A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

“See here, Private Johnson!”

By Jimmy Johnson

This proud fellow with the cocky grin, posing for a picture to send the folks back home, is my father. It was taken in a stateside Army camp in 1941 or ’42. It could be Louisiana. Or California. Or Pennsylvania. Daddy had conquered much of North America before departing for England and, eventually, northern France. He was still proud when he was discharged at the end of World War II, but the cocky grin was long gone.

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63 responses to ““See here, Private Johnson!””

  1. emb Avatar

    Trucker: Caution; star-gazing can be addictive. I sunk only several hundred into it, ’60s-’70s, back when $100 was worth at least $25 or so. Mostly read about it now, largely in Sky & Telescope. May someday buy some 15x image-stabilizing binocs, which would also be good for birding. About the Pleiades; find the Beehive [Praesepe] in Cancer, a zodiac constellation containing no really bright stars. Beehive is farther away than Pleiades, w/ more stars, a jewelbox.


  2. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Miss Charlotte so glad to see you.

    Ghost and I went to the play Amadeus for the matinee. I loved it, got me reading about Mozart all the way home. We will get movie which I have not seen but Ghost loves.

    Poor Mozart. I will read more on his life. His music is being featured in the concert we are going to tomorrow I believe.

  3. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Trucker Ron, that’s great, that you saw Saturn through your telescope. I’ve never had a telescope and have been happy enough to identify and admire the constellations and planets that can be seen with the unaided eye. It’s very enjoyable.

  4. emb Avatar

    Trucker, Charlotte, et al.:

    Here’s a website: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap140222.html There are several others.


  5. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Good memory, Miss Charlotte! Here’s the info on the movie – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0037256/?ref_=nv_sr_2
    I’ll have to watch for it on the old movie channels next year around this time – we watched No Time for Sergeants tonight.

  6. TruckerRon Avatar

    I’ll have to look for the Beehive Cluster in 2 or 3 weeks. Right now it doesn’t clear our local mountains to our east until after midnight.

  7. tmdaviss Avatar

    Jimmy Johnson, I was doing my weekly catchup on the posts and liked the Talking Football 2nd strip (10/7/04) enough to go back and add it to my GoComics favorites. When I pulled up the ‘colorized’ version it just felt different, so I did a quick compare to your posted version on the blog — and I was right.

    Were you required to add the ‘granny panties’ to Janis’ cheerleader outfit by the editors on GoComics? It really does change the look of the whole strip (I like the realistic b/w sketch version MUCH better). Although I must admit that the unrelieved blue outfit might account for some of the reason I like it less.

    Always interested in things you pass on regarding your drawings, and your dealings with the business side of things as well.

  8. dave Avatar

    Great face/smile!

  9. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Love the Sunday Ludwig. What about the feeling a cat is sleeping with you or seeing the indention on covers but no cat?

    Why does Spell check change words I spell correctly and use properly to something it prefers? In the sentence above it changed to a car was sleeping with me and we could see the invention.

    I caught and edited it to what I had typed. Correctly typed!

  10. TruckerRon Avatar

    Maybe autocorrect is trying to create miscommunication amongst humans so we’ll destroy each other and leave the world ripe for conquest by SKYNET?


  11. Sideburns Avatar

    If you’ve got a reasonably clear night without a moon this month, the Andromeda Galaxy is a naked-eye object near the zenith most of the month. And, it’s not just a faint speck, either, it’s a fairly large glowing area with an apparent magnitude of about 3.44, not bad for something 2.5 million light years away!

  12. TruckerRon Avatar

    Yep, it’s easy to find… but most people don’t realize they’re looking directly at it. What we’re seeing is the bright central core of a large galaxy. Even at 2.5 million light years away, a spiral galaxy measuring 200,000 light years across fills an impressive piece of the sky, at least seven Moon widths! So, with the nearer stars of our on galaxy outshining those in the outer areas of Andromeda, we don’t recognize it.


    Nothing serious but in hospital for observation. Had pain and swelling in left arm when I got dressed for chamber music concert. Ghost made me call my cancer doctor who directed me to emergency room. Darn!

    No clot found but they kept me and I am wearing Holter monitor over night, will see my oncology doctor in morning.

  14. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Darn, is right, Jackie! Ghost did the right thing though. There will be other concerts, many others, in your future together.

  15. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    They have me on fluids to hydrate me. I thought I was pretty hydrated with water and juices?

    They have drawn blood samples like crazy, first in ER and now on cancer floor. I have cardiologist doing most I suspect, my heart doctors are owned by this hospital. They are the largest and best in state so I am in good hands.

    My side brought in a beautiful small quilt for me which she selected. She said it was me. It is, the colors of our bedroom. The pattern is one my grandmother who raised me quilted. The church ladies who quilted it are members of a congregation of Ghost ‘s faith.

    The quote on backup is”I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength. ” Philippians 4.13

    I feel like the wings of love embrace me. My hair is shedding and I don’t care. I know I am safe and loved and cared for.

  16. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    My aide brought in quilt. They are still drawing blood, all night long, more and more for esoteric rare tests it seems.

    It appears I may be here awhile in hospital. Ghost was right to insist O come.

  17. Rick in Shermantown, Ohio Avatar
    Rick in Shermantown, Ohio


    Except for the eyes, our fathers bear an uncanny resemblance.

    My dad, though, somehow still kept his grin throughout his entire life, right up until the moment the final stroke took him.

  18. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    For those who want to use the computer for more serious things than playing games: https://qz.com/1120344/200-universities-just-launched-600-free-online-courses-heres-the-full-list/

    Jackie, I hope you are able to go home soon. Sorry they had to put you back in the hospital.

  19. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Warning. Do not sip coffee when reading this strip:


  20. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Hard to get going in the morning. Since the time change it is absolutely dark when I get up. And it has been overcast all day long since Friday so it never truly feels like daytime.

  21. TruckerRon Avatar

    How early is sunrise there, Mark? Here it was at 7:10, but the sky was already too bright at 6:15 to see anything but the brightest stars. And our mountains were in the way of seeing the Venus/Jupiter conjunction. 🙁

  22. TruckerRon Avatar

    Also, things are brighter here with the time change! What we were calling 6 a.m. during DST was actually 5 a.m. in real time.

  23. TruckerRon Avatar

    Sunset on the other hand…

  24. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    It is still dark here till almost 730 am, even after the time change. That’s one big difference I notice between OK and AL, is it gets daylight much later here. And daylight hours are longer here during daylight saving time, keeping some light till past 830 pm during the longest days. It is getting dark here by 6 pm now.