Yes, a little more “Harvey.” Harvey the giant dust bunny has been featured twice in Arlo & Janis, and this strip was his very first appearance, in 1991. Don’t worry: I’m not going to put you through the entire series that followed, which lasted a week. I might, if I get around to it, post highlights from it over the weekend. I think a few of the gags were pretty good. I’ve always had fun with the “Harvey” idea, and I’m sure I’ve shown you this one on the Web before. Also over the weekend, I’m going to try to find some of that material we talked about earlier, the older stuff no one has seen since it appeared in newspapers. You wouldn’t believe how much a box of old cartoons can weigh!

Not More Harvey!
By Jimmy Johnson
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210 responses to “Not More Harvey!”
Jackie, here is the building which was my first public library. The books were located throughout the first floor, never went higher than that. It could be somewhat spooky on quiet, dark days when there weren’t many people inside.
Thanks for your observation, Evan. New Year’s Eve falling on December 29th for Arlo adds additional evidence in support of a belief many of us here have held for some time…that the space-time continuum is very different in A&J’s world from what it is in ours.
sideburns: Sugar-free candy has its own hazards–if it’s sweetened with any of the sugar alcohols it can cause about 10% of us gastric distress. On behalf of the mothers who will not have to clean up such messes, I thank you for your restraint.
Mark, that is a really great looking house. My daughter would like it. We visit a lot of historic homes, while I have been to Tuscaloosa a few times haven’t gotten to any there.
Thinking about Halloween and scary houses, I just remembered one in New Orleans that we used for a preservation tour long ago when I lived there. It was Gothic and in shape of a cross, cruciform, dark and somber, all the furniture looked like it had come from a church. I was assigned to that one and we had done a lot of work on it, cleaning up yard and over grown bushes, taking out small objects from house that could be stolen.
It wasn’t even a Halloween tour but a Spring tour as I remember!
Scary place even in Springtime.
Love, Jackie
Here you go Jackie, for when you next visit Tuscaloosa.
Thanks, Mark. I enjoyed the tour. It’s good to see towns forming historical and preservation groups to save the buildings.
Ruth Anne, I made your bean dip for an outing with some of my family yesterday. All the bean dip lovers gave it a two thumbs up! I really like it. Too bad the non-bean dip tasters missed out. π
hope some of you got to sleep in. My dogs are on internal time and set up a howling and barking. I didn’t get up and they peed on everything (or some did) Now they want their breakfast and mom will want hers. Cats are in bedroom complaining and meowing!
I looked at kitchen clock and went, “Spring forward, fall back, spring forward, fall back.” Then I came into office and looked at computer and went “What the heck? It is earlier in here.”
So much for old adages. I see why my granny kept her clock at same time forever. And she just had the one!
Love, Jackie
Good morning Villagers….
Thanks Jimmy for the Sunday strip. I always look forward to your strips on the time change. And you’re right….if ya can’t beat ’em, join ’em.
Yup my internal clock woke me up at 3ish, then I remembered I had changed the clocks the night before. Fortunately….I went back to sleep….
Beautiful day out, day off……high 54 degrees today. Not going to do much of much today….pooped.
One hour later and I have one pair of dogs left to feed and my mom. Got a load in dryer and one in washer, clothes sorted out, dog food put away on shelf, entire wagon load of Alpo and Moist and Meaty. That is an improvement over my mom’s previous diet she fed them, so no scolding! Mine survived on kibble for 20 years except when grandma came to visit!
Saw a squirrel out in yard by office. I need to put some feeders where I can see from office, we have them where mom can watch from kitchen but bushes hide them from here. I keep cedars and shelter for them by creek up to house and a block deep flight line along creek, feed year round. Need to put up more feeders for winter now.
So far, good Sunday and peaceful. I like Peace, just like the contestants in Miss America, I want world peace.
Love, Jackie
Hope everyone turned their clock back. I tried to set mine back to 1984, but unfortunately it didn’t make the trip
Planning Spring garden already and organizing seed baskets. I CANNOT understand why my squash crops fail EVERY lousy year!
The Squash Gods are angry.
They are getting new offerings this year.
GR6: Remember, milk is good for you!
I’ve not read anything since early today. OF due 1340-1400. Good All Saints service this morning.
Peace, emb
Certainly would get more attention for milk than an upper lip mustache line!
Got milk? π
Still trying to decide if those count as pokies or not. π
Thanx for the pinups! I’m not sure, but my impression is that pokies are caused by being cold, and if so, those aren’t exactly pokies. Alas, they didn’t use the classic shot of Marilyn, which would have fit right in, because the dress was white.
Technically, pokies are nippular protrusions visible through fabric. In this case, no fabric is involved. So it could make for an interesting debate, no? π
I understand high-wire walker Nik Wallenda will be attempting to walk a cable between two skyscrapers, 500 feet above the Chicago River, blindfolded, and without a safety harness, later this afternoon. And there may be gusty winds.
I have a question. Why in God’s name would anyone want to do that? When the best you could say if you survived is, “Well, I didn’t kill myself this afternoon.” Well guess what? I’m not likely to kill myself this afternoon, either, and without going to such ridiculous lengths not to die. But then, I’m not an attention-whore, either.
I have another question. Why in God’s name would anyone want to watch him try to do that? To me, it would have all the entertainment value of watching someone running blindfolded across a mine field, to see how far he would get before blowing himself to bits.
OF due 1652-1712 CST. Peace, emb
side: Do you mean to imply that private businesses have something more crass than our general welfare at heart?
That house with the “widow’s walk” is elegant.
GR6: “Technically, pokies are nippular protrusions visible through fabric.” [A&J’s spellcheck doesn’t recognize nippular, but it has a rather limited vocabulary.] I’m guessing the term arose, perhaps > once, in the vernacular, not the technical world. Also, Side, “pokies are caused by being cold.” I’d prefer a standard biological definition, though I doubt pokies are defined in any biological glossary: “Engorgement of erectile tissue in female or male n*pples, in response to cold, tactile stimulation, or mental arousal.” I seem to remember them even in hot weather. Since the term seems to be used only by us slavering voyeurs, perhaps that should start, “Cute engorgement . . ..”
Peace, emb.
Ghost, I ask the same thing about NASCAR racing. I think a lot of car races are spectators waiting for them to hit the wall or each other as they go around in hypnotic circles. But then I am not inclined to watch any disaster about to happen nor those that have already done so, like car wrecks and house fires.
If those here among us like any of the above, I know it is your privilege. Not arguing that point, but I don’t understand it.
Talking about fruitless searches, my search for speckled pole butterbeans hasn’t been very fruitful! I found one over on heirloom seeds at Seed Savers Exchange and have been hitting all the seed online catalogs. I remember my grandmother had lots of colorful lima/butterbeans and I thought we’d try some for spring, along with the rainbow of pole beans.
Mom says freeze did in the pole beans.
Love, Jackie
Ghost, from the findings reported here, we might be better off wearing milk than drinking it. At least, in larger amounts.