I wouldn’t draw this strip today. Although it appeared in 2011, only five years ago, we all are so accustomed to targeted online advertising that it would seem pointless now. Speaking of vacations, I suppose you’ve noticed I haven’t posted since Monday. I’ve been on a little trip of my own. I’m sorry for the disruption. Normal disruptions will resume next week.

Shell Shop
By Jimmy Johnson
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105 responses to “Shell Shop”
Good morning Villagers…..
A big thanks guys for the advice, the pros and cons of cell phones…..I’ve given thought to the Wally world and even $ General ones….we’ll see.
Today….we find out what restrictions are being lifted with regard to the invasion of the Avian virus. It’s been over a month with no new outbreaks. Seems last week they opened up the turkey and hen houses as they composted the carcasses. The little city of Dubois reeked. They are being cleaned with acid now.
I know the Boss doesn’t have to swab chicken mouths, and hopefully they will not have to spray down incoming and outgoing delivery trucks. My girls are pumping out over 200 cases a day right now…..you should see the double yolkers…and yes, I snuck a tray home 🙂
Ya’ll have a blessed day.
GR 😉 that hair and those tight pants…..eeegads……not me!
….a classic
today’s ‘aawwww’
Strip of 02.22.15:
If Arlo doesn’t stop rippling the gravitational waves, it looks as if Janis might help him experience a disturbance in his space-time continuum.
Good morning. Glad to hear things are getting better at the hen houses, Debbe.
Sounds like you had a good time, Jackie. Glad you could get out and do something new.
With all these hackers and thieves wanting to steal your information to ruin your life, why are you more concerned about the government wanting access to a criminal’s information in order to further their investigations of who else might have been involved? How many foreign governments already have access to your information through their state-sponsored spying activities? The phones are manufactured in foreign countries, how do we know their governments don’t have a “back door” preinstalled when the phone gets to you?
And I got out and had a great time this weekend myself. Went places I haven’t been for years and really enjoyed myself. I highly recommend it to anyone who needs that mental break.
We went and saw Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella last night at the Detroit Opera House. I know that a lot of fine music has been performed there, but Rogers and Hammerstein will always be my favorite. It is also a connection to my parents’ generation. Great music that will always remain great. Timeless.
My understanding is that the FBI expects Apple to produce something of value that does not currently exist and just turn it over to them. Gosh, who do they think they are? The IRS?
My understanding is that the FBI expects Apple to help them recover information related to a major criminal/terrorist act from one of their products as evidence in a criminal investigation. If Apple does not cooperate on their own, someone else might step in and do it for them, and then Apple has no control over what is done with the cracking information. I think cooperation is better than obstructionism if Apple truly wants to keep the process secret. And as I said before, how can Apple be sure some foreign government or hacker’s coop has not already done it for criminal purposes and kept it quiet?
c ex-p, back in the mid-60s there was a pop music show on tv called Hullabaloo. One of the featured go-go dancers was Lada Edmonds, Jr. She became famous for being able to keep the fringe on her dress flying, no mean feat. Someone asked her once about the “Jr” in her name, and she said it was because her mother was also Lada Edmonds, making her then a junior. I have not heard of another such case until now.
I am just sorry I cannot find a video of Lada dancing for Ghost. 😉
Trapper Jean and Ghost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r60nCJVmdy4
The Sunday strip was a space continuum of my own dreams last night which kept waking me up with real time concerns entering into my subconscious or are the dreams also real time? Who knows?
Lost never solved it.
It is dark and rainy. Dickens went back to sleep.
Mark, that’s her! Thanks!
OF due now-1040 CST. emb
I seem to remember Lada. 😉 Have I mentioned I had a thing about go-go girls? I believe I have.
And yes, Frank’s daughter’s professional name was Nancy Sinatra Jr. But her legal name is Nancy Sandra Sinatra, and her mother’s maiden name was Nanicia Rose Barbato, so she wasn’t really a “Junior”. Perhaps that was a “family name”.
Wikipedia gives Nancy’s current age as 75. Lord love a duck.
Today is Miss Charlotte’s birthday and among the many sweet people who live in the Village Missi Charlotte is about as sweet as Tupelo honey. Hal must have known I was going to say that because he changed my Miss to Mississippi in both instances!
My mind must be in Mississippi?
Miss Charlotte, I love you very much and I hope your family will be there to give you lots of hugs and kisses that aren’t virtual.
Love, Jackie Monies
So, what is the word he’s looking for? Sh*t? Why would he use that in this particular context? Do you feel like a sh*t when for cannot find a word? If a word is used to mean almost anything, it means no thing.
She’s got cute toesies.
Peace, emb
i believe it is ‘fool’, judging by costume 🙂
Happy birthday, Miss Charlotte!
Of course; thanks. Emb, get your mind out of the gutter.
Peregrine on the ledge, but cannot tell if it’s Bo or Barb.
Peace, emb
Also, happy b’day George, of the hippo ivory dentures. And earlier on [12 Feb.], I forgot Abe and Charles, both 1809. And also today, E.S.V. Millay. Will send a URL w/ photo of her house. Peace, emb
Here’s today’s The Writer’s Almanac:
Will send another URL. emb
Here’s an email just sent to a blind-copy group:
All: As usual, several good items. E.S.V. Millay’s NYC home, 75 1/2 Bedford St. in the Village*, is pictured at:
It’s near 62 Leroy St.#, where I lived from Dec. ’41-May ’51 [excluding dorm at Cornell U., ’47-’51]. [#and where Mom lived until ’62, when she moved here.] Walked past it often, oblivious, en route to B.D.L. Southerland JHS [P.S. 3], at Grove and Hudson Sts. If I ever looked at the plaque, it was, “Yeah, I’ve heard the name.” My favorite English major, of course, would have been [or is] familiar w/ the name and ESVM’s poetry. Peace,
*not this Village: Greenwich Village, lower Manhattan.
It just sold for over 1M. emb
Happy Birthday to Miss Charlotte and to all, Happy George Birthington’s Washday!
This gentleman was obviously confused. He probably thought he was at San Francisco International Airport.
Jackie, this would be more evidence to support my “the-ones-you-don’t-want-to-see-naked” axiom.