It’s four months until “Talk Like a Pirate Day,” so I thought it might be a good time for this oldie from ten years ago this spring. I’m back at my desk and easing into the routine again. I’m going to look around and see if I can’t find something different to show you in the next few days. I figure I owe it to you. Meanwhile, at least the doors are open! Come on in.

Personal Touché
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
242 responses to “Personal Touché”
I will pass along the greetings to eMb, but, if he has no terminal available, he probably won’t see it for a while, eh?
Yes, “terminal” = “computer terminal”.
Maybe he still has it at his place and can receive messages – I wouldn’t think any repair place would be open today, though a private person might be.
My mom’s cousin was one who came back from WWII (South Pacific) with a vacant stare on his face. I was too young to have been told any details, but I understand that he worked with the medics, while not being a medic himself. Apparently, he was one who had to see far more than he wished. After his discharge – perhaps after some military treatment of mental type? – he lived with us for a while. Eventually, he came back to normalcy – as nearly as I can tell – opened a successful store in CT, married later in life, then retired to FL and lived out a normal lifespan.
An uncle was more fortunate. He had the oomph to put himself through a NYCity high school and then college (at night for years and years) to earn a degree in chemistry. Came WWII and he explained that he was a chemist, but not a “boom-boom chemist” [his words]. Whoever was in charge got him onto a hospital ship in the South Pacific, probably working the pharmacy, since that was where some chemical technique/knowledge might be of use. He kept a diary of when/where his ship sailed; I have it. While details lack, it is the closest touch I have to that generation’s work. He made it back in good shape and lasted more than 93 years.
Getting still another pouring rain. Phones are buzzing with flood alerts. Electrical blinking on and off. Hurricane season still a week away.
We (they) had one tropical storm on the east coast already.
Lincoln pretty much had the gist of it at Gettysburg.
Village: eMb has again contacted me. He CAN read this blog and thanks you for the good wishes. He still cannot write in, and doesn’t expect to be able to, for a few days or so.
Good morning Villagers…
I clicked on this link: and found it interesting. It also gives the number of funerals schedule the next four days. Then I found a sight of pics, the one you posted GR was there, as the one I saw a while back of a young lady laying face down on her husband/fiance’s grave. I found myself catching my breath.
Towel Day???? Just what kind of calendar do you have, Sandcastler? 😉
So, when did the guberment decide to move Memorial and Labor Days into a three day weekend. Memorial Day is the 30th of May… I right? I am glad they’ve left The Fourth of July alone.
It was another pack ’em, stack ’em and wrap ’em day at work yesterday. Humidity was high. Got time and a half for yesterday 🙂 holidays are the only time we are paid what we’re worth.
gotta go…
yeah, I know it’s a Tuesday, but for you working folk…it’s a Monday 🙂
ya’ll have a blessed day
Major storms ripped through the Houston area overnight. Localized flooding and power outages have rush hour stalled. Looks like we have yard drainage and cleanup today.
Ruth Anne and sand, thank you for letting us know that yesterday was both Geek Pride Day AND Towel Day! I’m marking my calendar for next year so I can celebrate. And sand, the link was much appreciated, so perfect, so…wow!
Thanks, sand, for letting us know you may be soggy, but are undaunted.
I wonder how Ghost is doing. And whether a sentence like that, or this one, take a question mark even though they are statements, not questions. Probably not.
And “take” above should be “takes”, shouldn’t it?
Denise, glad you liked the link. I loved the curtain rise and close, very creative.
I like your Christian analogy for Memorial Day. Maybe we should change the greeting to “Have a Thankful Memorial Day.” Without the sacrifice of those that gave their all, we would not have an Independence Day, or a bunch of other happy days that we can celebrate.
God bless us every one.
That is the best one I’ve heard yet, and that is what I will say next year.
Thanks for sharing it.
A Contemplative Memorial Day
Debbe — Labor Day has since 1894 been first Monday in September.
Decoration Day is May 30 –
1971 Congress declared Memorial day to be the last Monday in May
As it happens 2016 it will be May 30
May 30 was chosen because it was NOT the anniversary of any battle in the Civil War.
medical plastic is going up
lol……. :):):):):):):)