A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Polished Approach

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

This is another strip from my “Best of 2014” entry in the National Cartoonists Society annual awards. (See yesterday’s post.) The NCS requires 12 samples from the calendar year being judged. Whenever I thumb through the old stuff to pick out my favorites, I always am reminded the strips I like sometimes are not the strips you, the reader, favor. So maybe you wonder what I am looking for when I pick out 12 of my favorite strips in a given year. Of course, “funny” is the gold standard. The cartoonist who can be LOL funny every day is going to be a wealthy person, but that is nigh impossible. Even 12 times a year isn’t easy. Second, I look for “fresh.” I look for comic strips with a different and meaningful take on ordinary circumstances. This is, after all, what artists across multiple disciplines strive to do.

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204 responses to “Polished Approach”

  1. emb Avatar

    I wanna know what sp. of mouse or hamster:


    The nestling a few photos left may be a Myrtle Warbler.

    Peace, emb

  2. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “Close, but no cigar,” – William Jefferson Clinton

    “P&PHS” = Pneumatic & Pulchritudinous Hair Stylist

  3. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, this one, maybe? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peromyscus

    Hard to tell since we don’t even know if the photo was taken in US or not. Google search best guess was a Hazel dormouse.

  4.  Avatar

    Just got off phone with my seed company I love. They are in southeast Indiana and it is 20s. I.am in the 60s and sunshine here. Going to garden tomorrow and plant brocolli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, onions and sugar snap peas and potatoes. Maybe more things if I find them. Love dirt.

  5. emb Avatar

    Ears and snout seem short for most of the spp. of Peromyscus I know. Be nice to have a profile shot, even though not as cute.

    This one’s not cute, but neat [doesn’t bite]:


    Peace, emb

  6. emb Avatar

    Jackie, that ain’t doit, that’s serl. Peace, emb

  7. Mindy from Indy Avatar

    Mark – *We* didn’t get a laptop with the software; they aren’t either. (I said the same thing – our lottery terminal comes back online much earlier than most states, and the new company knew nothing about it until a week before going live.) Luckily, those of us who survived our changeover know what to look for now.

    A friend will come check on kitties. Neither one would last in a kennel.

    Grandma is not doing so well. There is a lot of fluid around her heart, and it is wearing her out. She seems to be in okay spirits and coherent. Hopefully will know more tomorrow. If life cooperates, I plan on visiting her before I leave for the week. Please spare a good thought or two for my aunt as well: her step-mother (my grandma), her son-in-law, and a granddaughter are all in the hospital, and her own mother (Marie) is battling a reoccurring infection in her leg. She spent her day off going from hospital to hospital.

  8. Mindy from Indy Avatar

    A quick grin before I go to bed. Last night, I couldn’t find my phone. I called it using my back up phone. I must mention my default ringer is “Scotland the Brave” on the bagpipes. It is loud. I heard both the phone and a loud thump from the porch. I had left the phone on a blanket on the footrest of my rocker. If I had to guess, Thunder had been sleeping on said blanket. I open the door to the porch to see poor Thunder back up to the door, all poofed out, tail straight up, legs splayed, eyes wide as the bagpipes played. Her expression was priceless. I tried to feel bad for scaring her silly, but she looked so much like a cartoon cat, I couldn’t help but laugh.

  9. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Gotta keep laughing, Mindy!

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “Back up phone.” There’s a phrase one doesn’t hear too often. But being a belt-and-suspenders kind of guy, I have one, too. Good for you, Lady Mindy.

  11. TruckerRon Avatar

    GR, would you care to comment on this zero-G performance by OK Go?


    There are moments in it that don’t quite make sense to my eyes, when objects appear to be falling to the floor but the performers aren’t.

  12.  Avatar

    Mindy I am laughing out loud at your description of Thunder but more at Scotland the Brave blasting. I love pipes, I love kilts, I love Scots and the accents and the country and SOMEBODY is going to go with me to the Edinburgh Tattoo so I can just die in pipe heaven if need be. I even belong to a bagpipe group so I can watch and listen to bagpipe porn.

    Scotland the Brave. I have to do that.

  13. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Trucker, I think Sir Isaac Newton would have been impressed. I also think he would have liked the performance of two “stewardesses”. I know I did.

    I believe the effect you mentioned is a consequence of centrifugal forces generated by the parabolic flight path the “Vomit Comet” has to fly to produce free-fall conditions (not technically “zero gravity”) inside the cabin. If any aeronautical engineers would like to correct me on that, please feel free to do so.

    The choreography is one of the really impressive things about that video, since the free-fall segment of the repeated parabolic arcs the aircraft flies lasts less than 30 seconds, and they had to work around that. The other is that no barfed.

  14. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “no one barfed”

  15.  Avatar

    I wish I lived closer to a viable town than I do. Got to Lowe’s while it was still daylight. Didn’t matter, it was too late, no one was still there that could do more than right g up a sale after the scanning gun scanned it. But I met another sweet assistant manager, got the light fixture to replace the broken one and some very pricey crown molding that must have been misplaced in bin.

    Oh well, tomorrow I call and try to do the two special orders over the phone. And plantation shutters have gone sky high in 20 years. I have seventeen 60 inch windows in sunroom. Yikes, that is about $7,500 more? Yikes. I must look for do it yourself if they still exist.

  16. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Anonymous, look for a Habitat for Humanity Restore. Builders donate leftover items from projects which are then sold for money to fund Habitat for Humanity homebuilding projects. They also take donations of unused items from individuals too. So its a win-win for everybody concerned.

  17. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Debbe ๐Ÿ˜‰ The city of your choice.


  18. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Rub it in about temps.
    Talking about +5 for high Sat.

  19.  Avatar

    I have a small guest bedroom in the garden area that won’t take long to put furniture into. I could put a few more and we could have a real Village, I live in a totally unrestricted area. No zoning, no building codes, no limit on animals or people. How do you think I get by with 70 tents in back yard and hundreds of guests? Boatstock.

    That would mean I’d have to get the bathroom and shower house bult. Mark I bought all the parts for it at Restore. Yes, I am a fan and there is one in Muskogee and I think Tahlequah but the pickings are slim. I bet Birmingham has a good one. My younger daughter has an app for all locations, as well as Salvation Army and Goodwills. The kid we pulled a trailer for and bought mantels and architectural findings 3000 miles from home.

  20. Sideburns Avatar

    Here in Camarillo, Old Bear, Friday is expected to have a high of 81 and a low of 51, and Saturday it’s expected to be 78. That’s just one of the many reasons I live out here. I do hope, however that those of you in colder climates are enjoying the winter weather.

  21. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers…..

    TR…thanks for that info…I was curious.

    Indy Mindy, poor Thunder, I don’t know the bagpipe music, but I would probably have the same reaction…..like Claude the cat….hanging from the ceiling.

    Old Bear, that’s the temp here tonight…about 6 degrees, with a high of 19 tomorrow….aauugghh.

    Needless to say, I am dreading tomorrow in getting out for work.

    Ya’ll have a blessed day.

  22. Debbe Avatar

    No, Sideburns, this Hoosier is not enjoying the winter weather, but thanks for the well wishes ๐Ÿ™‚