By 2009, when this Sunday A&J first appeared, video games had advanced well beyond what Ludwig is playing, but yours truly still was stuck in Atariland. But after all, he is a cat, and I’m an old man, so cut us some slack. I actually owned an early Atari game console and enjoyed it very much. My glory days, though, coincided with the dawn of computerized arcade games, such as “Space Invaders.” I remember a buddy and I were playing Space Invaders at a two-man, sit-down game console in an establishment called “The Cherokee Inn” in Jackson, Mississippi, one evening in the early ’80s. The Cherokee Inn was, well… they would call in a “pub” in England. Someone who had gotten a head start elsewhere pulled into the parking lot and failed to stop quite in time. There was a loud “wham,” and the plywood wall next to our gaming table buckled inward. If the driver had been going much faster, you might not be reading this, but, unperturbed, we kept playing.

Playful as a Kitten
By Jimmy Johnson
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273 responses to “Playful as a Kitten”
Jackie, have a listen to this, think you’ll like it:
The guitarist is Richie Blackmore, formerly of Deep Purple. Quite a change of style.
Yeah, sand, they don’t call it The Great Patriotic War over there for nothing.
History as taught to me in high school was bare-boned enough. (News Flash: You can learn a ton of it by reading on your own.) I can’t imagine how they manage to fit even that much of it into today’s politically correct HS curriculum.
All through school and college I saw that History courses would begin in the Stone Age (for example) and trace events pretty slowly … until the end of the year got closer. Then OMG we have to finish as fast as possible! We would never get through it all and arrive at the present day. Hence, nobody ever learned about World Wars One and Two, or the Vietnam War, etc. The teachers never seemed to plan ahead for this. Right there is a stumbling block to knowlege of important stuff.
It is very discouraging to see people ignorant of these things. But parents need to do more, too, talking about historical events and reading stories about them to the children.
GR6, history has ways of being hidden by classification or falsication. Events that happened in 1943 in Bari, Italy remained classified until 1959. Still the first public disclosure occurred in an obscure naval publication in 1967. The short form, the US had a secret shipment on a ship docked in the Bari harbor when the Germans bombed it. The ship was hit, its cargo of mustard gas leaked into the seawater. The mustard gas was there as a just in case the Germans started to use gas warfare.
Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviets in January 1945. What does not usually get told is that it continued in operation for four years, housing POWs and political prisoners.
OF: No predictions since early pm. Several standing around in the wet. emb
GR6, you’ll like this BBC report on events taking place in Russia this Victory Day. What do you guess is the age of that exposed hammer, sawed down double barreled shotgun? Then there is the patriotic body on the young couple.
Yes, and “History” is filled with countless completely unrecorded events as well. I know this because I was on the ground when some minor but still-significant ones occurred, and they are, as far as I know, unrecorded other than in my memory and the memories of a few others. I’m sure that’s also true of others in the Village.
Although, come to think of it, I have recorded a few of them here.
sand: “An estimated 27 million Russians died during WWII. 80% of all Russian males born in 1923 died in the war. Every family has their personal stories of loss and suffering.”
Too young to be drafted during WWII. Have never visited Russia, but was stationed in W. Ger. in ’52 and visited in ’53, and again in the ’80s, twice. Conspicuous dearth of men my age and older in Germany, % absent may be comparable. Some German ‘soldiers’ in ’44 were my age, 14.
Ursen: “It was sad because he could not draw parallels between The Vietnam War and the Afghanistan conflict. It looks like the next generations will have to learn the hard lessons all over again.”
In the Village, the US, and the ‘West’, there would not be agreement about what those lessons should be.
Peace, emb
emb, by some estimates, the Russia today is missing approximately 100 million in living population as a direct result of WW2 and the Stalin era. This is based on 35 to 40 million lost lives directly related to these events and then calculating lost births.
Thanks, TR. Ms. Stirling is quite the leggy, ah, I mean, talented violinist, isn’t she?
Other than for the barrel length, the Russian “separatist’s” shotgun looks very much like one my grandfather owned almost a hundred years ago. I suspect someone still makes those as replica “coach guns” but you’d have to have a NFA tax stamp to legally own a SBS like that. And the painted bodies were pretty obviously younger than the shotgun. 😉
I’d have to say that our US Navy SEALS could best the Russian “seals” if they needed to. Actually, the USN has trained sea lions for harbor security and other purposes, and they sometimes put them in the water when SEALs are running an underwater night infiltration exercise of an area…without notifying the SEALs. Hilarity ensues, as the SEALs often mistake the seals for sharks.
More correctly said, currently living descendents of these victims.
I hope the dangling feet in the picture of the separatist belong to a dummy. Look over his left shoulder (right side of the picture) and you will see them, along with what looks like someone pulling a rope. And yes, they had more casualties, but they sided with the Nazis and helped them build up their armed forces prior to the war. Then they divided Poland between them, helping to further the start of WWII.
Posted without comment.
Peace, emb
Remember the jokes about how many naugas had to die to provide the upholstery for something covered in naugahide. It turns out that they were and maybe are a real animal. Look it up. Anyone planning on wearing a red nose on red nose day this month? Not me.
Don’t overlook the British signing the Munich Pact in September 1938, this opened the way for Germany to invade Czechoslovakia in March 1939. The Molotov- Ribbentrop Agreement, between Russia and Germany was signed in August 1939, lasting until Germany invaded Soviet Russia in June 1941.
Did my 5:10 come through?
It says awaiting moderation – but I can see it.
Not promoting Young America Corp – but maybe Trucker Ron can get an idea.
Trucker Ron:
Just went by YoungAmerica Corp. – one thing they do is co ordinate coupon redemption.
Used to have house wives take coupons home to sort.
Don’t know with new technology if there is much call any more, but there
may be an outfit near you that does the same thing.
Great appointment with cardiologist. He ended up visiting with me an hour and a half and nothing wrong with me. Got off Plavix after 16 years of it. Off nitro, half dose of metropolol, off one diuretix, reduced a few more, this after he saw Cai bites where I bled so badly. After 16 years I now only need to be seen once year. He made me promise to stay in touch and to send them monthly reports on my new life. I was touched so much with his concern.
That leaves orthopedist and dermatologist and I am done!
Goodnight all, Jackie
That is excellent, Jackie! Keep it up.
You’re “off nitro”? Does that mean you had a daily dose? A year+ ago I had two angina attacks 6 weeks apart, but both turned out esophagus-related, not heart-related. Had my primary MD prescribe nitro for such occasions, understanding I’d go to ER [4 minutes by Prius, 10-15 by ambulance] if symptoms persisted or other heart symptoms ensued. Turns out nitro also helps if bad swallowing causes esophageal cramps.
Peace, emb
No,, I had 20 years of using nitro for angina and heart
pain. Has Barrett esophagus sinc earlo 20s.
Here is funny oxe, he was checking heart sounds and I said “Wait, I forgot to show you my breast”and whipped out the huge cat scratched gash. He said, “My gxd, that is awful and Red,” I replied legwas worse! Which he agreed and took me off blood thjnners.
“Wait, I forgot to show you my breast.”
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that…
Debbe 😉
Good morning Villagers…
Good history lessons above, and observations. And does history really repeat itself? We enjoy watching the history channels.
Denise, thank you for asking about Ian. He is good. He and Andrew talked and are ‘bros’ again. I mentioned something to him yesterday and he said, “Mom, everyone seems to be more upset about this than me”….”it’s over, ok?” I said ‘ok’ and hugged him.
Ian got sunburned the day before while pressure washing the eaves at house one. Davey (The Boss”s ex son-on-law) still works with us. He cam by yesterday and looked at Ian and said, don’t look like you’ll be working outside today…and laughed. I told Davey I was going to buy some sunscreen and he he would have to rub the lotion on his back. I grinned, and quoted from a movie scene “puts the lotion on the skin”….we laughed.
Davey has a beautiful, two year old pit bull. His color is a reddish brown. Anyone with hesitations about pit bulls should see and meet this dog…his name is Oz. Now Oz loves to play fetch….with big rocks!!! I threw the one he dropped at my feet and off he went, caught it on the first bounce and brought it back to me. He’d rather fetch rocks than rubber balls. Then I threw the rock down in the creek beside the henhouse…and he dove in after it, and brought the same rock back.
Davey said that Ian is the only one that Oz will not ‘go’ after. Davey will grab someone’s shirt and tell Oz..’get ’em” and Oz will growl and ‘get ’em’….but he won’t go for Ian….dogs are a good judge of character.
GR 😉 …Sheryl’s version is better, thank you.
And Jimmy, love the little series on the clothes line…takes me back to my childhood days of Monday wash days. We had three lines, and they all got full. Up and down the basement steps on Mondays…going down was better than going up them with a full load of wet clothes, sheets and towels.
gotta go
Happy Caturday
today’s grin…and I have a section of wall that looks a little like it too 🙂
…and Jackie, congratulations on the good news from your heart doctor……you go girl 🙂