I had a different old cartoon picked out to show you and to discuss today, but I decided for once to finish something I’d started. Here are the final two episodes of “Rearranged Marriage,” completing the entire sequence that first appeared for one week in 2005. You might recall that not long ago I reprised this idea in a rather colorful Sunday. Did I deliberately sneak back and crib from the older comic strip? Not really. Not consciously. What usually happens in these situations is that I’ll get started on an idea and in creeps the nagging question: Have I drawn this one before? The answer in this case was, Yes.

Rearranged Marriage, fini
By Jimmy Johnson
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170 responses to “Rearranged Marriage, fini”
34° and dry in Bayou City.
Wait, where did my response about the skating rinks out on I-45 where the cars gracefully glide and twirl across 4-5 lanes of traffic and the overpasses that turn into ski jumps go?
Just in case any of you harbor concerns I will not be OK, I attach my newest series of columns about choosing life, “Paths Not Taken”. http://www.duckworksmagazine.com/15/columns/jackie/01/index.htm#VOyPU_nF-BF
Not just because I am in search of praise but because I think this is a message that pertains to a lot of us in the Village.
Love, Jackie
What truly is slicker than snot…cat excrement on linoleum.
How’s that global warming thing working out for everyone today? 🙂 Climate is what we expect…weather is what we get.
Thanks, Jackie; you’re reading my mind again. (Scary, ain’t it?) I was going to ask if you would mind posting links to your articles as you write them.
Not really scary, Ghost. I have done that most of my life! Lost a really good sale on a Town Car once because I was walking across the lot with the customer, whom I had just met a few minutes before and asked him something about “When you were in the oil business?” He turned white and demanded to know who I was? How did I know that? Did I know him? His wife?
Anyway, he bolted and that was that.
Thanks for asking, Ghost. I’d do an emoticon if I could! Chapter 2 is at the offices (Australia)
of my editor and I am waiting to find out what happens in Chapter 3 because it hasn’t happened yet.
I am still on masthead of my other magazine, Small Craft Advisor, so I need to write something different for them entirely. This is only one I get to talk about “life” in as boats affect it.
Love, Jackie Monies
Trapper Jean, I’m glad your power is still on!
For those Villagers not used to driving in the road conditions you have: don’t, if at all possible. Much of the US is not for the inexperienced right now. Stay safe.
Jackie: that was beautiful. Over the past several years I have watched a few of my friends/family members deal with widowhood and seen each of them chose quite different paths. You will be my inspiration should the day come when I must chose a path. Actually, with retirement looming ever closer, you will be my inspiration now 🙂
Ruth Anne, I have had male friends who broke down in tears of joy at my decision because they too watched family members tear their lives and the lives of others apart, in death, in divorce, in many forms of separation or change. So have I.
I write my life for others, not because it is perfect, but because it is life.
Love you all, Jackie
Thank you, Jackie
Denise, even if the power does go out we have a generator and firewood, so life would be inconvenient, but not impossible. 🙂
Ghost Sweetie, my Dad used to say if you don’t like the weather in Georgia, wait 15 minutes; it’ll change. He also used to say that something was slicker’n owl s%*t. 😉
Very cool, Jackie… you go, girl!
Jean dear, we are then indeed fortunate that owls are not as plentiful at a neighborhood mall as are the pigeons.
Thought for the Day – Some mistakes are too much fun to make only once.
Is that comment aimed at any one of us, Ghost? Or is that just your particular mantra in life?
Thank you indeed, Jackie. Nancy K.
Merely a thought, Jackie. 😉
Packing for Florida as we speak. I am snowed out!
Speaking of snow, Marko Kloos writes in his blog from rural Vermont:
“We have never had as much snow as we’ve had this year, not even close. It has never been this cold for so long without any thaw days in the mix. We have never had three major winter storms on three consecutive weekends. Even here in the country, we are running out of space to push the snow, and down in Boston it just piles up because they don’t have any room left. Among my local friends, there’s widespread extreme winter fatigue. Spring can’t come soon enough, even if that means mud and blackflies, but at this rate I’m afraid it’ll take until July for all the snow to melt.
“There are locals who have lived here half a century who say that they’ve never seen anything like it before. When you have seasoned New Englanders crying “uncle”, it’s a complete Bitchwinter.”
That makes me even more concerned about what Miz Charlotte has had to deal with this winter.
Ghost, I had two friends who moved to Camden, ME area, one recently from British country, who abandoned it rapidly. He is now in Port Townsend, WA where believe it or not the weather is rather mild. He told me he just simply had NO IDEA what the Maine weather was like. They are boat builders and designers, sailors who wanted to be in a marine environment. They just couldn’t take it.
Another moved there from Houston. Houston, of all places! He left and went to Great Lakes but I hardly see how that was much of an improvement! So yes, Miss Charlotte has been on my mind.
OF due 1329-1349 CST. emb
My house is being lived in while I am gone and I have enough communication equipment along I hope that something will work somewhere. Now if anyone wants to offer tech support, I would be delighted.
Trying to get off while there is a window in our forecast. You all know I am totally and idiotically transparent, all my information is over on Sail Oklahoma including my phone numbers and email addresses. Those emails go straight to me but my email address is m_monies@yahoo.com and the phone #’s are mine too. No stalking, please!
Going through Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida all the way to the Keys.
Love, Jackie
He’s back – took notes, sorry to come late to some conversations but
Slicker than goose p00p through a tin horn. Owl p00p is not slick it has too much hair in it.
Saw a program that showing off house? or training young ladies & gents in deportment
(there is something not recognized much today) that had young people in Antebellum costume
and Uniforms.
Jean Shepherd – did not read him but listened on WOR am radio long years ago. If his
books are like his oral stories they will be #1
There was only 1 book so bad I never finished – in fact only got about 20 pages in.
For humorous reading try Robert Asprin’s Myth Adventure series – Very PUN Y
The other is Phule’s Company.
John in Richmond — 02/21 @ 12:27
If you like Ian Fleming you might like Donald Hamilton. There is Matt Helm – nothing like the
Dean Martin movies – Unlike James Bond he is most comfortable in the woods & in the South West. Later books had more boats. First is “Death of a Citizen”. These others are not Matt Helm
Night Walker – Lots of boats and Old money houses. 1954
Murder Twice Told -1947
The Steel Mirror – 1948
When reading these the thing is to remember what cars and styles were back then.
Hamilton’s description of clothes (especially women’s) goes into detail. Gas stations and Diners
not what they are today.
His “The Big Country” was made into a movie with Gregory Peck.
Another detective is Hugh North (started 1930 to 1968) by F.Van Wyck Mason – Just found “Goodreads” will have to see how that works. Does anyone know about them? Could not find a cost.
Till later
Prayers for David
& Jackie on your trip.
OF due 1736-1756 CST. Peace, emb
The series Jean Shepherd’s America on PBS in the early 1970s was my introduction to his work, his words in his own voice with images to match. You can find all the episodes out there. Here’s the first one that comes to mind – “Beer, the mother of us all”:
Old Bear, good choice on Robert Lynn Asprin. Too bad he died young, had lots of good work yet to come. Never read Matt Helm books. Have read all the Louis L’Amour I could find once a friend got me started.
One of the Megapack books I picked up was a collection of Dashiell Hammett short stories. Liked them very much.
If you like SF/Fantasy try Spider Robinson’s Callahan series. They are among the best I have ever read, with nods to Robert Heinlein and Travis McGee in different places. In fact, Spider was the author picked to complete an unfinished Heinlein manuscript and edited a complete but unpublished one a few years ago.
Good thing we have a librarian among us! We need one. What an eclectic reading list we generate yet I have read so many of them. It is true, I would read a cereal box.
I had a friend named Jeff Millar from Houston who wrote “Tank McNamara” and columns for the Houston Chronicle. I remember him saying he could not throw away or burn anything that held the printed word like a book. He had every book he had ever owned supposedly!
I’ve been thinking more about influential reading materials from my childhood; several come to mind. Perhaps some of you of similar age will recognize these.
A lot of Poe’s stories; the complete Song of Hiawatha; Ben Hur; two works by Holling C. Holling, one dealing with cowboys and one with Indians. Those last two had childish storylines, but the marginalia were absolutely GREAT for detail of actual items used. I still recall some of those drawings. Omoo & Typee were also absorbed.
To my brief list of true books, let me add a 3rd Osa Johnson work, “I Married Adventure”. It strikes me that I heard that Osa’s husband Martin had earlier sailed on at least one trip with Jack London, but I could not prove that now. As well, “We Live in the Arctic” by Bud & Connie Helmricks gave insight into living off the land north of the Brooks Range (Alaska) just after WWII.
Maybe our resident librarian can comment.