Yes, a little more “Harvey.” Harvey the giant dust bunny has been featured twice in Arlo & Janis, and this strip was his very first appearance, in 1991. Don’t worry: I’m not going to put you through the entire series that followed, which lasted a week. I might, if I get around to it, post highlights from it over the weekend. I think a few of the gags were pretty good. I’ve always had fun with the “Harvey” idea, and I’m sure I’ve shown you this one on the Web before. Also over the weekend, I’m going to try to find some of that material we talked about earlier, the older stuff no one has seen since it appeared in newspapers. You wouldn’t believe how much a box of old cartoons can weigh!

Not More Harvey!
By Jimmy Johnson
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210 responses to “Not More Harvey!”
I have no doubt that many people talk to God. The ones I sometimes wonder about are the ones that claim God talks back to them, in plain language. And conveniently buttresses their already-held beliefs.
[Disclaimer: That is merely an observation and not a statement of any religious belief. Or lack thereof.]
I just had a bowl of the Slow Cooker Taco Soup I cooked last night. Yum-mee. It really hit the spot today.
We have discussed, seriously and jokingly, how often and how widely the mention of food seems to capture the collective attention of many of the Villagers who post. Until recently, this was the only blog I followed regularly or posted to. In the past month or so, I have begun to look at a few of the many gun-themed blogs on-line, as that is a topic which interests me.
But no, I’m not talking about blogs run by and appealing to knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers. Of the dozen or so blogmeisters I follow, some are former military or pilots; some work in very technical professions; some are very talented photographers; some are thoughtful academics and/or holders of doctorate degrees; and some are published authors; and some write book-quality prose for their blogs several times a week. And at least one of them is all of those things.
But what has surprised, amused and pleased me most is how often the subject of food comes up on those “gun blogs”, along with photos of lovingly prepared dishes. I believe these could also be my kinds of folks.
I had to insert (dot)’s into that link to keep my comment out of moderation. Does WordPress discriminate against some blogs based entirely on their URL’s?
Denise in MI, thank you for the explanation; now I see just what you mean. I love hummus and there are lots of brands in the supermarkets here, but I am avoiding salt and so I make my own sometimes, or do without. It’s a trade-off.
To Ghost, Jackie, Debbe, Jean and the others who have analysed the situation, many thanks for bringing this into the open and making it clear to us. I too have been skeptical and wondered what was going on. I was even pretty miffed when “she” disrespected some remark I had made. Glad I didn’t say anything then, I guess that’s what “she” liked to do.
Dearest Ghost, you did write at great length, but I’m glad you did. You are an excellent writer and thinker. Oh, I laughed out loud at your Mozart comment.
People all seem to know a lot about food and have plenty to say about it. Makes for very interesting reading.
This trailer captures my feelings about DST!
I will miss his voice & humor:
Me too, TruckerRon.
I skimmed through the comments under the article about Tom Magliozzi and decided that some of those folks would fit in here. I especially like the reference to the staff grief counselor, Ariel Bummerman.
Ghost: You’re welcome. And thanks for writing a post longer than some of mine are.
Jackie: “I hate television and meals.” It is strange [fortunately also rare] to be invited for a home-cooked meal and find the TV on in sight, or even in hearing. An L.R. with a TV is to me an oxymoron. When I finally gave in, and we bought a b&w TV in the late ’60s, it went into the family room down basement. In this one story home on a slab, it’s in the guest bedroom that also served as wife’s office. I will actually be using it soon, because I ordered a DVD from The Teaching Co. [I think that title is correct]. I mostly order CDs, and listen while driving, I think without distracting myself much. If traffic gets iffy, I turn it off and pick it up again later. [I never try to change CDs while driving.] Right now learning / history of R.C. church in the last days of the R. Empire/early Middle Ages. Haven’t learned anything new or encouraging / human nature so far.
Ghost, et al.: Add me to the list of those who appreciate your analysis of our recently departed poster. Like others I had my doubts, even wondered if “she” might be a new incarnation of the bamboo-fighting Virginia crowd whose departure somewhat coincided with her arrival. Sad that some people are so unhappy with themselves that they feel they have to either invent a “better” persona or try to bring everyone else down to their level.
Loved this – “Sometimes people are just jerks, who happen to work for other jerks that permit them to continue being jerks.” File that under “eternal truths”, along with the comment about those who claim that God speaks to and agrees with them.
OF site is live, but yesterday’s last prediction is still posted.
Both sides usually think, or at least claim that God is on their side. Some even behead prisoners to prove it. I even read one of Hitler’s speeches or an excerpt from ‘Mein Kampf’ where he said ‘God willing’ or ‘Thank God.’
There were two things about Lilly that bothered me. First, the photo of “her” at the end of a run was of a woman with medium-brown, shoulder-length hair but the portrait had her with short blonde hair. Second, “The Boss of my Life,” “The Man in my Life” and “The Boy in my Life” seemed a tad too cute, and didn’t really fit together. Oh well! At least whoever it was didn’t manage to get us fighting each other, and that’s generally the main objective of trolls.
GR6, thank you for pulling out your billy goat and pointing it in the right direction.
Now on to something important…tomorrow is the day you vote. (Assuming you don’t live in one of those states that apparently let folks vote back around Labor Day.) If you haven’t already, you are voting , aren’t you? If not, Arlo will think less of you. And so will Ghost. π
And so will NK, Ghost—re voting. I also add my thanks for taking the time to write the long and insightful post about you-know-who (isn’t that a Harry Potter thing?) Also thanks to others who chimed in.
I will vote, have in every election, however minor, since I was 21, I think. Absentee when I was stationed overseas. Couple of close calls [‘Ohmygod, the polls close in 20 min.’], but don’t remember actually missing one. And also in every primary, when there was one. Your individual vote is a much higher % of the total then. Wife ditto. We cancelled each other out once, on a bond issue. Still not sure I was wise to vote yes. [It squeaked through.]
Peace, emb
P.S. Since we don’t know its gender for sure, I’ll say I won’t miss it. On Gethen, you don’t know your own gender until you go into kemmer. Kemmer isn’t in this blog’s dictionary, either.
You’re a good man, emb.
Interesting comment about cooking, Ghost. I have a good friend who is planning another possible trip around Cape Horn in a tiny boat, he already did it in an inflatable canoe way back and then would not let National Geographic do a special on it. He is actually sort of shy, an academic and environmentalist. Just loves little tiny boats.
But he carries his own blend of coffee beans with him, roasts them and makes fresh coffee out on the ocean in miniscule boats!
After he grinds them, I forgot. He is a vegetarian and cooks meals aboard as well.
Another friend in NZ carries fresh eggs, makes and bakes breads out in tiny boats, cooks entire meals that would put us to shame. I have seen him mix and shape scones, he can cook extremely well. What I am trying to say is that outdoorsmen are often very good cooks and do not gnaw burnt meat on a stick!
Not all shooters/gun collectors/owners are hunters, but many are and they often can cook what they shoot. And other stuff to go along with the meat!
And then some can’t. But if you go to south Louisiana you will find most of the good cooks are men, not the women. Or they cook as a family group sometimes.
Love, Jackie
Debbie – Alive and annoyed. One of the other managers in my area has the lovely habit of going out of her way to make everyone else’s job more difficult. She particularly doesn’t like me (to be fair, I don’t like her either – the back-stabbing, lying wench). Getting scammed out of my day off; it wouldn’t be so bad, but I was really looking forward to sleeping in, blast it all.
About DST – I quickly realized my third shifter on Sunday had completely forgotten about it. Knowing he’d throw a hissy and want to go home if I reminded him, but also knowing he wouldn’t call to wake me once he figured it out, I opted not to tell him and enjoy my extra hour of sleep. (Best hour of sleep ever! π ) When I got to work the next morning, my clerk greeted me with, “I got had!” Yep. He was even more distressed when his time card didn’t show the extra hour (it only shows in the payroll program on the computer). Poor guy. π
Jackie, I am one who believes cooking can often contain an element of adventure, but doing it in a tiny boat while sailing around Cape Horn would be a bit rich for my blood. But I admire an adventurer that would refuse to let NatGeo document the adventure. Unlike the myriad of today’s “look-at-me-look-at-me” types, I surmise from that his heart is in the right place.
An interesting take on the “hunt it, kill it, and turn it into haute cuisine” approach is this:
Lady Mindy, for not the first time, this observation…”Life is a damned soap opera.” π
I suppose most of us learned something from the situation that has been discussed today. I just hope we don’t overreact and start casting suspicious glances at each other, wholesale. True, we can always just not respond to commenters we suspect are not legitimate, but we’d then run the risk of perhaps making someone who is actually a perfectly nice person feel ostracized. (Notwithstanding the fact that there will always be a few who are so obnoxious that most will not want to engage with them, troll or not.)
Although it would be tempting to “report suspicious behavior” to Jimmy, I would really hate to place any additional workload on him as regards the administration of this blog. What I intend to do is to trust that he will decide when a situation is negatively impacting his blog, and that he will deal with it appropriately.
I may have mentioned I do have a few friends who are real adventurers along with a few who are publicity hounds. Well, I can probably count those on one hand? The stunt guys.
This guy is a real quiet adventurer except that he is a college professor and writes like one. But incredibly nice in person. I do not mean to disparage college profs, as we have some really nice ones here and I have other professorial friends who are like Don Quixote, tilting at windmills because it is there, doing all sorts of adventurous things and trying crazy ideas.
My friend is among the most adventurous people I have ever known, yet he has never written a book! He needs a ghost writer but he really has done amazing things. Mike said it was a good thing he had sailed with him and enjoyed it so much before he found out or he’d have never gotten in the boat!
Among the things he did going around Cape Horn was ending up having to pull his own teeth and perform surgery on himself, kind of like Master and Commander?
Love, Jackie
News was not good today from either doctor but we are staying positive here and not falling apart. Right now I am proposing a trip south in search of the elusive small oyster in its’ many mutations, like Rockefeller, Casino, grilled, fried, gumbo, poboys, and start south until we reach Oyster Land and they know how to cook them. I said we could keep going until we got a call from the new oncologist saying there was an appointment set for the radiation to start and then we’d turn around north.
Love, Jackie
Oh, Jackie. The only advice I can offer is to stay strong and never give up.
I’d vote for the grilled and the fried.
My vote for favorite would be the fried oyster loaves at Casimentos on Magazine Street, New Orleans. I need to do a little research on oysters. There have to be some new places we should get to. Anyone have some great oyster experiences lately?
I don’t think we can get much further than Mobile, AL before they call us back. If that far but I would sure like to make it to Florida Panhandle area.
And we don’t do raw anymore but anything else.
Love, Jackie