The above classic A&J comic strip was based on a true story. So where do I get my ideas? Rhymes with “woes.” In all fairness, machine oil is one of those items that is so common it can hide in plain sight, like toothpicks in a grocery store.

Oil Can Harried
By Jimmy Johnson
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199 responses to “Oil Can Harried”
Been there, done that. Love the local Hardware store where everybody knows where everything is at. If they don’t, they ask one of the owners.
Tis the season for ants in Northern Michigan. We had them late last month. They last for a week or two and march on.
Oil Can Harried? Wasn’t “Oil Can Harry” from the Mighty Mouse Saturday morning cartoons? That was my favorite show when I was little.
Re – Your comment last week on the blogging at this site. I have to confess, I stopped reading the blog several years ago when it got too unwieldy and the comments were often scattershot about irrelevant topics. The semi-private conversations were also a turnoff. You inferred that that’s what happens at other blogging sites? That’s unfortunate. Oh well. I love the strip and am happy to read YOUR comments. Sadly, if anybody responds to this, I won’t be aware of it. Sorry.
Agree totally w/ Bonnie.
“Like” button – Rufus and Bonnie, although divergence for recipes and topics that might expand my knowledge are fun, it is often too difficult to wade through the rest.
Hope you see this one. Yes, Oil Can Harry was the nemesis of Mighty Mouse, and was always trying to kidnap (mousenap?) Pearl Pureheart.
Agree totally with Bonnie and Rufus.
For those complaints about the random comments or cliques for existing posters, make your comments and discuss topics that are of interest to you. The reason those people seem to dominate the conversation is because they take the time and make the effort to post. If you post, then there is no clique and the community has grown. As I taught my now grown children, do something– don’t just be a whiner.
Thank you, David. If everyone shared the view expressed by Bonnie, Rufus and Dave, I suppose there would be few if any comments here. After all, how much discussion would there be here today if it were limited to machine oil?
How come Bill Watterson doesn’t do an A&J guest appearance? Oh, I think I answered my own question.
I have said this before, but I make active use of my scroll button my mouse. If I don’t care to read a comment, I zip right past it. I have learned much from the “off-topic” comments and I especially want to know if someone else on the blog is hurting. I think we can all enjoy a kinder and gentler website as compared to some of the stuff that I have seen in newspaper comments, etc.
The only times that I do not like coming here is when people make emotional rants on politics or controversial topics. Again, I just scroll right past. I just don’t want to see less people here. It would be nice to have a “like” button so folks can know that their post has been read, but in the meantime, realize that a lot of people DO read your posts.
It’d be interesting to see how Bill Watterson would render Arlo and Janis. Particularly Janis.
However “lowe” or high you look you won’t find it easily unless you go to your locally owned hardware store. More and more I am beginning to dislike the “big box” stores for just this reason in the 2009 reprint A&J. Bring back mainstreet America I say!
Someone another web page commented that Janis seems to enjoy killing creepy-crawlies as much as she enjoys canoodling- Yikes!
Agree with all the comments supporting you local hardware store. I guess there is a difference between a hardware store and a “home improvement” store. I’m not looking to improve my home, I’m just looking to stave off entropy.
As for the cliques and off-topic comments, I just figure some people have more time on their hands than I do. Nothing wrong with that. If it’s just people talking about random stuff and not anyone trying to force their views or opinions on everyone else, then that’s OK by me. Those that want to can read, those that don’t want to can scroll on.
OK, here’s an “on topic” comment about today’s retro cartoon (machine oil and big box stores)…one would not believe the looks I got from three relatively young “associates” when on a recent visit to a big box store I asked for help in finding “steel wool”. Describing it to them and telling what it is used for didn’t help. I guess they thought steel wool comes from really awesome sheep. Assuming they knew where wool comes from.
But I must add that I then went across the highway to another big box store (this one of the building-supply persuasion) and was directed right to it.
I agree with several above – the scroll button works well! but I visit most days even if I don’t read or comment
I ditto the comments on the local hardware stores. We have one here in Bossier City that is a godsend. After looking for almost a half an hour for something at Lowe’s one day, I drove the extra three miles to the hardware store, was greeted at the door, and taken to what I was looking for, and was out of there in less than 5 minutes. Not to mention parking right at the front door, and no waiting in line to check out….oh, and the prices are about the same, and a lot of the merchandise is not made in China.
JJ, look for 3-in-one oil one aisle 64, in the tool section, near the end of the aisle. It should be there in the Waveland or Gulfport rhymes with “woes” store.
If you don’t post you won’t impact the commentary.
I learned over 20 years ago to never wear a red t-shirt to a particular big box store! Nor to look purposeful, as though I knew what I was looking at/for.
Love, Jackie Monies
Good morning, Villagers. Rainy and thundery here.
I felt the same way as posters 1, 2, and 3 till I started posting and responding and my experience changed immediately. This is a very friendly and interesting community.Even if I am still not sure what “pokies” are 😛
On topic, I went one time to a big box store with The Man In My Life and he asked the young woman for a “Plumber’s Friend.” She didn’t have a clue. I described it to her (I have to “translate” for him, often) , and she immediately brightened and said, “Oh, a plunger. Aisle 14” 😀
Okay, Loon has been dropped at airport. Now I can work in peace for two days.
I love going to Ace Hardware. They remind me of the small stores I grew up around. Always somebody to help/direct you, and I don’t have to buy nails and screws by the box. On the other hand Loon enjoys shopping for bargain plants at the big boxes.
Who knew how a little 3 in 1 oil could create such a big squeak. I use the scroll feature to limit my intake of babble. I am greatful that Mr. Johnson has maintained this not for profit site for all these years. Okay, there was that book thing and an occasional eBay sale, other wise it is nonprofit.
Small local hardware stores are the best. Those men get totally involved in whatever project I’m attempting (heh) and in addition to telling me where to find something, they walk to the aisle with me to explain the options/make sure I find it and dispense any further wisdom they have on the topic. 🙂
I must be bilingual – I knew that “plumber’s helper” and “plunger” were synonymous! Like “church key” and “bottle opener.” 😉
Machine oil? Try asking for 3 in 1 oil, if you draw a blank look in another store. If you find a small local hardware store ask for Marvel Mystery oil. Unfortunately the small hardware store is fading away. Rhymes with “woes” can be a good place or a bad place, it depends on the staff and area. In our area the one I go to is pretty good, even if I can’t name the hardware exactly if I can describe it usually someone can find it.