When I ran across this Sunday from 2010, I had to choose it for today’s classic A&J, because a couple of dear friends of mine are leaving this morning for a vacation in France. I wish them a hearty bon voyage, and of course I envy them. Though, when it comes to the average passenger manifest, Janis Goose probably is closer to the truth than Arlo Goose. You’re going to roll your eyes at this next bit. I’ve talked about it on several occasions in the past, but you have to admit: some of the things I dwell on here to no apparent end do sometimes produce results, eventually. I am again/still giving my online presence a lot of thought, and I now, finally, realize this will mean a lot more than a cosmetically revamped traditional Web site. When it does happen, a lot of you aren’t going to like it at first. There are a lot of things I won’t like so much either, but social media are were creativity is headed. It’s largely there already. I do believe, however, that ultimately nothing we enjoy now will be lost, and a lot will be gained. I hope it happens sooner than later, if only because I can stop worrying about it.

Silly Goose
By Jimmy Johnson
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193 responses to “Silly Goose”
Why, yes, my spare TV is in an armoire, not an étagère. What was I thinking? Well, they are both foreign words. I blame it on the cough syrup.
I trust that the sailboat in the picture with the 90-degree list is not Jackie’s. I’m sure we would have heard about if it were.
I bet I would trip on one of these, thinking the stairs were real: http://www.cafepress.com/+staiway_to_darkness_ii_3x5_area_rug,873647052
Looks like fun, till the neighbors come for you with pitchforks and torches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd07XbI-NNc
Couldn’t use the stairway-to-darkness throw rug at work…OSHA would levy a $7000 per day fine for no safety rails.
Jackie’s boat is in a couple of the photos but simply in the lineup on pier. I can tell by position. I was on front row, first row as you came into show.
The boat lying at 90 degrees is a friend of mines boat which he loaned for a capsize demonstration by my friend Richard Woods who is on international board that sets standards for safety and flotation in recreational boats. First capsize went ok but inversion resulted in disaster and owner of boat realized if he had been out alone offshore he would have died.
This is quite an awakening when Richard does these demos.
Huh. They capsize boats to teach capsize recovery. Interesting.
Although we don’t spin airplanes into the ground to practice spin recovery. Notwithstanding the fact that hitting the ground is a sure-fire way to make the aircraft stop spinning.
Debbe 😉 I’m not really one.
Things are coming together. I have found someone to work on sorting out rigging, sails and hardware. This is important step toward getting boat set up properly for me to sail. I will worry about getting more cosmetic work done after we address safety and mechanics of sailing.
Stella will stay in Port Townsend and I go inquire about slip for her and storage for her trailer in morning. First step is to simplify all the mechanics to make her simpler. I like that. Plus I’ll have to come back here. I like it here.
Good morning Villagers…
….and a GM back at you Old Bear 🙂
Jackie, good for you. Now you have two hometowns.
Miss Charlotte, how are you doing? My Mom used a walker that also could be used to sit on. The seat came up and you could store items in the chair.
Spoke with my one sister yesterday and someone is interested in buying the homestead. But we don’t want to show her the house until we have finished cleaning and doing some repairs. The house sat idle for five years.
And another belt broke in two days. Hate that when it happens. This time it was a bottom belt, and none of it hit the pit…Amen. About 100 feet of belt separated, and had to remove eggs, Ian and I pulled and pulled…had to take a break and to my relief, ‘Skittles’ showed up and he and Ian pulled it together and Ian sewed.
Mark, thanks for posting that link to the boat show….
….and a good Monday to all
GR 😉 and it’s another day six feet above….
Spike, the new resident kitten has discover the toilet paper roll….will need to put TP on the underside….TP ain’t cheap….
…so true: http://cheezburger.com/8973965824
Indy Mindy….are you doing better?
Good morning Debbe. I saw one pic that was an empty tp tube on the roller. There was a sign taped above it that said, the toilet paper is in the cabinet, I have kittens.
Debbe, “The house sat idle for five years.” Gee, I like “idle” better than “empty.” Idle says it’s waiting for something or someone to give it a purpose. Empty just says…well…empty.
The lightning made my keishaund stand on end. I can tell you that.
Going to have to think about heated house for the cat crew as Oklahoma will get cold again. They have houses and many go out and sLeeper in dog house with two dogs.
Good morning all. I keep waking up early even when I don’t want to. Effect of huge open windows. Dickens still asleep.
Funny about keishaund and lightening. They are Dutch barge dogs. I don’t think they have lightening there.
They may not have lightening, but they do have lightning:
When I went to Holland for floral school they were in middle of worst blizzard in modern times. But commerce and life went on. No visibility but planes landed, buses ran and roads were open. Loved the country.
My Dutch boat designer friend talked of back breaking work on family floral farm. It is all perspective
Todays TIP BlogSpot: Melcher’s back to one of his readers’ favorite topics:
Cannot find that painting; likely it’s titled ‘Figure Study’ or some such. But there are well over 100 of his works at:
Many of them are in and around the NYC area, but over 100 YA: Central Park w/o highrises, Long I. Shinnecock Hills [east end, Montauk Pt.], etc. Also Venice, Spain. Portraits of women are apt to be titled ‘Mrs. Clifford Parson’ and such. Good painter.
Must be most of the Village is outside. It’s a lovely day here: pred. hi 70, 0% prec. Will likely lunch on patio after working out. Then errands.
It’s Talk Like a Pirate Day at Krispy Kreme! See their site for info if you want a free donut. Doughnut? My spell checker likes both.
I finally made it back to see my pulchritudinous and pneumatic hair stylist Friday. A bitter-sweet occasion…my mom was also a client of hers, and they were very fond of each other. I must say that P&PHS’s outfit (zebra-pattern yoga pants and a loose-fitting and low-cut lime-green t-shirt*) and the heart-felt hug she gave me as I left both helped my feelings and were highly appreciated.
*Possibly the most hyphens I’ve ever used in a single parenthetical.
It is in mid 50s here with high of maybe 60 later. It is cloudy and overcast, may start raining. Wish I had remembered binoculars. Think I am seeing otters out there although there are seals as well, birds, kelp and lots of floating debris. Watching from above is actually hypnotic.
Actually I would love to meet your hair Ghost. I feel like I am already acquainted, if not with your hairdresser as well.