By 2009, when this Sunday A&J first appeared, video games had advanced well beyond what Ludwig is playing, but yours truly still was stuck in Atariland. But after all, he is a cat, and I’m an old man, so cut us some slack. I actually owned an early Atari game console and enjoyed it very much. My glory days, though, coincided with the dawn of computerized arcade games, such as “Space Invaders.” I remember a buddy and I were playing Space Invaders at a two-man, sit-down game console in an establishment called “The Cherokee Inn” in Jackson, Mississippi, one evening in the early ’80s. The Cherokee Inn was, well… they would call in a “pub” in England. Someone who had gotten a head start elsewhere pulled into the parking lot and failed to stop quite in time. There was a loud “wham,” and the plywood wall next to our gaming table buckled inward. If the driver had been going much faster, you might not be reading this, but, unperturbed, we kept playing.

Playful as a Kitten
By Jimmy Johnson
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273 responses to “Playful as a Kitten”
When my late husband blamed all the damage (unrepaired in house) on dogs, his friend Andy who was a professional repairman and a dog lover, said, “Yeah, Mike, dogs are hell on soffets.” To explain my rotting roof edges and gutter edging! I do admit my master bath has the lower parts of wall paper damaged. My deputy sheriff will cover it up today with some bead board and a chair railing and we will paint over bead board to match wall paper!
More storms last night and the neighbors unbagged, unburned, left on the ground fall leaves are cluttering my new storm drains and my porch again today, meaning they washed down on me again but what do you expect? Few people take care of yards around here except me.
I slept through the storms, put on pjs in case house got hit and told the deputy sheriff to come pull me out of wreckage before he went off to rescue others in case he couldn’t wake me up. Nice to know your deputy is on call during tornado season.
Yeah, Ghost, I doubt even cardiac surgeons and thoracic surgeons hear that one very often!
He didn’t bat an eye and looked at it, I will add. He is my main defense against infections and supplier of antibiotics to me, of course, if I carry around a filled antibiotic prescription for my travels it usually bears his name and he gives me about three refills on it to keep my heart healthy. Hmmmn, he didn’t write one yesterday.
Love, Jackie
Morning all. Great to see one and all smiling.
Debbe asked: “And does history really repeat itself? ”
Yes. When fanatics turn books into manifesto.
“History is written by the winners.”-Napoleon, or by those who can’t write interesting fiction.
“If cats wrote history, it would mainly be about cats” from Sand’s cat quote list!
Just listened to Billy Joel and “Leningrad” a few seconds ago and thought of the discussion here. I remember having an entire semester wasted in high school in Louisiana with an idiotic course called Americanism vs. Communism filled with propaganda, idiotic opinions of the teacher, misinformation and innuendo or downright prejudices. And yet no one from that school ever learned any real history. I actually stood up and said something like this and walked out of class, said how about some of you idiots actually go to a foreign country and know someone from a different nationality or race than yourself and then you can have an opinion.
Got send to principals office and suspended of course, made to go back or face expulsion. I do consider myself a true American and patriotic, just not myopic. Interestingly, my own father’s death, his status as a hero of WWII as a combat pilot turned out to just be a cover up, he flew a spy plane and was shot down by friendly fire of four confused and untrained British pilots. I found this out at age 50 when the records were finally unclassified and I learned the truth!
And no, I still love the British, this doesn’t change my opinion on that either.
I am having garlic kale in olive oil and red pepper flakes, a little balsamic vinegar and two poached eggs for breakfast. Already enjoyed the nutty oat bread! Love, Jackie
Preparing for a bereavement dinner at my church today. It is our custom to prepare and serve the “funeral meats” for the family and friends of the deceased. I am taking a Triple Bliss Chocolate cake that I prepared last evening and a Greek-style salad which I just completed. Aromas of garlic, onion and cucumbers are just heavenly! I saved some of the salad for our own enjoyment tonight. Too bad I cannot cut off a slab of that cake before taking it!
The dear lady who passed away was 6 weeks shy of 100! She had been a high school home economics teacher and then a long-time home extension agent for the county. But, more importantly, she was a beautiful person and was well-loved by all who knew her. What a legacy!
>>>Ghost Rider 6 on 09 May 2015 at 12:17 am
“Wait, I forgot to show you my breast.”
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that…<<<
*sets watch*
Lest there be any confusion as to the above, let me add: 🙂
Men, big suckers for boobs. :O
or, “for big boobs.” De gustibus* …
OF due 1035-1055 CDT. Wet out there. Peace, emb
Don’t know just where MDNR’s eagle webcam is, probably down near The Cities.
It sure is leafier down there. They are usually about 3 weeks ahead of the Northland. Unfortunately, we are usually about 3 weeks ahead in the fall. That’s climate. The weather, on any given day, may not conform: hotter here than there, etc.
Peace, emb
Charlotte, the same thing happened to me on the learning of recent history. Time ran out before the material did. As Ghost pointed out, that’s just one more reason to read.
Thank you, sand, I did not know those things.
Debbe, you raised a good man.
Wonderful news on your medical front, Jackie!
Gal, she sounds like she was truly a great lady. Just about the greatest praise you can give to someone is “They don’t make ’em like that anymore.”
Debbe 😉 “Mom, everyone seems to be more upset about this than me…it’s over, OK?”
Yep, the statement of a man, not a boy.
Actually, I lifted that line from…myself. One summer afternoon a couple of years ago, two of my fellow managers (both female) and I were leaving a meeting. There was an ugly looking thunderstorm off to the south of us, and as we walked across the parking lot we were suddenly hit by a momentary gust of wind I estimated at 30 mph. “Oh, Ghost, that looks bad!” said one of them. “If it gets any worse, I’m going to grab onto that light pole, and you wrap your legs around me and hold on.”
So naturally I said, deadpan, “If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that…”
“Are people still falling for that old prank about kale being an edible substance?” – Marko Kloos
No, Jackie, I’m not funning you about your healthy eating habits. You keep that up. But kale? Really? 🙂
OF due 1206-1226 CDT. Lots of current action NW emb
Amen. I can eat kale, but would prefer not. It’s the only cole veggie I don’t care for.
Peace, emb
NOW ! I get it; so no one I entered as a contact in my phone will ring through to me and they have to leave a message Unless I also enter a ringtone for them. I could never figure why my brother went straight to voicemail but like a one time business call would make it ring
Geez, John, what kind of phone do you have? And why would it not have a default ring tone for contacts for whom you’ve not entered a custom ring tone?
Well, it is SoCal, after all.
I had the most luscious and decadent kale dip at P.F. Changs yesterday, one of my favorites there from the new menu. Also they do a delectable kale Waldort salad. I know, an oxymoron but I love it raw too.
My ex-Whole Foods daughter always said when she wanted to keep her family from eating something, she’d bury it under a big pile of kale in the fridge and no one would even touch it.
Don’t laugh at my healthy eating habits, Ghost. I was making spagetti squash pastas in 1968 courtesy of Jeanne Neiditch and Weight Watchers, along with stuffing without benefit of bread and gluten free meals for same reason. The original WW cookbook was both sans breads, it was sans gluten because you could not have potatoes, pastas, rice nor breads of any form. I got good with veggies!
Love, Jackie
I will keep relaying my food choices to y’all. I am an old back to the earth, natural foods and Earth Mother type from the past, like I am back in style I suppose. I love quinoa, love amaranth and all sorts of colored lentils and dried weird beans, ate tofu for about 50 years. Used to have subscriptions to Mother Earth news and Organic Gardening. Don’t take it too seriously but only eat raw honey and love cheese in places where they don’t have to meet our sterilization standards, like Canada where I am headed in a few days. And they can bake and sell breads without security wrapping and sealing. Unless that has changed recently?
Love, Jackie
I will keep relaying my food choices to y’all. I am an old back to the earth, natural foods and Earth Mother type from the past, like I am back in style I suppose. I love quinoa, love amaranth and all sorts of colored lentils and dried weird beans, ate tofu for about 50 years. Used to have subscriptions to Mother Earth news and Organic Gardening. Don’t take it too seriously but only eat raw honey and love cheese in places where they don’t have to meet our sterilization standards, like Canada where I am headed in a few days. And they can bake and sell breads without security wrapping and sealing. Unless that has changed recently?
Love, Jackie
The subject of today’s TIP BlogSpot [and comic] is “Milton.” Presumably they’re trying to catch every word; he speaks softly because he’s blind[?]. Strange that we talk loudly to blind people. Peace, emb
I just heard someone on the radio refer to Whole Foods as Whole Paycheck. 🙂
Yes, Evan, it does tend to be expensive there.
Which brings up the question of which is actually better for you in the long term…a lesser quantity of “organic” vegetables (due to economic considerations) or more (relatively inexpensive) “non-organic” veggies.
Yeah, I know, it seems odd to describe any edibles as “non-organic”.