I want to wish you all a happy and prosperous 2015. There’s just something about those multiples of 5, isn’t there? They just have to be special. I want to thank all of you who read Arlo & Janis, whether in the newspapers or online. You make my life as I know it possible. You probably don’t think of it that way, but I do. I will continue to do the best I can. Also, I thank those of you who come here to my own Web site. I’m tempted to say, “the usual gang of idiots,” but I don’t want to offend those of you who were not readers of “Mad Magazine” in your youth. As for the Web site, I think I can promise this will be the year of bigger and better. Please stick around.

Not Again!
By Jimmy Johnson
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What’s old is old, again
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203 responses to “Not Again!”
Unfortunately we are part of that “legacy” – something I hope they teach in history,
do they still teach about “Tea Pot Dome”?
There is a 15min halftime – but yes, when my wife (she is the true soccer fan) leaves the room there is a score. There was one match this morning 7 – nil.
Amazing Grace – the tune I love and hate. I can not sing it because the “pipes” close.
We used to have 4 or 5 birds try to get in a nest 8X12X8high voluntarily.
I just have to believe that little girl’s parents led her in just the right direction.
That little girl’s father…an experienced commercial pilot and CFI (that sounds familiar)…I’m sure he did everything he could to save his baby girl, before and after the crash.
Blonde female MIT student with killer good looks…wasn’t she in several Doonesbury story arcs? 🙂
Loon let the wind out of my sailing tale. 🙁
GR6, CFI? Sounds like a CSI or NCSI spinoff. Doing a Google search of CFI returns amongst otherwise: flooring installer, forensic interview, and patient positioning for xrays.
“Aging parents” above = mixed feelings, including anger but also forgiveness, and guilt plus gratitude. Others have had much worse folks, and I’ve not been the best parent in the world [wife was much better, but had less reason for ambivalence / her folks].
Turns out her mom had reason for her personality limitations. Once told us more about a childhood problem than she intended. Wife’s mom had three older brothers. Once we mentioned that we’d left our daughter at home with her two older brothers for an hour or two: “Don’t you EVER leave XX alone with her XYs!” We didn’t explore further, but we’d learned something / why Grandma was difficult.
My Dad and both wife’s folks died while in another loving [+/-] adult’s care. My widowed Mom had moved to this town when she had her first stroke and was visited in “the Rehab” every day possible by one or another of the five of us until she died 14 mo. later. Daughter usually visited accompanied by another prof’s daughter whose grandma was also in the Rehab. I was one of the other woman’s pallbearers. After my Mom died, Director of Nurses at the Rehab thanked me for the girls’ visits. Apparently, they visited all the receptive patients, spreading much joy.
Danny Boy [Londonderry Air, music written / an Englishman]: Clancy Bros. and Tommy Makem derided it some on one of their LPs, as something naïve audiences expected of them. They were a robust group. Used to sing some of their jollier songs, + PPM and Stanley Holloway, while on car trips.
CFI = Certificated Flight Instructor…a very expensive piece of paper.
“Dumb blonde” stereotype. My major regret in that vein was my niece [only 4 years my junior], = gorgeous brunette. When she graduated HS, my older [by a generation] half brother said she should be a secy. or some such until Mr. Right came along, just as her wonderful mother had done until Bro came along. Niece did, three kids, boy-boy-girl, same order as ours, each one yr. younger / ours.
Niece was clearly Bachelor’s, Master’s, or even Doctoral potential, but bro had successfully supported a full-time homemaker and three kids, and a woman’s place was in the home. She did, in fact excel at that, but could have done much more.
Peace, emb
GR6, thanks!
No Sunday Night Football…the horror. Reduced to watching reruns of “Prospectors” on TWC to see if Amanda’s boobs have gotten larger and if the camera crew has devised new ways to get “down blouse” shots of them. It’s amazing out there.
Debbe – Possible eight inches of snow tonight – I might need to borrow those Carhart’s to shovel in the morning. (5am?!) Night all. I’m headed to bed and dreaming of a tropical paradise with no melodramatic employees. Night all!
Mindy from Indy, and a cute guy with an Italian accent? Goodnight and pleasant dreams. If you want warm, move south. We have convenience stores down here too.
And temp’s predicted for around 20 Tuesday morning.
I haven’t had the chance to catch up here since October. I made a point of doing so over the holidays. It was depressing to hear about the sick, the dying and the dead. Jackie and TruckerRon, my condolences. The outpouring of support for all involved was most impressive.
We took both my mother and MIL out for lunch on Boxing day. They are 350 miles away from us so we don’t get down there too often. After reading this blog, I feel like we should try and do it a bit oftener.
Good morning Villagers…..
Welcome back Gary…do stop in here more often too.
Indy Mindy, my Carharts are full body, and will be worn every day this week. Wednesday’s night low….zero. We’re not getting any snow though.
I don’t do well in cold weather that is blowing in today….mentally and physically. I never got around to ordering those insoles either, Llee had posted the link. I have to go hen house supply shopping this afternoon…..cleaning supplies, I use a lot of Clorox.
Old Bear, our cages are 64 square inches….I don’t know, would that be 8 inches by 8 inches?
Jean…I’ve seen those little ‘houses’ on display log cabin style with a little front porch too. This place is 2100 square feet, and right now we need the room….Brother-in-law and nephew-in-law (Jason) are living with us….again. Jason starts a new job today, building a house…..he’s excited.
GR 😉 I had read the article about the plane crash, and unfortunately some of the comments made below the article….people are such a-holes with rude comments. My prayers go out to that little girl.
Ya’l stay warm today.
Jackie, will you be traveling today? If so….stay safe.
Jerry, stay warm. I’d stay in bed all day if I could. We got a new pillow top mattress, and I love it.
Going to an exercise class. Ugh.
Loon, looks like another generation of blondes is getting set up for more jokes. I wonder if Barbie went to MIT or CalTech?
After a rainy weekend today is bright and sunny, with temps in the 30s, and I understand that by the middle of the week we are going to be down in the teens. I’m thinking of getting several pairs of flannel lined blue jeans to wear when I walk my dog outside. I had some years ago when I worked in the shipping department of a computer company* and my work station was right in front of the loading bays. Flannel lined jeans, heavy socks and sweaters, and a space heater, and I was still cold!
*anybody remember DCA and the IRMA board?
I recall reading, many, many years ago, the assertion that women are more tolerant of cold temperatures than men, because the average female body has, proportionately, more insulating fat than the average male body. Oddly, I’ve not heard either of those claims made lately. 🙂
Ghost, there was the Mobile Bowl on ESPN last night (They call it GoDaddy, but I refuse)
Trapper Jean: I love my flannel-lined jeans, even though I only need them a couple of times a year, usually when visiting relatives north of Florida – much more comfortable and convenient than additional layers. Cold-wimp that I am, if I lived where you live, I might be tempted to get a pair lined with fleece 🙂
Trapper Jean, read this article, and you will see Barbie has come a long way from her origins. But it seems she has a hard time escaping her roots entirely!
-10F now, expected high 0, -9 tonight, +4 tomorrow.
I sent out the first Barbie URL, suggesting maybe it was time for her to follow Lt. Kije. Now I have to read Mark’s site.
Peace, emb
Thanks, Steve, but I’d only watch the G*D**** Bowl for the the Danica Patrick commercials. 🙂 And now it seems they are about to dump her.
Commercials! That reminds me, Liberty Mutual, I have seen the Statue of Liberty twice and I don’t need to see it on tv every 10 minutes.