I had a different old cartoon picked out to show you and to discuss today, but I decided for once to finish something I’d started. Here are the final two episodes of “Rearranged Marriage,” completing the entire sequence that first appeared for one week in 2005. You might recall that not long ago I reprised this idea in a rather colorful Sunday. Did I deliberately sneak back and crib from the older comic strip? Not really. Not consciously. What usually happens in these situations is that I’ll get started on an idea and in creeps the nagging question: Have I drawn this one before? The answer in this case was, Yes.

Rearranged Marriage, fini
By Jimmy Johnson
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170 responses to “Rearranged Marriage, fini”
Hey, Jimmy other mediums do that too. As a floral show designer and commentator I was wont to walk off stage six hours later and look at an arrangement, admire it and ask who did it? Me of course, I had just forgotten it already!
Love, Jackie
Geyser Basin a fairyland of rime. OF due 1020-1040 CST. Peace, emb
Since this was at the bottom of yesterday’s post, let’s repeat it here.
Here is Debbe’s URL and an essay question:
Why is Erie, the southernmost lake, frozen over, while Ontario is ice-free?
[Many of my students would look at this and say, “Same guy, no change”.
Peace, emb
I would guess water depth, volume of water and movement of water through the lake, but that is just a guess. It keeps our lake here ice free normally.
ah yes, I remember an episode of Penn and Teller’s Bulls**t show, they did one on feng shui and had secret recordings of the designer admitting he didn’t know what he was doing, and sorry Arlo, I don’t think a TV would make it in any feng shui design
Just locked myself out in snow in a tee shirt, short sleeved, pj bottom and no cell phone or spare key chasing 10# dog. Popped one lock with small screw driver, not too encouraging and almost got another one and a window. Should increase security perhaps? Or wear a key on my wrist like I used to at the gym. Not happy! Dog is in, he changed places with the cat that is a duplicate of Ludwig, now outside frolicking in the snow. My deputy is out on patrol and did call and check on me, however, before I locked myself out.
Just got invited to a volunteer training session, designed, among other things, to ensure that our interactions with the public will be “impactful.” I dutifully registered for the event.
I think the sender of the message did not create that text, but sent her the following reply:
‘ “Impactful”? You didn’t originate that, did you? If so, I love you anyway, but “effective”, or even “useful” would be better. Impact used to convey the sense of a major, possibly damaging collision, like my gym incident of last March. Now it means everything from that to any measurable effect, = it means little except that the user knows the current jargon, as she or he “moves forward.” ‘
Peace, emb
In an integrated format, designed to achieve diversity and political correctness. Peace, indeed, EMB
Jackie, I have a thought about your security issues. Check out Dropcam. It is a security camera that does not require cables, connects to your computer, and will send you alerts if it notices anything moving around in the monitored areas. You can see what it sees on your smartphone and even talk through a built-in speaker. It has a microphone too, so you can hear what is going on.
OK, Jackie, you win the Village Pokies Queen title. So quit going outside so skimpily clad in those temperatures, already. You’ll have to give up the title if you freeze them off. 🙂
But seriously, if you can into your house easily, so could anyone else.
Heck, Ghost at least I had on a bottom! Until my aunt objected to traveling with me constantly flashing eveyone in a long tee shirt and bought me pj’s I had never worn them. I’d work in office in a short tee sleep shirt, get mad at a customer or get writers’ block. Then I go outside to pull therapeutic weeds for awhile in that, flashing any passersby! I still will go out on back decks and work in pj’s.
I do have a very good friend who lives in a country where nudity is not against the law. He gardens nude and I told him if I took that up in Oklahoma not only would I be arrested but I would collect chiggers, ticks, mosquito bites and snakes as well.
Glad to see you again Ghost, Did you have a nice weekend? Did the ice get you too?
Love, Jackie
Frost bite of breasts? I guess it is possible or hypothermia? Mark, that is excellent suggestion and I know I need a camera mounted for security. I bet my deputy could do that too, he is a nice guy, got the water heater lit after the rest of us failed.
“Bob, in that case I bet you know where Ajo and Why are and the bombing range there.”
Yep. plus Tombstone, Bisbee, Green Valley, etc.
Arizona used to be part of my territory and I think I have been over almost every inch, not just the major cities. I ended up managing two different salesmen in that territory where I did all their appointments, scheduled their days, all they had to do was show up and get to the customer. It is, however, a sparsely populated state with long spaces between towns or customers!
Wow. Not even ten years ago, and dig the TV set.
Thanks, Jackie. It was a quiet but satisfying weekend…if you know what I mean. And, the only ice was in my bourbon.
And yes, do beware the frostbite. It’s the extremities that are most susceptible to being nipped by Jack Frost…if you know what I mean.
Jackie, you are welcome. The reason I suggest this one is my ex got one since she is in kind of an isolated area too. She let me log in once to see what kind of resolution it had and it was very good. It has its own infrared lights for night vision with the lights out.
Here is their website: https://www.dropcam.com/
Just got back – have to read more – later.
Julia Richmond HS: First time I’ve thought about it since ’47 or so.
It was all girl back when my mother went there early 30s
Maybe that is why you remember it.
My early years were 189th & Broadway went to P.S. 132
That was what I assumed, Ghost. Or you were sleeping in.
Continuing a multi-year tradition, every single Oscar awarded last night went to a movie I had not seen. As I had predicted…since I did not go see a single movie last year.
I gave up going to movie theaters years ago, because movie theaters. My DVD player went south about the same time, and I haven’t felt compelled to replace it, as I always seem to have better things to do at home than spend two hours of my life watching a movie. Perhaps that will change at some point in the future.
Neither do I watch the Oscar ceremonies, because acceptance speeches. That is not likely to change.
Do you like live theater? Plays? I wondered because I hate movie theaters and television pretty much as well but I always like plays with real actors. Mind you, I am not certain I have watched an Oscar show all the way through, although I am likely to have walked through a room with it on.
The play’s the thing, which I feel is strange because I do not think I have attended one here in Oklahoma after leaving Houston. What makes it different? Is it the actors actually there in front of you? (If you can afford good seats, otherwise they are about like watching a television.)
Few artistic endeavors are more enjoyable than a well produced and well performed play. Conversely, few endeavors of any kind are more excruciating than a badly produced and badly performed play.
I was fortunate from my teens to see good theater and work in college with a well funded and supported local playhouse that could get professional assistance because one of their benefactors was actually a Broadway producer who had left Louisiana but still supported us. It was a good amateur experience.
But it was actually Houston and the theater they supported and funded that I loved. I only had one cousin whom I knew on my biological father’s side, he was a New York stage manager and director but I always felt he sold out to the production of the massive regional outdoor theater genre. I always thought he and I were most alike and I wish I had known him better.
He ended his career with 20 years of stage productions for Opryland in Nashville as artistic director. I think it paid well but was it art? Now “Damn Yankees” with Gwen Verdon might be argued to be art and that was the kind of stage plays he did before the festival days.
I sound too snobbish here I think? Love, Jackie
OF due now. Don’t know if it’s winding up or down. emb
Wake from long nap at 1745, make tea, open laptop, check email briefly, go to:
http://www.nps.gov/features/yell/webcam/oldFaithfulStreaming.html ,
alert Village, have tea while watching show. Sorry for the one woman there, because a northerly wind mostly moved steam toward us, hiding most of the jets. Cam operator did best for us, moving back and forth to catch action.
Time to steam veggies to go with half of wrap bought at the deli counter Sat. Peace, emb