I had a different old cartoon picked out to show you and to discuss today, but I decided for once to finish something I’d started. Here are the final two episodes of “Rearranged Marriage,” completing the entire sequence that first appeared for one week in 2005. You might recall that not long ago I reprised this idea in a rather colorful Sunday. Did I deliberately sneak back and crib from the older comic strip? Not really. Not consciously. What usually happens in these situations is that I’ll get started on an idea and in creeps the nagging question: Have I drawn this one before? The answer in this case was, Yes.

Rearranged Marriage, fini
By Jimmy Johnson
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170 responses to “Rearranged Marriage, fini”
Pantyhose are the devil’s creation. Not sure how I feel about under wire bras? I will find out soon I guess! Never wore the others.
Unless I give up habit of working in tee shirts and pj bottoms I will probably not need to advertise for workmen. Small 10# dogs don’t hide much in this kind of weather. No one has quit yet, but I pay decently.
Fence looking good! Love, Jackie
I’m here! Transplant is starting to work some. Lots of labs and doctor visits scheduled. Recovering from the surgery. More later.
Thank you for letting us know, David. I was about to go to Austin and it is a big city now!
Willie is singing “you Are Always On My Mind”, so prophetic?
Love, Jackie
Glad to hear the good news David.
Good report, David. And about time. 🙂
I went to see my pneumatic and pulchritudinous haircutter today. She was wearing something that appeared to be a cross between yoga pants and leggings*, with a just-below-the-waist over-blouse. And wearing it quite well, I might add. 😉 She has a derrière that would be the envy of many women 10 years her junior. (Shapely legs, too.) Brightened my mood considerably on a cold and gloomy day, it did.
*Whatever she was wearing is called, I’m sure that lawmaker in Montana would want to ban it. 🙁
Yay David!
10# dog is perching himself in the bags of clothes or on top, afraid someone else will leave I think? He wants to be sure to go along.
I think I know the reason my ex-housekeeper put so many of my clothes in my room’s apartment. It is right next to laundry room and my bedroom and closets are at front of house. Too far to walk. So, I have found baskets and baskets of my clothes which will have to be rewashed or sent to cleaners. These bags were to go straight to donations, so I am glad my instinct made me search. Maybe I will find more?
Know how they manage those 230 calorie meals. No food, just the boxes.
Garth is singing “Friends in Low Places”, a great favorite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvCgSqPZ4EM&list=RDG-J7mLyD3yc&index=27
Hope that is right! Now it is Waylon on “Good Hearted Woman”.
Not “room” but “Mom’s”- Darn!
David ^_ _^
Jackie, Willie is here in our living room; just nodding off. 😉
P.S. Willie is our cat.
Good news, David! Hope it continues to improve!
That is good news, David! Thanks for letting us know. 🙂
Good news, David! Hang in there and keep improving!!
Happy Birthday, Miss Charlotte!
David in Austin, this day is 100% better after hearing from you; and it was a very good day to begin with. Very happy for you; good wishes.
Congratulations, Jackie. You finally got a YouTube link to work. 😀
Indeed, David, that is absolutely great new!
Don’t try to do too much walking/standing while the foot/ankle heals, Charlotte. So happy to hear you have reliable people around to help.
Who was that old journalist who maintained that “news” was plural? He was quoted as asking someone (employee?) “Are there any news?” The other party replied appropriately, “Not a new!” .
Yes, Ghost. I am moving into the world of cyberspace in a creaky old space ship. I am apparently well liked, lots of friends it appears. Now I shall have to find something to say to all of them. Mark, some reason it is not letting me connect to you. I am following instructions too on the phone.
Got a great compliment from the company producing my Gig Harbor Scamp, the little 12 foot boat/dinghy/sailboat, who said they wished I had written it for them, that I had a way with words. I said “Have at it and use it. Once it runs in my primary magazine you can have it for your website.”
So, I guess I will end up with a blog entry over there too. Grandma Moses of boating world I think? Rather old for something I should have done 30-40 years ago but the net has made all this possible. So, I can’t ignore technology any more I suppose.
Lots of love, Jackie
c x-p: Lovely. My major peeves are data and media. “The data is . . ..” A former junior colleague at U Mich., who has since done distinguished work in ecology and been a widely loved prof, and tragically died in his 70s of a rare disease, once used “phenomenae” in a poster / a talk he was to give at UM.
David: Progress! Hope all goes well.
Pasties and pasties are pronounced differently. Long a in the stupid, obscene nipple hiders, as in toothpaste. ah in the meat and veggie pie, drawn out in some traditions: pah.ah.sties. Best wife and I had were lunch at the summer hovel of a student I am still in contact with. She has become a skilled cook. If she visits in March, I’ll let her cook or supervise at least one supper.
I’m partial to food wrapped in dough: pasties, burritos, other wraps. Favorite “Mexican” chain is Qdoba. No idea how authentic it is, but I do 2 or 3 of their burritos a month. Each = base for two suppers, along w/ steamed veggies of var. sorts. Asparagus was on sale at my preferred super mkt. today.
Peace, emb
You would no doubt like the meat pies as featured in “Steel Magnolias” movie, a tradition in Louisiana in only that one town. The Cajuns make crawfish pies same way, now more people are doing the meat pies in imitation.
Knew about the differing pronunciation but love messing with Ghost’s mind, so it hardly seemed important for that! Actually they make them in many locales that the miners worked in, which is why I think the tradition goes with mining, I have had them in western states where there are mines as the workmen’s wives must have carried the tradition with them.
Of course these are the same type meat pies that featured so prominently in “Sweeney Todd” where the murderous barber dispatches the victims and the catering lady below him cooks them up. I was told the Welsh-Cornish link by someone from Great Britain.
Love, Jackie
Pasties (i have heard0 started in tin mines. The miners could not wash hands, so held on to the
crimped crust and ate the middle – disposed of the handle part avoiding tin disease.
Anyone getting married? Suggestions for recessionals — I like #4
Belated birthday Miss C
Thanks for the report David, continuing Prayers
Umm. Jamaican Meat Pies, aka Jamaican Meat Patties, aka (believe it or not) Jamaican Meat Pasties.
I say “pah-sta”. Giada says “passed-ah”. But I forgive her for being a little pretentious, because she is Hollywood-Italian, you know. And busty.
John in Richmond and others especially sand & GR6
a passage from Deadfall in “Murder Twice Told” indicative of DH’s humor.
…..holding a .320 Colt automatic pistol. …
The gun did not go with the apartment nor with the slender hand that held it.
There was nothing expensive or feminine about the weapon; it was Mr, Colts stock model in that caliber, without radio, defroster, or white sidewall tires. It would not give good FM reception, change the baby, or make you attractive to the opposite sex. It wasn’t Weston thought, even much of a gun. You would starve to death before you filled the pot with what it killed, even in a country teeming with game. When you came to think of it, the object was practically useless. It wasn’t good for a damn thing except shooting a man at close range.
I am glad we had the book talk – I dug out my old paper backs.
John let me know how you like Donald Hamilton.