I was going to show you this one last week, but I didn’t get back. It is, of course, the follow-up comic strip to the previous post. Did you read about the death of Bob Denver, aka Gilligan of “Gilligan’s Island?” I read it last week, on Facebook. Of course, I also read it in 2005, when he actually died. And I’ve read it on the internet several times in between. Why do people do things like that? What is it about being online, and on Facebook in particular, that makes people mean?

Office Favorite II
By Jimmy Johnson
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109 responses to “Office Favorite II”
It’s too easy to be mean when there are no (immediate) consequences. I may not contribute very often, but I read you guys all the time and I like the way you are not mean here. Very nice.
Yes, the consensus seems to be that Bob Denver is still dead.
Apropos JJ’s remarks about Book of Faces above is this comment from J. L. Curtis I read on the InterWebNet just yesterday…
“I used to wonder what it’d be like to read other peoples’ minds. Then I got a Facebook account, and now I’m over it.”
There was a bunch of people that thought Annette Funicello and Norman Schwarzkopf just died. Norman’s was due to the anniversary of his death. I have heard that when you went to the site about Annette’s death, you could accidently click on a site that would try to sell you something. Clicking on the link means more “traffic” for other sites.
Of course there are the fake deaths of Willie Nelson and others. Again, it might mean traffic to a website….and those websites might have viruses.
A couple people were duped on the “old”deaths, so I quoted SNL “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead!!!”
Thought on the sudden flood of celebrity deathes. We are mostly old ourselves, as are our celebrities who are dying at usual ages of the populace. We loved them when we and they were young so it seems premature to us.
I try to read no obituaries.
Thanks Steve FRO for reminding us that the Generalissimo is still dead.
There are very good reasons why I avoid the FB whenever possible, this being one of them.
When they are on-line you can’t reach out and poke them in the eye.
Near Debbe: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jan/19/156k-chickens-added-to-list-of-poultry-being-eutha/
It is why I always use my real name. It is hard to insult people as Jackie Monies as I always have been, no pseudonym. My current anonymous is my rather obvious joke. Just Google my name and as Mark noted you get my address and a map to house. I am without fear.
Anonymity seems to bring out the worst in some people. That is what moderators are for.
Of course, some useful things would not happen without it, such as victims reporting some crimes, whistleblowers alerting us to various abuses of power, etc. It often protects those who know of a wrong perpetrated by someone with the power to harm them if they were known.
As moderator of three Yahoo Groups and three Facebook groups I can say anonymous people are the bane of my existence along with Hal this phone. Some of us campaign vigorously for no anonymous postings, everyone who they really are.
Lately they are using plain unattractive women’s photos to get past those of us who are rejecting balloons for breasts.
Some of us value our anonymity, while not abusing it. I would be one of those.
And also, one who rejects balloons for breasts.
However, Abe Vigoda is still alive.
Amen, Mark from Maine. That lack of immediate consequence has also caused its share of problems in the political arena. Politics has become needlessly mean, too.
Ghost you are about the nicest anonymous person I know and I respect your choices. I also reject mean people in any form, if I know them or not, doesn’t matter. One of the reasons I am moderator of some large multi thousand member groups is I am nice, don’t expect any less from others.
So, I consider you a friend I have not met, mention my friend Ghost and just say I’ll meet him someday.
So, how’s the rest of Village of nice people?
The egg-laying cockatiel is at it again! She’s produced two eggs, each laid on the curved top of the big cage and each being of just the right caliber not to fall through the bars. We expect 3-4 more in the next week or so.
What triggers the egg-laying? Certainly not warm temperatures nor sunny skies, for we’ve just gotten through the coldest week this winter and the skies are almost always overcast.
Probably not male hormones in the air, either, as our only male – Peter the parakeet – died about 9 days ago. He had character and gorgeous plumage; we miss the little guy.
Ave Vigoda is a nice person by the way. I was out in a park in downtown Houston behind a tablefull of jellies and jams wearing a tee shirt that said “Jelly eaters are sweet people.” Mr. Vigoda and the rest of whichever television or movie cast was along and bought jellies too but I only remember Mr. Vigoda. I don’t even think he was most famous in the group. But he’s who I remember.
Jackie, I like my privacy. As you say, google my name, and there I am. So I use a nom de plume.
c ex-p: http://www.cockatielcottage.net/egg_laying.html
By the way, here’s the home page for that site. http://www.cockatielcottage.net/
I respect anyone running a group since I took on moderating a FB group. Keeping the people out that are only interested in showing their assets of the upper chest which have nothing to do with wood working. Keeping the spammers at bay takes a lot of time for our little group. Can’t imagine running a large group. I salute you Jackie.
Thanks, Mark/TT – that was interesting.
I thought it might be helpful to you. And interesting too. I’ve had many different pets over the years, and always wanted to know more about them. Now I’m mostly dealing with cats, along comes Google and the internet. Wish I’d had this access when I had an iguana. In the 1960’s you could hardly find anything about them, and I’m sure that lack of knowledge shortened its lifespan.
Dennis I find because I moderate groups made up of many men we are a target with a big bull’s eye. I spend a lot of time as keeper of the gate. We don’t want to reject women, heck I am one! I am known to have a broad pun sense of humor so I am not rigid but the members are pretty good, most of time, it’s the porn and spam, both of whom want access to our member lists.
Thought about this in my drive for last hour. I began writing professionally, meaning I got paid, bylines and a lot of printing before I took journalism 101. I learned that if you wrote fiction you could use a nom de plume. If you wrote news content you wrote under your name prepared to accept a byline. If you wrote opinion or editorial content you wrote as a byline. If you drew cartoons you could go either way and I did.
Social media works under different rules it seems then what I learned in Journalism 101 or in real life where above a certain grade and rank you signed your real name and underlings got a pseudonym for protection.
Ghost, that doesn’t mean you can’t be my Mystery Man, especially now that I know you have black hair and beard. Do I need to suggest an eye patch? Brenda Starr was another childhood fantasy along with a ghostly sea captain.
Dennis I find because I moderate groups made up of many men we are a target with a big bull’s eye. I spend a lot of time as keeper of the gate. We don’t want to reject women, heck I am one! I am known to have a broad pun sense of humor so I am not rigid but the members are pretty good, most of time, it’s the porn and spam, both of whom want access to our member lists.
Thought about this in my drive for last hour. I began writing professionally, meaning I got paid, bylines and a lot of printing before I took journalism 101. I learned that if you wrote fiction you could use a nom de plume. If you wrote news content you wrote under your name prepared to accept a byline. If you wrote opinion or editorial content you wrote as a byline. If you drew cartoons you could go either way and I did.
Social media works under different rules it seems then what I learned in Journalism 101 or in real life where above a certain grade and rank you signed your real name and underlings got a pseudonym for protection.
Ghost, that doesn’t mean you can’t be my Mystery Man, especially now that I know you have black hair and beard. Do I need to suggest an eye patch? Brenda Starr was another childhood fantasy along with a ghostly sea captain.