It’s four months until “Talk Like a Pirate Day,” so I thought it might be a good time for this oldie from ten years ago this spring. I’m back at my desk and easing into the routine again. I’m going to look around and see if I can’t find something different to show you in the next few days. I figure I owe it to you. Meanwhile, at least the doors are open! Come on in.

Personal Touché
By Jimmy Johnson
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242 responses to “Personal Touché”
(I first posted this for Memorial Day 2014. I offer it today for those who are new to the site.)
Empty Helmet
A couple of weeks ago, Leigh Ann and I walked through a consignment/craft store in Logan, and seeing a WWII-era Army helmet hanging upside down by its leather straps took me back 52 years.
I grew up on James Road here in Lancaster, and I don’t know of any father in our neighborhood who had not been in WWII or Korea. Not all fathers fought, but all served. Seeing men in Lancaster who were disfigured or crippled by war was a common sight, and we all took it as a matter of course. We were taught that they were men deserving of great respect.
One of the fathers on my block saw Hell, and he came back with shell shock. He was usually okay, but sonic booms were hard on him. However, as he said on occasion, he came back. The real heroes did not.
I always thought about that whenever I was at my friend’s house on Clayton. An Army helmet hung upside down by its leather straps underneath the carport. His mom planted flowers in it. His dad didn’t come back from Korea.
Rick in Shermantown, OH, I can cut some slack for those who say Happy Memorial Day. After all, it’s what they are taught to say for all holidays. But think of this, we are still free, those who died were successful in defending us, often in spite of our national leadership. Those heroes would want us to be happy in our lives while still remembering them. Be proud of them, be thoughtful of their sacrifice and be glad of what we have because of them.
Speaking of memory: Lily Black, oh when ya comin’ back?
Kidding! Can seriously do without that troll.
I understand your points, and I imagine that those who fell in battle fully agree.
Still, I must respectfully disagree with allowing the slack.
From my viewpoint, some parts of a country’s culture and history are too important not to be kept as they were.
Mark, I think that you make a good point and as for not allowing the slack how do we go about that? No offense meant to you Rick.
A camera view from a new viewpoint at OF this morning.
None taken; your point is one that I think about frequently in regard to many areas of culture and traditions.
In the end, I can do little to nothing that will have any effect. Cultures change. Some wither and die.
All I can do is mention once in a while my disagreement with changes that are not beneficial.
Fortunately, most of the cultural changes that have occurred in this country’s history have been for the good of the people, but I do not think that this is one of them.
Been reading when possible but not posting, as I’ve been really busy trying to get my little garden going. Glad all here seem to be doing well. I wanted to post this link for Memorial Day – it makes my heart swell in thankfulness for all those who gave their lives so we could continue to live in freedom. These days, I am concerned that we are beginning to lose some of those hard won freedoms, incrementally, and I pray that does not happen.
Thank you, Granny Carol, for posting that link.
And that you all who have served, in whatever capacity. But most of all, thanks to all who gave their all.
“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13”
And *thank* you…
John Albee (1833-1911)
Break not his sweet repose—
Thou whom chance brings to this sequestered ground,
The sacred yard his ashes close,
But go thy way in silence; here no sound
Is ever heard but from the murmuring pines,
Answering the sea’s near murmur;
Nor ever here comes rumor
Of anxious world or war’s foregathering signs.
The bleaching flag, the faded wreath,
Mark the dead soldier’s dust beneath,
And show the death he chose;
Forgotten save by her who weeps alone,
And wrote his fameless name on this low stone:
Break not his sweet repose.
Today is Towel Day! Be sure you have yours handy.
I gave a few years of my life. Many gave all the remaining years of theirs or parts of themselves. It is important to me personally, as it should be to all Americans, to honor their memory, especially on this and every Memorial Day.
This photo made at Arlington says it all, I think.
Cxp; I had to re-read your post as the term “terminal” confused me. I assume that you mean his computer? I thank God that the good professor was not the one “going into the shop for repairs” Funny how you can easily misread something.
We do need more reminders of what today is all about. This video certainly drives it home:
Thank you, c ex-p, for passing along the message! And thank you, emb, for letting us know so we don’t worry!
Amen, Jerry. Being here is a miracle, and building a better future a good way to show thanks.
Rick and Mark, good discussion points; and because of those who have served, we’re able to debate freely. (The repost was appreciated.)
Thank you Carol, sand, Ghost, Jimmy, Steve, and all here who have helped us to remember and reflect.
Lurking, as usual. I rarely post and do not even lurk every day. However, I wanted you all to know that your posts touched my heart today. God bless.
Steve, good link.
Jerry, here is another good one:
After the Battle
After the battle, I stood alone
Amidst the carnage and the spillage.
Around me, the land lay smoldering,
Ashen as far as eye could see.
Here, a Fall upon his back,
Mouth sagging, palms open,
Supplicating to an empty sky.
There, another upon his face
With arms outstretched,
Reaching still for his weapon.
Turn over with toe of boot
To find no face
But a rotting monument
To man at play.
After the battle, I alone
Am escaped to tell thee.
With no one left to send
For the tolling of the bell.
Rick, I read something that he wrote years ago. Thanks anyway.
I’m so sorry. I meant Mark.
My thoughts and prayers are with those suffering losses in the floods.
To “Hitch hiker” fans throughout the Universe, Sam Cristoforetti offers this reading for Towel Day.
In addition to being Towel Day, today is Geek Pride Day – the anniversary of the release of the first “Star Wars” movie in 1977.