A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Polished Approach

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

This is another strip from my “Best of 2014” entry in the National Cartoonists Society annual awards. (See yesterday’s post.) The NCS requires 12 samples from the calendar year being judged. Whenever I thumb through the old stuff to pick out my favorites, I always am reminded the strips I like sometimes are not the strips you, the reader, favor. So maybe you wonder what I am looking for when I pick out 12 of my favorite strips in a given year. Of course, “funny” is the gold standard. The cartoonist who can be LOL funny every day is going to be a wealthy person, but that is nigh impossible. Even 12 times a year isn’t easy. Second, I look for “fresh.” I look for comic strips with a different and meaningful take on ordinary circumstances. This is, after all, what artists across multiple disciplines strive to do.

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204 responses to “Polished Approach”

  1. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Debbe, here is Mindy’s cat-scaring music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBKBI7DOLHA

  2. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Saw a picture of a stove on Facebook that Jimmy said was the same vintage but a different configuration as his stove. Either comic strips are not profitable or Jimmy just likes to use vintage stuff. Of course many of us here are vintage!

  3. Mindy from Indy Avatar

    They moved grandma to ICU and put her on a ventilator. She is doing slightly better this morning.

  4. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    “Scientists Discover Gravitational Waves, Prove Einstein Right”

    Way to go, Einstein.

  5. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Ah yes, Scotland the Brave! I use that particular ringtone as my alarm clock when I need to be up early. I hope Thunder has sufficiently recovered.

    Mindy, I hope Grandma keeps doing better.

  6. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Okay, I just went over and read today’s strip. LOL!!! I think I have permanent dents in my feet from my son’s Legos. And you know what? He’s 29 and still plays with Legos, just now it’s the high-dollar Architectural sets instead of the little ones. These are what he puts together now:


  7. emb Avatar

    Today’s TIP BlogSpot: French painter, two Brit. horse guard soldiers. Something to do w/ Waterloo?


    Peace, emb

  8. emb Avatar

    Nope: “French Cuirassiers Questioning a peasant outside a country farmhouse by Edouard Detaille. French Cuirassiers of Napoleons Army, obtain information from a peasant outside a country farm house.” Sure look like the Brit. horse guards to me. Wonder what the history behind those present-day units is. Peace, emb

  9. emb Avatar

    OF due 1254-1314 CST.


    Perspective. It is now -3F here, predicted hi -2, lo tonight -23. Cool!

    Peace, emb

  10. emb Avatar

    Whoops. Didn’t notice the missing ‘ in “Napoleons [sic] Army.” emb

  11.  Avatar

    It is beautiful, sunny and 55.here. wearing a soft cuddly fleece Buffalo plaid red and black lumberjack shirt over a red scoop neck tee, skinny blue jeans, red ballet slippers and a black crocheted newsboy cap, accentuated by an Ann Klein black leather bag.

    Thought I’d do a fashion report to go with the weather. Even Debbe is sick of Carthardts.

  12. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    Actual headline from Bloomberg Business article: “Whole Foods May Put Tattoo Parlors Inside New Millennial-Focused Stores”

    Yeah, that’s the ticket.

    Has that bubble not burst yet?

  13.  Avatar

    Does this mean I have to hold off on that tasteful tattoo on my butt? Nothing on.my body not supplied by nature and two pierced ears, one hole per ear.

    And would one drape their body parts from rest of customers? Or would they not work in open area as they do the massages in grocery stores? I remember back twenty five years ago being shocked at massages in grocery.

  14. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Which bubble? Whole Foods or tattoos? I’m sick of the shows about people uglifying themselves with tattoos and I don’t even watch them! Never mind the folks piercing everything but ears. How do they get through an airport metal detector?

    Today’s fashion report for the at-home worker: Green plaid flannel LLBean shirt, Levi’s cargo pants, Crocs since I’m indoors. Mom’s doing well so far. Complaining less about her foot and the color is moving back toward normal.

    Mindy, glad your Grandmother is doing better. Hope she is well enough to be out of the hospital soon.

  15. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    White shirt, two-toned blue striped tie, no trousers. (Doesn’t matter as long as I stay behind my desk.)

    Just kidding. Or am I? 🙂

  16. Sideburns Avatar

    I have three tattoos, but I’m not about to show them to anybody. It would take two days of “prep” and the services of a proctologist to display them.

  17. TruckerRon Avatar

    When I was young I was fascinated by an uncle’s tattoos. They were new and brightly colored renderings of the Roadrunner and Wile E Coyote. Today they’re just ugly purplish blobs.

    Nope, not a fan of tats. Or of body piercings.

  18. Steve From Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Never understood tattoos and never will. I bite my tongue but sometimes I can’t help but judge, especially the ones with the silver dollar earlobes. Those make me turn away.

    However I have a “smile” on my left buttock from my hip replacement… In our new house I have more mirrors and can’t help get a view of it every day. I look at it with amazement. Now if tattoos gave you the same discoloration and water retention that my “smile” created, no one would get tattoos.

  19.  Avatar

    Did they do a smiley face or the scar left a smiling indention? My current minions have things like on tongues I can see. No idea what is on parts I can’t see. Last girl had a diamond stud through her cheek, described process, think I’d have glued on a fake. It was real, not a glue on. What is it? I have a family member, a cousin twice removed he supposedly makes over 300 thousand as a body artist.

    Hey, I like the way you two dress. I get catalogs from LL Bean, Lands End and REI and a few others. My favorite men’s clothes providers. It must be the kind of men I know.

    I counted and I have about 60 pairs of print stretch leggings, 30 pairs of assorted skinny jeans and that doesn’t include exercise or sports ones. I could scare up a skirt and maybe a dress but nothing more formal except for those crocheted tunics Ghost instigated me buying. Lots of sweaters and tunics, tees and ruanas.

    This is actually interesting. We know what Debbe wears and Trapper likes jeans, emb likes turtlenecks and plush shirts if I remember right, loon likes topless. Seriously, what does Village like to wear?

  20. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Query for eMb: My resident multi-lined ground squirrel [“chipmunk” to me] – at least one of them – has apparently decided to come out and forage in our feeders. Normally, the little suckers don’t show up until approximately springtime, but no one would confuse today with springtime…the wind chill is close to zero, and will be -25 tonight, with an actual expected low of -4F. Currently, the northern zephyrs are fairly constant at 20-25 mph.

    For most of the year, they continually stuff their pouches with all the seeds they can fit in, run off, unload, and repeat until dark. I suppose, then, that they do not hibernate, else a lot of seeds would go uneaten. Or, do they sleep off the cold weather, but wake up for feeding now and then?

    Apparel: nothing of interest to anyone interested in clothing. I do wear flannel shirts for most of the year, more so as I’ve aged. It’s just a matter of trying to keep a bit warmer. Footwear is approved-for-diabetics shoes – just one pair – for outdoors, but fleece-lined leather slippers when indoors. The latter are wearing out, as parts of the innermost soles are exposed! Otherwise, standard garb is used. Aren’t you glad you asked?

  21.  Avatar

    There is a channel on Pandora called Scotland the brave. One of my good friends is named Sutherland and I just discovered there is a clan Sutherland. No idea it was Scottish, he probably knows.

    There is a version on YouTube of Scotland the Brave being played by about a hundred marching regiments all at once. Now that is loud.

  22.  Avatar

    Well Howard Hughes supposedly went naked with Kleenex boxes on his feet. I doubted any of us were that unique.

  23. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Jackie, my brother’s got good taste. The LL Bean shirts came from him as Christmas presents and have been very well appreciated. Their shirts are available in the larger-than-normal sizes and fit me very well. I’ve always liked flannel, but I am definitely a hard-to-fit guy.

  24.  Avatar

    Just talking to Glenn, my resident deputy and carpenter plumber who has same problem. He was unloading crown moldings for kitchen out of my van and he said I could open a department store with my clothes. I have too many and I am sorting them. I am forgetting EVER moving them again unless I give them away. Forget seasonal, they are sorted, I will just walk and pick an outfit out.

    Anyway, when you are big and tall you don’t have options short petite do it seems.