Yes, a little more “Harvey.” Harvey the giant dust bunny has been featured twice in Arlo & Janis, and this strip was his very first appearance, in 1991. Don’t worry: I’m not going to put you through the entire series that followed, which lasted a week. I might, if I get around to it, post highlights from it over the weekend. I think a few of the gags were pretty good. I’ve always had fun with the “Harvey” idea, and I’m sure I’ve shown you this one on the Web before. Also over the weekend, I’m going to try to find some of that material we talked about earlier, the older stuff no one has seen since it appeared in newspapers. You wouldn’t believe how much a box of old cartoons can weigh!

Not More Harvey!
By Jimmy Johnson
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210 responses to “Not More Harvey!”
Oh yeah, I did quit and come back because with that one exception, I do enjoy this group. And yes, I did keep throwing out rat traps periodically and “she” kept failing. Besides, I have a lot of friends in the area she claimed to live in and have worked in and around it for years, so I figured I could find out if I cared to but I didn’t care to enough to bother. I didn’t even bother to look in newspaper archives for a violent crime that matched hers. But that would be easy to find anyway if she’d picked one. I will point out that it took me around 25 years to even be willing to talk about mine!
Love, Jackie
Good morning Villagers…
Jackie…glad you didn’t leave, love your garden stories all your stories. Stamina, that’s what I admire about you. I need to work on mine.
GR 😉 Thanks you for your keen observations….I too swallowed her story…some with belief and some with “what?” She often stated her dislike for some music, but on her FB page she listed the Rolling Stones and Led Zepplin…I found that puzzling.
Oh, and I wish I could find it, there was a Lolcat pic of a cat crawling up the stairs and it had two captions “it’s your bedtime” the voice from above said….with the cat hollering back “you’re not my real mom”….I so badly wanted to post it, but refrained for hurting feelings and didn’t want you guys to think I was mean. I did find the nightly “put to bed” routines quite unsettling.
Anyhoo…that’s in the past. I enjoy this Village and all who post. As I’ve said once: “Ya’ll just like fam damily”!
Besides, you humor me with my postings of my job. Chicken Run……..oh, and I did work the poop out of the three teenage boys on Saturday, proud of them and told them so.
Indy Mindy… ok?
ya’ll have a blessed Monday…………….
Since I didn’t get to it yesterday, I will post two today.
Important List
6. The most endangered species, Dedicated Leaders
7. Our greatest natural resource, Our Youth
Speaking of milk:
Ghost: Since I have not been in the “drinking” arena for several years, I did not pick up on the number of drinks when out clubbing. However, I did think her Facebook wall did not fit. A: Although small, she did not seem to be only 103#.
B: She has only 60+ friends; that did not gibe with some of her other comments.
C. No pictures or comments about the running, marathons, etc. As I am sure Steve of RO can attest, that would be something to share on FB!
Another area that did not fit: She seemed to have nothing but disgust for the patients she supposedly worked with. And it was more than the usual occupational hazard of making jokes, which is common with healthcare workers, cops, etc.
But most of the time, she just irritated me! She seemed to delight in being “anti” the Village in general, and stirring up trouble. I had decided that I was just going to ignore her and hope that she would give up and go away if she did not get the attention she wanted.
But now I find myself wondering about other former forum participants that are here no longer…
Ghost, you have managed to cover most of my thoughts and suppositions with great clarity. In the beginning I was willing to cut Lily a bit of slack, but as time went on she (for lack of knowing) began to irritate me for a number of reasons. The “sex is icky” thing was one, along with the heavy drinking and being carried to bed every night. Also, the “I hate all music except classical” began to get tiresome. The one thing that really got on my last good nerve though was the constant chorus of “I don’t want to live past age 50”. Too many of us have fought too hard to accomplish the goal of clinging to life to be told by a smarta$$ kid that it isn’t worth the trouble.
Gal, I also agree with your comments on the subject.
Jackie, I too am glad you returned to your cottage in the Village. I enjoy reading about your exploits and your gardens.
Good morning Debbe!
GR6, taking up essay wtiting? You may have set the record for the longest A&J posting.
JJ, have you been peering through the window of our house? Loon has started her annual winter candle burning.
I think we can relate to this cartoon on varying levels;
Good morning all, dogs kept having howling, barking fits all night/morning so I am punchy! Weird, this used to happen at about same hours several years back when we had someone who was stalking around in yards. I hope not, that made for some disrupted sleep patterns. I was hoping just another dog but this was their “human” or “wildlife” orgy of noise, not a “get off the bed and give me the blanket” bark.
Weather people are confusing. Yahoo and Weather Channel have two differing forecasts on the SAME page for us today, one with no rain at all and a low of 60 and another with low of 49 and rain late tonight. Went to Tulsa who has highly paid meteorologists and they say 90% chance with storms later today and heavy rains going to 100% chance.
Since I have to go to Tulsa for a meeting with Mike’s oncologist and Mike today, I am not happy with the forecast that is probably right!
Love, Jackie
Thanks to everyone for clearing up the “Lillyblack” “mystery” for me. I don’t often comment but I’m sure everyone knows that I am a fellow Auburn alumnus of JJ”s and am very proud of that tradition. I have followed Arlo and Janis since the 80’s and have enjoyed every minute of it. Keep up the good work, JJ! Blessings to all.
Have switched from Dish to Comcast, I will not be denied my Turner Classic Movies, and what a pain, they gave me a new modem that doubles as a router, well, the HP stuff doesn’t like it, days of new channel numbers, DVR settings, one TV only showed the HD channels and not SD, ugh, etc. And now, trees have grown too big in front of my SiriusXM antenna, so I’ve just plugged an iPad into the stereo to get it online, but it’s still rather problematic to mess with. .. .. .. The whole Lilyblack thing – she painted herself as some helpless dysfunctional mess in some sort of captive halfway house, no one like that would be making semi-coherent regular posts here, never really got what she was getting at, but yeah, the going to bed drunk stories got old. TruckerRon @10:24 – “It’s hard to believe how ignorant some people are”, no, it isn’t.
Auburn game was quite a feat/feet this week. I read more sports than I watch and the sports columnists made me laugh when they were talking about all the luck Auburn seemed to have in pulling off “impossible” wins. I am just glad they are winning, although that horrible leg fracture probably did ruin a young man’s life.
Not to spoil Auburn’s victory. But for every winner, someone loses. Writers pulled out the famous galloping Halloween touchdown by LSU’s team of 1959 that also crushed Ole Miss. I was not there but that run lived on and still does, over and over, in legends of Louisiana football. Billy Cannon, who became a dentist, went down in history.
Love, Jackie
About cable, Mike got mad at our cable company (our phone company and internet server also) a local small company. He cancelled it all a year ago and installed two big and differing satellite dishes on porch roof. Turned off land lines and went to cell phones. All in fit of anger, probably contributed to by the cancer we didn’t know he had, of course.
They are butt ugly on roof, we have wires and cables running everywhere and when it rains they don’t work. Just when tornado heads this way, no news! But one in kitchen went out so he moved all his meals into the living room, which is fine with me, as I hate television and meals.
Don’t know if he gets Turner Classic movies because he seems to record everything and watch it later, so I get sound spasms of violent, murderous shows coming out of LR that go on forever. Or else that is real time scheduling!
Love, Jackie
Jean: Thanks… and I agree with YOU! Especially with the age-related comment! My SO is 85 and dealing with end-stage renal failure AND congestive heart failure. Every day he is with me, I consider a blessing.
Good morning! Haven’t posted in awhile, and have only lurked occasionally. Things were beginning to seem a little “strange “, couldn’t put a finger on it. Thanks for the explanation of what I had missed, Ghost. Makes sense, now. I’ll try not to be a stranger anymore! Had always seen this as a positive and supportive group. Have a great day!
I really should not have been surprised by that AED story. The Japanese people have an interesting cultural mix: they are casual about nudity in certain places, such as the public baths, but they are also very conservative in surprising ways.
“If 65% of human adults do not produce lactase, and are therefore subject to being lactose intolerant, it would seem that lactose intolerance would be much, much more common than I would have thought.”
That’s 65% worldwide, an estimate, which I thought was low. For starters, most adult Chinese are lactose intolerant. A fair % of India/Pakistan folks are also, but some do keep cattle. Possibly most of the milk garnered is used in lactose-poor products, such as cheeses. Once lactose-using microbes have done their thing, many lactose intolerant folks can handle cheese. Many [most?] New World native people are lactose intolerant, and most native Africans also. Tribes here and there keep cattle and are mostly lactose tolerant.
Natural selection is a powerful force, and doesn’t care diddly whether or not we like the results.
Hello all! I just switched TO cable for TV, Internet, and phone. Trimmed about a third from the cost by combining– and increased internet speed by a published factor of 10 (for now, it actually measures closer to 100 times faster). We’ll see how it goes… we had the same satellite service for TV for over 10 years, so learning new channel numbers will be a challenge!
I was always bothered by the “only live until 50” deal too. Especially since I’m already 54, with plenty of problems. I’m guessing that I’m not the only one that wishes some of their problems were imaginary! Ghost, you appear to have some psychological evaluation expertise in your background. If you don’t, you must have at least slept at Holiday Inn Express!
[I just re-read… seems I’m in an exclamatory mood today!] 🙂
As always, thanks for the insight, emb.
Jackie: I too questioned the gender thing, but by that time it wasn’t really important. And yes, I buy your expanded definition of “troll” and assessment of the damage they can do. I fortunately have little experience with them.
Debbe 😉 “Lilyblack” also hated C&W music but went dancing at ‘tonks where I seriously doubt the band could spell “Mozart” much less play it.
John: Yes; bragging about behavior that most people would attempt to keep secret is a pretty good indicator of emotional and/or behavioral issues.
Jean dear: Yep.
Gal: Thanks for your appraisal of the “Lilyblack” FB page. That’s outside my area of expertise. I have friends who manage medical clinics, and they tell me any of the several instances of patient disrespect, unprofessional behavior, and HIPAA privacy violations that were exhibited by “Lilyblack” would have been grounds for immediate dismissal in their clinics. Of course, to me that alone did not mean that “Lilyblack” was not an actual clinic employee. Sometimes people are just jerks, who happen to work for other jerks that permit them to continue being jerks.
David: Thanks…I guess. 🙂
sand: Don’t worry; I don’t charge by the word. 🙂
Angels come in all sizes and shapes. My big, burly, scarred and wrinkled Viet Nam vet helper out in yard just told me he had put out the word to all the local “working thieves” in area that if anyone messed with me, my house, my yard, my gardens, my dogs, cats or anything else they were messing with “his yard” and he would find them.
You know what? I believe him. I was truly touched and told him I needed a guardian just about now.
Love, Jackie
About Anglicans and Episcopalians, of which I may or may not be one. We tend to be conservative, forgiving, ecumenical, gentle and gracious people in my experience. Not totally, but overall.
Love, Jackie
Jackie, I truly believe in the existence of Guardian Angels, though my expectations for mine may go a bit beyond those of others. If I ever need my GA in a life or death situation, I want him/her to show up with a flaming sword and a bad attitude, and to start “kicking ass and taking names”.
Mine right now might be capable of that, although he tells me he is a Buddhist. He did 20 years in Marines and was a prisoner of war during Viet Nam. We compare notes on night terrors.
Mike says I am Old Testament in my beliefs, that I want to rain down the wraith of the Almighty on offenders. I think you mentioned Southern Baptist, so maybe your early Christian teachings involved the sword wielding savior? I know mine did!
Love, Jackie
Jerry Falwell once said, perhaps to justify one of our several “just wars”, that Jesus was not a sissy. I believe Falwell once claimed he talked with God. He may or may not be doing so now.
Charlotte, I just use hummus in place of mayonnaise/Miracle Whip in making egg salad. I sometimes add in one or more of the usual cast of characters: some type of onion, peppers, celery, nuts, garlic, dry mustard, etc. Being fortunate to live in an area where good hummus is easily found, I don’t make my own from scratch (blush).