The above classic A&J comic strip was based on a true story. So where do I get my ideas? Rhymes with “woes.” In all fairness, machine oil is one of those items that is so common it can hide in plain sight, like toothpicks in a grocery store.

Oil Can Harried
By Jimmy Johnson
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199 responses to “Oil Can Harried”
Reading up on Milt Caniff and Steve Canyon sure brought back memories! I loved his ward, the spunky Poteet Canyon, girl adventurer. If you are ever in Poteet, TX go find her statue there.
Not that many people have reason to go to Poteet but I did once upon a time.
Love, Jackie Monies
Do NOT say that there is not talent among the young! Omygosh, this little girl rivals Walt Kelly and Watterhouse!
Go to
Her name is Audrey Zhong and she is 11 years old. Unless the Audrey is masculine? and he is 11 years old.
Love, Jackie Monies
Who said there wasn’t? I know/knew a bright, brilliant young girl who could have had the world at her feet. But she fell into drug addiction and prostitution and is now in prison. Pax, Amanda. I tried!
Charlotte in NH: “. . .. Miss Mamzell Hepzibah is a tres chic skunk; Porky Pine is gloomy but lovable (kind of like emb here). Southern accents abound; for the nice animals β¦ the slimy Northern politicians try to take advantage of them, but the swamp dwellers triumph in the end. Senator Joe McCarthy is one of the really slimy ones who get skewered by Walt Kelly.”
I’ve been compared to worse. Another possibility is A.A. Milne’s Eeyore [sp.?] emb
Charlotte in NH: “. . .. Miss Mamzell Hepzibah is a tres chic skunk; Porky Pine is gloomy but lovable (kind of like emb here). Southern accents abound; for the nice animals β¦ the slimy Northern politicians try to take advantage of them, but the swamp dwellers triumph in the end. Senator Joe McCarthy is one of the really slimy ones who get skewered by Walt Kelly.”
I’ve been compared to worse. Another possibility is A.A. Milne’s Eeyore [sp.?] emb
Possibly TMI regarding the curved Mayo dissecting scissors, Lily. π Just kidding about your use of surgery instruments. If they are useful in surgery, they would surely be useful in the kitchen.
Steve Canyon was likely one reason I joined the Air Force.
Jackie, I saw the Doodle 4 Google on the Google home page this morning, and the banner crediting it, but I couldn’t believe the “11” in the banner was the artist’s age.
It does make me wonder what Walt Kelly and others might have been able to do with animated computer graphics.
Ghost, you probably know all this but Steve Canyon actually has a real military record, the only fictional character who does. He has tag #’s everything.
I think Steve Canyon made a lot of people go into the Air Force. He made me want to learn to fly and I think he was the kind of person my own father would have been, had he lived.
Love, Jackie Monies
I watched the video on the Jurassic Park dinosaurs yesterday too and how they changed the craft of movie making and animation. I have a friend who builds boats and is a computer graphics designer. He worked for Disney (or at least in Orlando) for awhile recently but I didn’t think it would last and didn’t.
They call him “Wizard” because they say he designs boats that will sail on dew drops and he knows routes through the Everglades only the animals know. I think he may also be a Wizard because of the computer skills.
Love, Jackie Monies
Ghost, we paramedical types are always being brought up short about what makes other folk queasy. We don’t understand why women will go on and ON about their eyebrows and eyelashes and even their mustaches (always bleached or plucked) a problem I don’t have, I am glad to say, but not their nose hairs. I wouldn’t mention other hairy areas I only discuss with my girlfriends when we are more are less soused.
Heh, from my GoodReads quiz:
What cartoonist authored the phrase, “We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us”?
Choose the correct answer:
Gary Trudeau
Walt Disney
Walt Kelly
Charles Schulz
Yes, Lily, further discussion of hairy lady parts would definitely be TMI. π
Late to the conversation today thanks, not, to a balky internet connection. We have a wonderful locally owned store, Miller’s, that calls itself “the woman’s hardware store” – good merchandise, good people. You should all look for David Wilcox singing “East Asheville Hardware” (see initial sentence for why I’m not posting a link). Unfortunately that store is no longer there; as the song says, it had creaky wooden floors and that certain smell.
I did have a few of my comments “attacked” in a fairly personal way but it was years ago and that person left the village not long after.
Now to see if my computer and/or connection will let me post this.
Lillyblack everyone knows that was Walt Kelley, at least those over a certain age.
Yeah, so I have been told. And told π
Bonnie, Dave, Rufus and Bill, so do you also avoid any gathering of people with a shared common interest because of these issues? From my experience everything from a Scout meeting to a prayer meeting has the possibility of becoming unwieldy, with scattershot, often irrelevant topics and semi-private conversations. That’s life. I have been ignored, put down and sometimes laughed at in personal and public conversations. It’s not a feeling I like and like you, if there is one particular person doing it to me I will avoid them.
Dave in MA, did you mention your problem to JJ? As moderator I’m sure he could take some action if there was a person acting like a troll. Anyway, I am glad you are reading Jimmy’s strip and nobody says you have to read these comments to enjoy it, so please don’t let any problems you may have had here stop you from enjoying Jimmy’s talents.
Lillyblack, that one’s easy: Walt Kelly.
Mark, thumbs up!
I’m not saying I’ve seen everything ever posted here (there have been a few occasions when I was not able to access the InterWebNet for periods of time), only that I don’t recall seeing any personal attacks. (But I would never dispute anyone who felt that they had in fact been personally attacked.) Two rather intense discussions I can recall (both, ironically, centered on children and sailboats) got a bit heated, but never, as I recall, uncivil.
I am truly sorry anyone has ever felt attacked and/or not welcomed here, because I like this place, a lot. I do check in here at least several times per week now, and I will be watching. Not trying to be the sheriff or anything, but I will be watching. π
Mark in TTown- You are so right and I laughed out loud. When I moved to OK I tried to start an effort to light up the neighborhood to discourage thieves/break-ins. Boy! did I get some flak!
I went to meetings to try and get sewer lines. Boy! Did that get violent! Ditto the meetings to get 911 out here. I never knew people had violent feelings on either subject.
They didn’t want the roads/streets/whatever mapped.
As Jimmy Buffet says “They didn’t want that much organization in their lives.”
I gave up going to organizational meetings. We do not have sewer lines and it took 18 years to get 911 location for rescue or police.
As a moderator of groups with some multi-thousand (but only small percentage active posters) I will write cautionary letters to offenders. If necessary I will ban them and prevent them posting or make all postings subject to moderation approval. When we had trolls we would alert other groups if troll went there too.
Love, Jackie Monies
I thought Jimmy’s ideas came from a Coke machine.
Naw, his favorite Chinese restaurant serves really good fortune cookies.
One was, “Help, I’m a prisoner In A Chinese Bakery”
Opposition to lighting, sewers and 911 service, Jackie? Really? I don’t recall ever hearing any of that in any area in which I ever lived (all of which are rather conservative, to say the least). Was the thinking in your area it would make it easier for the black helicopters to find their houses? Or just that it might lead to reassessment of property values and higher taxes?
Well, the black helicopter DO fly over here with some frequency, Ghost. You would have to come to this part of America to see it for yourself! Some people just don’t want anyone knowing anything about where they live I guess.
We have been telling everyone my big deep drainage ditch in front yard is part of an underground drug escape route. When we built the two story boat shop in back yard I told everyone it was a Texas icehouse and we’d serve beer, hamburgers and have a band. They were terribly disappointed when it was a boat shop for my husband’s hobby.
Remember that Ray Wylie Hubbard song I tried to post? “Choctaw Bingo”. Look it up on Youtube.
Love, Jackie Monies
Or, easier for the cops to find them? A policeman I know in this small town says, “You always know where the bad guys live.”