A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Polished Approach

By Jimmy Johnson

Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

This is another strip from my “Best of 2014” entry in the National Cartoonists Society annual awards. (See yesterday’s post.) The NCS requires 12 samples from the calendar year being judged. Whenever I thumb through the old stuff to pick out my favorites, I always am reminded the strips I like sometimes are not the strips you, the reader, favor. So maybe you wonder what I am looking for when I pick out 12 of my favorite strips in a given year. Of course, “funny” is the gold standard. The cartoonist who can be LOL funny every day is going to be a wealthy person, but that is nigh impossible. Even 12 times a year isn’t easy. Second, I look for “fresh.” I look for comic strips with a different and meaningful take on ordinary circumstances. This is, after all, what artists across multiple disciplines strive to do.

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204 responses to “Polished Approach”

  1. emb Avatar

    OF due 1048-1108 CST. emb


    No bird at Baltimore peregrine site just a bit ago. Also, it, like the MDNR eagle site, it has no ads. Some of those at the Decorah eagle site turn me off, others tolerable.

  2. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    Happy Birthday Sam!

    This is from a friend who posted it on Groundhog Day: Feast Day of St. Marmot ~ Patron saint of those of us who would prefer to sleep all the way though the cold dreary winter and wake up thin.

    Yes, I do prefer jeans, so today I’m wearing boot-cut jeans, slippers, and my pink Loodie shirt!

  3. emb Avatar

    Maybe no pokies, but lovely abs. One of those runners may regret that tan in future decades.


    Peace, emb

  4.  Avatar

    Ghost you didn’t notice there were some males running? We all know about what cold does to them. No pokies.

    Do not give up your day job, Jackie. And don’t trade words with your betters.

    Ghost, does the hairdresser cut hair well? And would you patronize someone for their looks alone?

    Kitchen can be cooked in again. Going to make asparagii omelet with Multigrain toast and locally sourced orange marmalade, although lord knows where they grew those oranges in central Oklahoma?

  5. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    This is the original instrumental
    “Beneath The Southern Cross” from the TV show Victory At Sea


    Richard Rogers re used it for Me & Juliet

  6. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Mostly flannel shirts & blue jeans.
    Summer short sleeve cotton.
    2 pair Mason (brand) boots alternate days.
    Another pair for nice.
    Western boots for dress.

    Work is supplied button up short sleeve shirt &
    my Chino type pants.

    Ties for Church- weddings & funerals.

  7. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    ‘The most terrifying words In the English language are:

    I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’


  8. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Oh and suspenders – I have a set for all the holidays.
    And more.

  9. emb Avatar

    Jackie: ‘We all know about what cold does to them. No pokies.’ Not true. Elaine and I were in the BSU bleachers one cool day when a male in a tee came out from the entrance from under the bleachers. She looked at him and said, quietly, to me, ‘Are you cold, or just glad to see me?’ Our pokies are just smaller than some. Vive la difference! Erectile tissue is such fun.

    Peace, emb

  10. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    She’s an excellent hair cutter, Jackie. The eye candy is just a bonus.

    And I wouldn’t walk around with a bad haircut if she worked in the nude. 😉

    emb, I suspect Jackie may have been referring to the Dreaded Cold Weather Male Shrinkage Phenomenon. But perhaps not.

  11. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    Thank you, Old Bear! That is a wonderful song – and a wonderful performer!

    My daughter was fortunate to meet him once in FL. She was singing at high school music competition and he had kind words for her performance. Classy guy!

  12. Galliglo in Ohio Avatar
    Galliglo in Ohio

    At work I dress in business casual – no suits, but nice slacks and tops. I always look forward to Fridays for then I can dress in (nice) jeans!

    Home? PJs, sweats or jeans! I like my comfort.

  13.  Avatar

    Ghost wins, correct answer. Since I never seem to have flat breasts I didn’t realize it was a phenomenon?

    Yes, I figured the hair mattered. Mine does.

    Actually the reason I asked about attire was I suspect we have all shifted into what is casual but I also suspect we fall into the neat casual category. Most of the people I see locally are so sloppy I would think them homeless in a big city. Tulsa has a bit more class but you have to remember I am a displaced Texan from upscale Houston and Dallas.

    Even though we shouldn’t, I still judge people by at least neatness and presentable appearance.

    Just finished brunch, it was delicious and the orange marmalade was really good, from Rogers, Arkansas. I bought it along with organic honey from my local feed and seed store. The label seems to say since 1934?

  14. emb Avatar

    OF due 1355-1415 CST. Website above, two places.

    Still only one peregrine [or only one at a time, but have not seen two] in Baltimore, n. of an arm of Chesapeake Bay. Comes and goes, perches at least 3 different places on the skyscraper’s ledge.


    Peace, emb

  15.  Avatar

    Love the Southern Cross theme. I always thought of it as the theme from Victory at Sea.

  16. Ghost Rider 6 Avatar
    Ghost Rider 6

    I hope 1934 was not the sell-by date.

    Having a late lunch, surfing the tube. Judging by the little bit of a movie (“Charlie’s Angels”) I just ran across, business attire for Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Lui seems to be mostly bikinis and outfits with exposed midriffs, short skirts, and minimal undergarments.

  17.  Avatar
  18. Jerry in Florida Avatar
    Jerry in Florida

    OB, when I used to give talks at the federal prison I always began with that line.

  19. Jerry in Florida Avatar
    Jerry in Florida

    Or anywhere else for that matter.

  20.  Avatar

    I am picky about orange marmalade, excessively so in honesty. I used to make and sell jellies, jams, marmalades, competes and butters, anything with sugar, fruit, veggies, nuts, wines. Over 150 different flavors. It has to be better than Smuckers for me to eat it.
    My only flavors I make consistently anymore are strawberry, red raspberry and peach and since I don’t eat it often I doubt I’d make any more.

    My company was called Jellies by Jam (which are my initials) My biggest sellers were probably jalapeño which I did more than one type of and basil concord grape of all things.

  21. curmudgeonly ex-professor Avatar
    curmudgeonly ex-professor

    Watching the TV series of Victory at Sea is one of my memories from grade school days; loved the music and action shots. Had to view at friend Richard’s house, as we had no TV in those days. Only recently have made contact with Richard, known as a triathlete of note in his age category. He was diagnosed with some kind of cancer in his spine (or spinal fluid, if that is possible) and was just officially confirmed as being in remission. A number of us grade school mates are praying.

    Asked my son for the VaS set on disc a couple years ago at Christmas time. It was still enjoyable, though I could tell some of the shots were used more than once! Rodgers’ music still moves me.

    The Berry College bald eagles had 2 eggs ready to hatch as of a few days ago, but they had not hatched as of last evening. I have not checked on them today. The site can easily be googled.

  22. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    c ex-p, I like the Victory at Sea show as well, but it ran before my time. I saw segments as 16 mm film while in the Navy because they had it as part of their film library for training. Even though I have been out of active service since 1977, it just occurred to me how ironic it is that I began my active service after specialty school in Hawaii, then was transferred to Japan, and actually ended my sea service in the Philippines, flying home to the States from Clark Air Base. I got my copy of the series on DVD out of a Wal-mart bargain bin for around $5. Still looks and sounds good after all these years.

  23. emb Avatar

    ‘Since I never seem to have flat breasts I didn’t realize it was a phenomenon.’ Janis obviously varies some / her overall weight, but Arlo seems to ‘like them, whatever I weigh.’ Wonderful line, and oh so true.

    One of the Page 3 girls several YA varied, presumably w/ her 29-day cycle, but what most would consider admirable all month. The Sun commented on it. Haven’t looked there for ages, expect she may have ‘retired’ from P.3.

    Haven’t looked at OF since I got home from Peak. Spelling is important.


    Peace, emb

  24.  Avatar

    We all have our crosses to bear. Even skinny to point of looking like Ethel Kennedy in her prime I was still busty comparatively. At 110 pounds I was still a 36 DD. I began wearing a bra at age 8 or 9 and was mortified and hated being different. At age twelve I discovered I had become beautiful but I have never until recently come to terms with the issue. I hated my body and took revenge by not taking care of it, back and forth.