Yes, a little more “Harvey.” Harvey the giant dust bunny has been featured twice in Arlo & Janis, and this strip was his very first appearance, in 1991. Don’t worry: I’m not going to put you through the entire series that followed, which lasted a week. I might, if I get around to it, post highlights from it over the weekend. I think a few of the gags were pretty good. I’ve always had fun with the “Harvey” idea, and I’m sure I’ve shown you this one on the Web before. Also over the weekend, I’m going to try to find some of that material we talked about earlier, the older stuff no one has seen since it appeared in newspapers. You wouldn’t believe how much a box of old cartoons can weigh!

Not More Harvey!
By Jimmy Johnson
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210 responses to “Not More Harvey!”
We picked all the green/assorted color pole and bush beans and two tiny cucumbers, some young greens. We are supposed to have a freeze tonight. I am hoping the sugar peas and the green beans survive, they still have tons of blossoms on both. Temps are to be back to lows in 60’s again next day!
Love, Jackie
OF due SOON 1708-1728 CDT.
The 2 guys at the W end of the benches are in touch w/ someone by cell, who is now watching them the same way we are. So they turn and wave now & then. Back to:\
Dear Jackie Monies, I sure hope your plants do NOT freeze; that would be so unfair, your part of the South isn’t supposed to be like that! Here in New Hampshire we have not had a frost yet this year; which I’ll admit is unusual. Weather sure does bounce around a lot!
Dear emb, Thank you for all the thermometer translations; most helpful.
The first time I heard about Old Faithful, I believe, was looking at the old black and white stereo cards with the Stereoscope viewer that my grandparents had. I’m pretty sure one of the views was this one. I still have this item, upstairs, and ought to get it out and look them over again.
It’s never the same. On again, off again, occasional moderate jets; I was about to write it off as a weak show. Then, at about 1730, past the end of the predicted window, one of the best, sustained eruptions I’ve seen.
No new prediction yet. Sardines on toast tonight, which I more often have for Fri. breakfast. Kitty likes it when I have sardines; he gets some of the liquid on his kibble.
Peace, emb
Somehow my last post went off into cyberspace. Oh well, just about feral cats! And the two new kittens.
I am getting all excited about my Spring garden already. I keep telling you, I am Janis! I buy seeds at this time of year on sale and get hundreds of packages, then I often mix them all together, like all varieties of green beans/pole type and plant a little heavier. Things I have a wide variety of, squash, cucumbers, bush beans, carrots, spinach, anything I have an assortment of, I do that.
Then should a variety fail to germinate well or grow or produce, it doesn’t much matter because something else will. Not to mention, it just looks so darned pretty! I figure we will be weeding out a lot of morning glories in Spring, as they came up among the green beans somehow?
If you’d like to try a raised bed garden, they are four feet wide and 12 inches tall or 18 inches if you can find treated lumber. You make them as long as you want but longer is better. Each has end cap trellis but there are multiple trellis sections in each bed, each at 8 feet. You don’t do true “rows” but I put something tall or slow growing in center, then two shorter somethings flanking the middle row.
The vertical trellis increase your growing space.
Love, Jackie
Yes! More Harvey!!!
I’d like to see the full intro. Harvey series. emb
In case you don’t see my reply to your reply of this morning.
No, that’s not what I was asking, and Mark has it.
I was actually making a joke.
(Pungent: a fellow who specializes in the juxtaposition of dissimilar ideas, often for humorous effect.)
Jimmy referred to The Who with his comment of “New boss, same as the old boss.”
“Who’s Next” was a best selling album when I was in my late teens, and the line comes from that album.
Jimmy and I are about the age.
Happy Halloween from snowy (yes, dammit all, SNOWY) Indiana. I say it’s the work of evil corporations trying to make an early profit on Christmas. Bah HUMBUG!
MfI, cheerup. Houston is forecast for 49° tonight and only a Saturday high of 67°. Having to breakout the long pants, light sweaters, and go back to wearing shoes.
We’ve had a bit of snow on the ground a few times, but so far it’s all melted by the evening or sometime next day. There have been years with persistent snow cover by Hallowe’en, but not recently. Last time I walked across Salisbury Plain, I flushed a few grasshoppers. 20s tonight, high 30s Sat. Juncos have been around a fe.w weeks, and have not left yet. A few Ring-billed Gulls are still here, probably some who summer well up in Manitoba. Bedtime.
Thanks for clearing that up, Outlander. Obviously not all my synapses were firing as well as I thought that early. 🙂
Lady Mindy, you obviously haven’t been paying attention. The snow there is obviously a feature of global warming. 🙂 Actually, as a pre-teen living a bit more to the north than I do now, I remember trick-or-treating on a Saturday night in short sleeves and awakening Sunday morning to find four inches of snow on the ground. I also remember, years later and many miles north of that (even further north than emb), a Halloween night blizzard that dumped 14 inches of the white stuff.
All-Hallows-Even haiku
werewolves howling now
goblins running all amuck
free rides on a ghost
Thanks for the haiku, Ghost. Now all we need is for someone to post “Little Orphan Annie” by James Whitcomb Riley ’cause the frost is gonna be on the punkin’ by tomorrow morning!
wonder how long before this is reality?
Jackie and emb, some thoughts you might appreciate. I’m not near Charlie’s age yet, but I agree with what he says.
This week, between doing sonly things for my Mom, I caught up on about three weeks of 9 Chickweed Lane episodes. My considered opinion is that 9CL has rented a boat; put out to sea; caught a shark; and jumped it.
Mark, thank you for Charlie Daniels’ soapbox rant on 78. Totally true, a wise man and good music as well.
Ghost, the man needs to allow comments on 9CL so he knows where the heck he lost the audience! Or that he has lost them?
Never, never in my history as a comics fan (or even a reader) have I pulled so strongly for the death of a character.
Love, Jackie
Mark, have you ever been in a Walmart pharmacy line when someone is trying to fill a prescription too soon, from out of state, that physician hasn’t called in refill on, insert any other reason here? I take but one pill that is for “stress relief” (who me, stressed?) but I take a pharmaceutical alphabet soup mix for the myriad other ailments.
Keeping them on a “current” schedule so that they go through smoothly is stressful in itself!
Oh, wait, I just got the joke!!
Love, Jackie
Good morning Villagers….
I love Janis’ look and hair in panel two above. Run with it Jimmy 🙂
Definite frost on the old pumpkin this morn….with a real feel of 25 degrees out there. Almost Carhart weather out there, the old zip, zip and more zip up weather.
Jackie, I clicked on Mark’s comic this morn too and caught today’s “no stress tabs”, but then I clicked on the back arrow and caught yesterday’s strip….yup, it could be a reality someday Mark. Wonder what kind of treats one would hand out?
Been following up on the internet my niece-in-law’s sister’s murder, and they have not arrested anyone yet, they have several suspects and one in particular…..I pray they solve this case soon.
Going into work today, and will have three teenage boys working, and it’s payback time. If they don’t replace the auger that came out yesterday, they’re going to be scraping chicken poop off the curtain backs 🙂 There are 4 rows of cages, and they are tiered with plastic on the back to catch the droppings, and after a while, they need scraped off…not a fun task.
happy Caterday
Important List
5. The ugliest personality trait, Selfishness
GR 😉 my finger is healing well. I still keep it covered at work, and it’s going to be a nasty scar. How’s your finger?
And I see that Mark’s broken hand/wrist is healing…..more Capitols 🙂
…and Mark, thanks for the Charlie Daniel’s link, going to bookmark it.