I was going to show you this one last week, but I didn’t get back. It is, of course, the follow-up comic strip to the previous post. Did you read about the death of Bob Denver, aka Gilligan of “Gilligan’s Island?” I read it last week, on Facebook. Of course, I also read it in 2005, when he actually died. And I’ve read it on the internet several times in between. Why do people do things like that? What is it about being online, and on Facebook in particular, that makes people mean?

Office Favorite II
By Jimmy Johnson
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109 responses to “Office Favorite II”
Don’t mean that to be twice of course. Site has been a problem today with in and out. One reason I am here at all is Arlo and Janis has more to say than any other strip and I respect JJ and his readers. You will never find me among the inanity of Go comics comments or any like them. JJ is not that, you all have something worth listening to, even if I don’t always concur. That is respect.
Don’t mean that to be twice of course. Site has been a problem today with in and out. One reason I am here at all is Arlo and Janis has more to say than any other strip and I respect JJ and his readers. You will never find me among the inanity of Go comics comments or any like them. JJ is not that, you all have something worth listening to, even if I don’t always concur. That is respect.
I read the Obits to see if I am there.
Mark from TT
My cats don’t particularly like human food.
(Onion and Garlic are bad for them anyway)
Skeezix loves cheese – any kind, especially Cheddar
Tippy (AKA Hoover) eats just about anything.
And they are the only 2 that will eat thin sliced meat.
Just for fun: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/howaboutthat/12108466/Animals-that-look-like-celebrities-in-pictures.html?frame=3553343
I pass this along – it is a good one
As Jackie said – we that have lived through it –
and our idols are reaching THAT age.
Old Bear, I like it! My first ride-on stroller looked just like that one. My mom still has a picture of me in it, though I don’t remember riding it. Remember when Dr. Pepper had the clock face with 10 2 and 4 on it, and RC Cola had pyramids on the bottle and the 10 ounce bottled Coke was the King Size.
Old Bear you made me laugh but I never thought of laying a cancer petticoat out on grass. Although I did iron many a mile of starched layers and I was known to wear up to three to achieve that Sandra Dee look. How did we dry those things? I once wore a hoop skirted one in a fashion show and tilted it going onstage to reveal just how little I had on underneath that evening gown.
Mark the animals were funny but the celebrity group looked far worse. I am wearing my hair flatironed now in what I hope resembles Barbra Streisand and not Versace Donatella. Lord, I feel sorry for the animals
My theory is that the Decline of Western Civilization™ began when they started bottling 10 ounce Cokes.
Debbe 😉 More Motown in memory of my sister…
Another “Baby” song…but two data points don’t make a trend, except when they do.
Can can not cancer. Hal is bad. My neck is so swollen I look like Mama June on half my face and it is moving to left side beyond median.
In fact, I cannot imagine what has ballooned my surgery site like this. My sales rep at Lowe’s did a double take since he’d seen me right post surgery and he said I’d looked fine then. We found me enough ceramic tile that looks like barn flooring at the closeout price of $1.03 per foot to do large sunroom and breezeway, normal price started at $3.99.
We also found me the Jacuzzi brand soaking and pulsating tub I wanted on sale and I have to order it before I leave here. It is inside spa, not outside. It pays to have someone at Lowe’s computer literate that thinks you are funny. The delivery guy was in department with assistant manager and said don’t listen to me, it was beautiful. My house, not the tub.
Strip of 01.20.16:
In the old days, Janis’ first exclamation would have been “Who is she??!!”
Good morning Villagers….
Not much time…it flippin snowed last night…just 2 or 3 inches here and there, but it snowed.
I was all alone yesterday at the hen house, left around 3ish, got gas, ran pass the Mill, and saw the Boss and Jonathan….rolled down my window and sang “all by myself”…..and the Boss, not missing a note…said “that’s why you are all by yourself”….he’s quick 🙂
The we get the update on ‘beefed’ up bio-security, we have to wear the white suits entire time in hen house, with hair net. No one enters through the front door, have to come in back door, and it has no steps, just a ladder…..this will be interesting for me…arrrgghhh. We have a designated “hot” zone where we change into protective clothing and shoes.
Mark, that article was not in our paper, I looked and looked, as we subscribe to it. But I had heard through the ‘rumor mill’ that the Corp had to put down over 150,000 as a preventative measure. Dubois, IN is poultry city USA. And it is 6.2 miles from my hen house as the crow flies.
Better get ‘geared up’
ya’ll have a good day.
GR 😉 not only is the Motown sound classic music, but they wore classy clothes too…not like today’s music groups….
I should search Yearbooks site for the photos of the Supremes appearing at my university and the males hanging over the stage area. The real significance was they were first black entertainers to play a university event. Don’t recall being allowed to write about that.
Debbe will keep hoping for better times for you and the girls.
I think Arlo has decided to get a bit fitter so he looks better. As Ghost and I know often looking sloppy has more to do with what clothes are covering or trying to.
Which is funny, I feel like h double toothpicks as we used to say and I am doing a few leg lifts and stomach crunches anyway.
Debbe, I am surprised that this new outbreak hasn’t caused any panic in AL. We used to be really big in the production of chickens for the meat trade. I don’t know if the tornadoes of the last few years wrecked most of the growing ops or what. Good luck to you and your co-workers up there.
Debbe: http://indianapublicmedia.org/news/avian-flu-spreading-quarter-million-birds-affected-92427/
Debbe 😉 That must be an interesting look…nuclear reactor white suit over hen house Carhartts. 🙂 Good luck to you and the “girls”, though. (The hens, I mean.)
Jackie, what’s going on with the incision site edema or whatever it is affecting your neck?
It apparently had never occurred to Arlo, as it doesn’t to many men, that there is a difference between casual and comfortable and sloppy and slovenly. And it may not matter to them, but believe me, it matters to a lot of the ladies how a man dresses.
Ghost thank you for asking. If I don’t hear today I call. Doctor was calling on next step, he is probably in surgery now. They did ultrasound, that goes to another doctor and then to him. He thinks encapsulated something or a cyst or lymph which in my case is possible too.
I do feel awful and I thought about anonymous friends, funny I think I am closer to this Village than anywhere I have lived in real life. Definitely more than the real people who live in the real neighborhood I inhabit. Their anonymity is real too. For many diverse reasons.
Ghost thank you for asking. If I don’t hear today I call. Doctor was calling on next step, he is probably in surgery now. They did ultrasound, that goes to another doctor and then to him. He thinks encapsulated something or a cyst or lymph which in my case is possible too.
I do feel awful and I thought about anonymous friends, funny I think I am closer to this Village than anywhere I have lived in real life. Definitely more than the real people who live in the real neighborhood I inhabit. Their anonymity is real too. For many diverse reasons.
Ghost thank you for asking. If I don’t hear today I call. Doctor was calling on next step, he is probably in surgery now. They did ultrasound, that goes to another doctor and then to him. He thinks encapsulated something or a cyst or lymph which in my case is possible too.
I do feel awful and I thought about anonymous friends, funny I think I am closer to this Village than anywhere I have lived in real life. Definitely more than the real people who live in the real neighborhood I inhabit. Their anonymity is real too. For many diverse reasons.