I wouldn’t draw this strip today. Although it appeared in 2011, only five years ago, we all are so accustomed to targeted online advertising that it would seem pointless now. Speaking of vacations, I suppose you’ve noticed I haven’t posted since Monday. I’ve been on a little trip of my own. I’m sorry for the disruption. Normal disruptions will resume next week.

Shell Shop
By Jimmy Johnson
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105 responses to “Shell Shop”
emb: No one I know believes the sun’s total energy output has changed recently. Sol operates on a much larger, longer scale than we’re capable of measuring. What has changed is the amount and kind of energy from the sun and other sources (cosmic rays) penetrating our atmosphere. The theory is that it’s affected where in our atmosphere clouds form, thus affecting how much energy reaches the ground and how warm things get. And there has been an apparent correlation between the solar cycles min and max (referring, of course, to sunspots) and the temperatures observed on the ground.
Correlation isn’t cause, but it’s reasonable to consider the possibility. Right?
Good morning from Moscow. Time will be about 08:30 when I post. The temperature is around -5°C. After 30 hours, three time zones, two border checkpoints, and a seven hour layover in Warsaw, we have arrived.
At our hotel. Have about three hours until check in. Sitting in the dining room enjoying breakfast, reading the English language daily paper and typing this sitrep. Won’t give you the take on the American political situation, but it would make you smile.
See the Village is a twitter over phones. We are each carrying a cheap smartphone bought for this trip. They are factory virgin except we have transferred the SIM cards from our regular phones into them. We can receive calls, text each other, turn on wifi hotspot, and to do basic web activity. Wifi on our regular phones, tablets, and laptops are turned off unless in use and then connected only through the cheap phone hot spot, dual layer security.
Happy Sunday!
So, was that a report from sandcastler™ and the lovely Village Loon?
Debbe 😉 As previously noted, this is one of my all-time favorites.
Could someone here explain to me why so many folks are so VERY negative about minivans? I don’t get it… especially when the same people are happy to drive SUVs which are far more dangerous (higher center of gravity, more prone to rollovers) and less fuel efficient than minivans.
Good morning Villagers…
…..and good morning to you and Loon from Indiana!
Still have my flip phone, husband has flip phone, and Ian has Mom’s flip phone. Yeah, I’m up for free upgrades, but don’ want another two year contract with Verizon. Plus service is lousy out here in the country and even at the hen house….so why have it? I don’t know, security on the road I guess, but it’s only about a ten minute drive to work. As long as my battery can hold a little charge I’ll keep it.
Indy Mindy, that is good news regarding your Grandmother and Marie.
On my home front, the usual drama….
Ya’ll have a blessed day.
GR 😉 my earworm for the day…
I have three primary reasons for keeping my flip phone even though it’s eight years old and even though I’m a bit of a tech geek:
1. I hate waste. I always try to use things up completely before buying something else.
2. I like efficiency, and my old flip is much faster than the webphones that I have tried. Even its voice recognition is easier to use.
3. Security. I have much less personal information on this phone. Of course, I could buy one of the Apple phones that is currently in the news, but it seems as if it won’t be all that long before its privacy feature no longer exists.
TruckerRon, if the Anonymous name has a click link, it is Jackie. So I think the update from Moscow is sandcastler ™ and Loon. Good Sunday morning everybody. Hope you have a great day wherever you are and whatever the weather is like. After all, you are able to read this, so you can get around and do what you can.
Good (rainy) morning, all!
Mindy, so good to know that Granma is doing better! I hope she keeps it up.
I do have a Smartphone, but not so much of my own choosing. Husband works for a high-tech company and every time they upgrade their phones I get one of the “gently used” old ones. The kids also benefit from that, and as they tend to text more (being at work and such) it helps to have a keyboard that I don’t have to tap each letter three times to get the one I want. And if I happen to be at a doctors office that only has golf magazines I can play solitaire on my phone. 😉
Rick, I saw in the news yesterday that John McAfee of McAfee Security has offered to have his people hack that phone so that Apple doesn’t have to write a code for a backdoor into Smartphones. If the Government really only wants the info on that one phone they’ll take him up on his offer.
Good Morning All
Just frosty this morning – and sunny for a change.
Here in central Utah we’re into the upper 40s during the day. All the snow except that on the north side of the house has finally melted. Time to take down some Christmas lights.
Debbe 😉 I understand Brand V has done away with its two-year service commitment. The down side is they have also done away with the subsidized price for the phone. Now you can either buy the phone outright or have monthly installments added to your bill. So, you can commit to pay for their service for two years or commit to pay for the phone for two years…seems to me like a distinction without a difference, but what ev.
I’ll guess I’ll find out if and when my iPhone 5 gives up its digital ghost. (That puts me, what, three generations behind?) My first (non-work) smart phone was an iPhone 4, which I used until it became unreliable due to some of the keys getting balky. I still have it (without provider service) and use it like an iPod. Not being able to immediately pull up a CCR tune is not as potentially consequential as not being able to immediately call 911. BTW, does everyone know this? Per the FCC, “The FCC’s basic 911 rules require wireless service providers to transmit all 911 calls to a Public Service Answering Point, regardless of whether the caller subscribes to the provider’s service or not.”
And yes, like Lady Mindy, I have an emergency back-up phone that, along with its charger, lives in my car. It is an old but perfectly serviceable LG flip phone, a fraction of the size and weight of my smart phone, and yes, the call quality is much better than that of my iPhone. I realized long ago that iPhones have successfully replaced many different electronic devices…unfortunately, a cell phone is really not one of them.
OF due 1411-1431 CST. Webcam is/was pointed NW[?], herd of about 20 bison. Peace, emb
I believe it is whether there is any provider for that phone.
Many phones are donated to elderly and women at risk so they can use
the 911 option.
…And now for something completely different:
It has turned out that a female friend of mine from 60 years ago has a name [initials only] shown as “A. T. L. II”. Has anyone ever heard of naming a daughter, bearing the same name as her mom, as “so-and-so the second”? This is a first for me, and I’ve enjoyed doing genealogical research for about 18 years. She never told me, but it is shown in a relative’s obituary notice. Is there any system for related women of the same name similar to the male “Sr.” and “Jr.”?
For the record, I am one of the few with no portable phone at all; never did have one.
Debbe – On your next visit to your favorite discount store (pharmacy, “mart”, grocery, or office supply store) and get yourself a phone from there. They can tell you who your best carrier is for your area Also, shameless company plug – most c-stores (including mine) have the ability to sell you air time. If you are not on your phone much, that is the way to go.
Physically, grandma is doing great. Today, she is not as lucid or coherent. 🙁
Seems that I remember Nancy Sinatra being referred to (not sure if it was official) as: Nancy Sinatra Jr.!
God bless us every one.
Debbe& Mindy,
Have you heard of Tracfone? Great if you’re not on the phone much. I’ve had one for years. Just don’t forget to buy minutes before they expire, which is every 3 months for me. I buy discounted minutes at Pinzoo.com. (Hope I don’t get kicked out for advertising. I have no interest in either Tracfone or Pinzoo.)
God bless us every one.
Sears and WallyWorld both have no-contract plans with a variety of phone types. There, I mentioned 2 providers as well!
Trapper Jean:
Yep, I also heard about that.
Perhaps the Feds will take his offer, but, given the nature of governments, I imagine that they will eventually want a back door on everything.
Along those lines, you might find this article to be of interest: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/16/nsa-computer-spying_n_6694736.html
Had a great time being a tourist. Got to see Botanical gardens and buy antique Botanical prints out of library collection, bought lots of great used books on gardening, sailing, Terry Pratchett and healthy cooking. Shopped a charming gift shop I only knew from gift market and phone calls for heirloom seeds and an adorable carrot wreath. Visited a great fresh and organic market and ate some really good food.
And my two room suite with points cost me $69 for entire weekend. Lots of bargains which makes me happy. Oh and saw one of my favorite Broadway musicals done very well on road tour.
Dickens went to bed a long time ago so I need to as well. Good night all.
Should have mentioned I got a Eudora Welty and Mark Twain book, both something I wanted to read, along with about 100 pounds of other real books. Why do I love REAL books and not e reader books? Another customer said what I think, I like to hold books and touch them, turn the pages.
Forgot all the anthologies of cartoons I bought which did not include Bop til You Drop. I am not in Russia.
Glad you enjoyed your trip to wherever you went, Jackie.
Debbe 😉 I do remember a lot of long-haired gals from back then, but I don’t remember dressing like that. Well, not exactly. 🙂
Wasn’t this song in a movie?