I’m not much of a sketcher. I don’t have a lot of doodles or rough drafts lying around my office. So, what is all this junk lying around? But that’s another topic. I attribute this mainly to being a writer first and a graphic artist second. All my life I’ve had a knack for drawing, but it turned out to be a secondary talent. I marvel at the manic impulse to doodle that possesses so many of my cartooning peers. I wish I were more like that. However, every now and then, I turn out a sketch for the sake of warming up, or improving my chops, or—rarest of all—because I feel like drawing something. Anyway, I drew this one last week; I think it was a subliminal desire to be at the beach. I thought I would share it with you.

Sea Fever
By Jimmy Johnson
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290 responses to “Sea Fever”
cxp: I’m discussing the painting at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Brooklyn_Museum_-_June_-_George_Inness_-_overall.jpg
Debbe 😉 You had to start with Linda, didn’t you, hon? Have I mentioned that this is one of my all-time favorites, not just by her, but by anyone? I’m sure that I have.
Thanks for the info. The only things I saw which might be “off” are the reflections of 2 tree trunks. The one at the right doesn’t have the reflection lined up correctly, while the reflection near the middle lacks the lean of the actual tree.
I never claimed to be an art critic!
Bear and Trucker:
Yep, ~ the problem at the beach, above. That’s a slow stream, basically a horizontal mirror reflecting a reasonably vertical trunk. The reflection belongs directly below the trunk, not off to the right [because that’s the way the current goes?].
“That reflection is discombobulating – but if it was done Plein aire is that not what he saw?”
Maybe he sketched the scene outdoors, didn’t bother with the reflection on site, and did the painting later in the studio, where he put the reflection in the wrong place.
Anyway, it would drive me nuts were it in view all the time.
Peace, emb
c x-p. Neither of us are being art critics here, just picky scientists. As a work of art, I think it’s composed and executed well, which is why I bought it decades ago for our home. Most evocative of peaceful countryside. I didn’t notice the goof until maybe 20 years ago.
I used it, the Manet, and two other paintings as exhibits a-d for a talk I gave on the pros and cons of science interacting with art, on whether being a scientist “spoils it.” Basically, I disagree with Eliot on this, though I don’t believe I quoted him or Wordsworth:
Eliot, T. S. (1888-1965). Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? A070719
But knowing details can be a handicap in some situations. Not often enough for me to “rather not know.”
Peace, emb
Good morning Villagers….
Indy Mindy, from the looks of the National Radar Service, it doesn’t look good for you in the next few hours….better hunker down girl.
We’re supposed to get it later this afternoon, with much cooler air behind it. Amen. This heat and humidity is killing me…not to mention the hens. We try not to stir them up when it gets this hot and humid.
My husband and I discussed getting rid of our cell phones to cut expenses. And my mom didn’t lose her cell phone, my sister has it. She thought I had already cut my cell phone off. Don’t really use them that much, don’t have much service out here in the boonies. The only time I get service is when I’m in town. So I won’t miss it much, it would only come in handy if my car broke down, and that would be iffy if I could get a signal…I hate drop calls.
gotta go…..
That was cute, Mark 🙂 Chicken run…that was a movie right?
…and GR 😉 , while we’re on the subject…this is another one of my favorites by Linda
M y favorite Linda song written by my favorite Monkee:
Although the song is awkward as it is written from a guy’s point of view, I just love Linda’s voice and Mike’s wordplay.
Heads up, or you might find yourself in a situation like Charlotte in NH:
Mark, Microsoft does the same thing Bing. After updates you might find Ning has become your default search engine.
sand, I haven’t had that problem yet. But I learned to look closely when anything with a check box comes up after having my search switched during updates before. I’ve had fewer problems like that since I started using Chrome as my internet browser.
Argh!!! I should never post before the caffeine infused my neural
Double argh!!! Cat bumped me, and post loaded prematurely. Wonder if there is a pharmaceutical for premature loading. 😉
Never post before caffeine infuses one’s neural network. Or, with cat on lap.
Mark, excellent advice. The problem is MS embeds some of it inside those “system updates ” that only say to not turn off the machine. Thanks for the kind words for Chrome. It is our only browser on the eight machines we are currently running.
sand, premature unloading is general held to be a greater problem. So I’ve been told.
Thought for the Day: I don’t worry about the bullet with my name on it; I can’t do anything about that one. I worry about all the bullets that have “To Whom It May Concern” on them.
That’s a great drawing Mr. Johnson. You know what would be great? You do a whole bunch of those and publish them in a coloring book format. What a lot of fun that would be!
GR6, premature unloading is the type of event that can cause one to be banned from the local gun club.
I Symply forgot and have not ben lurking lately…I owe you folks a Fargone picture! Here is the link to the finished motorcycle.
Still read you Jimmy, but too busy for the time I spent here in the mornings anymore.
Wishing the village well; I am
Symply Fargone
I Symply forgot and have not ben lurking lately…I owe you folks a Fargone picture!
Here is the link to the finished motorcycle.
Still read you Jimmy, but too busy for the time I spent here in the mornings anymore.
Wishing the village well; I am
Symply Fargone
Symply, thanks for sharing. Good of you to pop in.
Adrian, I was just thinking the other day about how much I used to enjoy losing myself in coloring books as a kid, even with a box of 16 Crayolas. I might have even more fun now with a box of 64 Crayolas!
Hi, Symply! Nice to hear from you!
Mindy, I’m hoping for the best possible outcome for you, whatever that best is!
Symply – good to hear from you! Was wondering how you are.
Symply — I’m glad you popped in, and hope life is treating you well. How is your back?
The last vestigial trace of my beer belly is gone. I named it Braad. I loved Braad. And now I’ve lost him. We two have been through everything together…like, nothing can replace Braad. [sad face] And then, my abs called. And I broke into my happy dance.
(With no apologies to That Insurance Company for Whinny People Who Don’t Read Their Policies)
Speaking of abs, if this were my girlfriend, I wouldn’t know whether to caress her or to sand her down and re-varnish her.