. Need my knee boots to go with it. Like rubber. Foul weather gear.
Sorry about Auburn JJ.Goodnight Village.
Love, Jackie
Happy New Year All
Watch the Rose Parade on RFD-TV no air heads.
Watched 8 Soccer games simultaneously compliments of Premiere League on NBCS.
Alfred E. was my hero
I always suspected it would take eight soccer games to equal the excitement of one football game. 🙂