I’m not much of a sketcher. I don’t have a lot of doodles or rough drafts lying around my office. So, what is all this junk lying around? But that’s another topic. I attribute this mainly to being a writer first and a graphic artist second. All my life I’ve had a knack for drawing, but it turned out to be a secondary talent. I marvel at the manic impulse to doodle that possesses so many of my cartooning peers. I wish I were more like that. However, every now and then, I turn out a sketch for the sake of warming up, or improving my chops, or—rarest of all—because I feel like drawing something. Anyway, I drew this one last week; I think it was a subliminal desire to be at the beach. I thought I would share it with you.

Sea Fever
By Jimmy Johnson
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290 responses to “Sea Fever”
My Order: Ludwig (3), Janis (1), Arlo (1), schooner (1)
“liberal communists” is an oxymoron.
Also, if a historically communist regime has become in most respects capitalist, but is still a one-party state, it is in fact, fascist. Who was it won WWII?
The Allied Powers!
I would order a lot of the schooner of course but Ludwig, Arlo a nd Janis too. Ready to spend market here JJ!
Maybe Jackie,Mark ,and I could contract the A&J marketing rights.
Mark, I can’t wait to show that clip to my husband—he was one of those boys!
That is doable, Sand. I’d love that. We’d be a good team I suspect!
Listening to Dire Straits because of Mark.
Janis is, indeed, a babe…
Have you read or seen any of Eric Sloane’s cloud paintings or weather books?
Your clouds brought him to mind.
He did books on colonial tools and barns but he first did clouds & weather.
My daughter had a rough week. She was down in Indiana with me Mon and Tuesday and found out a friend that she had been helping with a drug problem OD’d on heroin. Tonight was the wake and it was an hour from her apartment. She called us as she nearly passed out while she was there and it was raining as she drove home. Of course as she was talking with my wife, she started crying pretty hard.
I immediately started to ask her questions about her new job and how they were treating her, especially with 2 funerals in one week. She started talking about how kind they had been, even one of the big guys held an umbrella for her as she walked to the car and then back to the work trailer when she realized that she had left her keys. I kept talking about work and what she was doing and the next thing you know she was home…safe. She graduated in Psych from Mich St and is about 2/3 of the way through for a degree in Engineering. I told her that I hoped she didn’t mind my amateur Psych trick of diverting her attention and she laughed and said that until I said something, she hadn’t noticed.
I struggled for a few years after graduation, but eventually found my footing. So will she.
My daughter had a rough week. She was down in Indiana with me Mon and Tuesday and found out a friend that she had been helping with a drug problem OD’d on heroin. Tonight was the wake and it was an hour from her apartment. She called us as she nearly passed out while she was there and it was raining as she drove home. Of course as she was talking with my wife, she started crying pretty hard.
I immediately started to ask her questions about her new job and how they were treating her, especially with 2 funerals in one week. She started talking about how kind they had been, even one of the big guys held an umbrella for her as she walked to the car and then back to the work trailer when she realized that she had left her keys. I kept talking about work and what she was doing and the next thing you know she was home…safe. She graduated in Psych from Mich St and is about 2/3 of the way through for a degree in Engineering. I told her that I hoped she didn’t mind my amateur Psych trick of diverting her attention and she laughed and said that until I said something, she hadn’t noticed.
I struggled for a few years after graduation, but eventually found my footing. So will she.
Old Bear, ever looked at any of Edward Gorey’s drawings? Way too detailed for comic strips, good thing he stuck to illustrating books and stage sets.
And to better make my point: http://www.goreybooks.com/images/signals-babyfalling.jpg
Way to go, Steve/RO. [For all you youngsters in the Village, that was a common expression of approval about 50-60 years ago….]
I know of & admire his work.
It is his work at opening of Masterpiece Mystery on PBS.
Many of his cartoons are in New Yorker magazine.
Bear, Think maybe he’s disappeared from the New Yorker. emb
He died in 2000. Thought maybe, but didn’t realize it was 15 yr. ago. Peace, emb
Forgot the URL:
Good morning Debbe. I know you’ll be the next one here! Still in Oklahoma but taking off soon.
While I was a tad north of town we had a storm sufficient to collapse fireworks tents and flood town a little, by the time I got home it was over and I had more water in back yard. Flood control is costing a fortune and seems to move from front to back!
Good morning Villagers…
..and a back at ya Jackie!!
Steve, you did good in raising your daughter. She’ll face many hurdles, but this one she will make her stronger and your diversion will be in her heart always….trust me on this one.
Regarding decals…I can’t stand the one with Calvin peeing…..
Ya’ll have a Happy Caturday….
oh, re: today’s real time strip, you have to read the third comment regarding the Korean sauna…sounds luxurious.
and I’m surprised I didn’t see GR 😉 commenting there…yet
Korean sauna???
Debbe, you know Spellchex changes your spelling on me a lot! Along with a lot of other stuff.
Five hours sleep, up doing laundry and pulling out stuff to pack. Some day I may learn to travel with a bikini bottom, a tee shirt, my toothbrush and purse but I haven’t learned yet!
May stash some of this stuff somewhere and refill supply? Only done a long, long trip like this a time or two and I know I am a clothes aholic and a shopaholic and I need a 12 step program. May get it this summer! Laughs aloud here.
Calvin peeing is downright rude and not endorsed nor approved. Nor the one of him kneeling at the cross either. It was all stolen from Watterson, so who could blame how he felt? Feels?
Love, Jackie
Good job, Steve! You provided just what your daughter needed. In the midst of trouble, all of you are blessed…
Debbe 😉 Oops…forgot to post this for you last night. It’s also one of my all-time favorites.
Jackie, I mostly pack along those lines, and it works well. I do always take a roll of quarters and a small container of laundry soap with me in case of need, and often wash things in a sink or shower. (Of course the places I go, anyone who sees me isn’t likely to be too critical of my apparel and appearance.) My general rule is one to wash, one to wear, one to spare; rain poncho, hooded jacket, two pairs of shoes, extra socks, personal hygiene items, first aid, water bottle, knitting, and books. Also, three pairs of earrings…hey, I’m a girl. 😉 I layer clothes when cold and remove them when hot.