When I ran across this Sunday from 2010, I had to choose it for today’s classic A&J, because a couple of dear friends of mine are leaving this morning for a vacation in France. I wish them a hearty bon voyage, and of course I envy them. Though, when it comes to the average passenger manifest, Janis Goose probably is closer to the truth than Arlo Goose. You’re going to roll your eyes at this next bit. I’ve talked about it on several occasions in the past, but you have to admit: some of the things I dwell on here to no apparent end do sometimes produce results, eventually. I am again/still giving my online presence a lot of thought, and I now, finally, realize this will mean a lot more than a cosmetically revamped traditional Web site. When it does happen, a lot of you aren’t going to like it at first. There are a lot of things I won’t like so much either, but social media are were creativity is headed. It’s largely there already. I do believe, however, that ultimately nothing we enjoy now will be lost, and a lot will be gained. I hope it happens sooner than later, if only because I can stop worrying about it.

Silly Goose
By Jimmy Johnson
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193 responses to “Silly Goose”
It’s likely a good thing that I don’t have immediate plans to replace my big-screen TV. I needed to augment my supply of pistol magazines and just placed an order for several of same with Charlotte’s friendly neighborhood firearms manufacturer. As New Englanders used to say (and possibly still do), “they are very dear”. FNFM apparently constructs them from an alloy of unobtainium and compressed unicorn tears.
Sort of like that metric hole in the water I just obtained? You throw offerings to the water gods. Is there a God of firearms? Isn’t Odin one? And Thor? And Mars? My memory is failing.
My friend who is going to do some of modifications to Stella is married to a Unitarian Universalist minister and is an Arlo and Janis fan. I invited him here. He’d fit right in the Village.
By the way I was thinking magazines as in printed and wondered which was doing so well as to command such subscription prices.
Made an error. My departure is scheduled for today not tomorrow. Oops.
High prices probably due to industry being unpopular with government, except when taxes come due. But if the governments (Federal and lower) put them out of business, where will they get the equipment for the military and police? Same as everything else, I guess, from foreign manufacturers.
I write this while fully recognizing that what I do not know about classical music fills many, many libraries.
This weekend I attended the Elgin Symphony Orchestra’s performance of [among 2 others] Tchaikovsky’s “Concerto in D Major for Violin and Orchestra”, op. 35, TH 59. If featured a very young lady – 19 years – named Simone Porter as guest soloist. My gosh, what a virtuoso performance!! In the first movement, her fingers absolutely zipped over the fingerboard as one might expect for an “allegro moderato”, but that was nothing compared to the incredibly fast motions during the third movement, “allegro vivacissimo”. I sat in the very front row directly in front of her and could not follow, totally, her fingering, it was so rapid. In past years I have seen a few performers like Yehudi Menuhin, but I think Ms. Porter must have been faster.
The hand out says she plays a 1745 J. B. Guadagnini violin and I have no reason to doubt that. The instrument was admirably suited to the concerto’s highest tones. Clarity of the notes was of the highest order. It was as if the violin had been made & tuned specifically for this piece, impossible though that is. It struck me as at least as good as the one (solo) Stradivari violin I have heard personally in the same venue (and got to hold – BIG thrill for me!).
That said, I would add that Ms. Porter, the instrument, and the piece all fit together as a single unit; like a fine & delicate machine.
If she ever comes near your location, make the trip to hear her. I did find her on Youtube, albeit not playing that concerto; maybe I didn’t look long enough.
It did not hurt her presence that, among the somber black outfits of the orchestra members (& white shirts for the guys), Ms. Porter came out in a floor length dress of flaming red! It’d have put a fire engine to shame.
I noted – pun intended – that she played a couple of notes I could not hear. They were, obviously, very high – and yet, her fingerboard still had a few centimeters more for her fingers, if needed. I suppose my lack of ability to hear a few high notes is derived from my geezerity.
Most mythologies have a God of War, which I suppose would be the next closest thing. Interestingly, the Vatican canonized St. Gabriel Possenti in 1920. He was a Catholic seminarian whose marksmanship and proficiency with handguns single-handedly saved the village of Isola, Italy, from a band of 20 marauders in 1860. The St. Gabriel Possenti Society promotes his designation as the Patron Saint of Handgunners, as well as public recognition of him and a biblical understanding of self-defense.
It looks like no one’s paying much attention to Talk Like a Pirate day in the Village today. I remember it being a big thing a few years ago. Times change.
Since there hasn’t been an update in a while, and because I have realized there is one thing I occasionally watched on my big-screen TV that I do miss…
Not that the TV Weather Ladies wear little black nighties when they work, but some of their outfits are almost as revealing.
Scoundrels, scallawags and ruffians, all o’ ye.
Is that enough? No one seems to be observing it up here in marina.
“Ahoy, me Hearties!” Glad to see that there are no ARRRGUMENTS here at A&J.com. Maybe we need to talk like a Pirate until Jimmy writes a new post on the blog.
“Ahoy, me Hearties! Blow me down and batten up my Jolly Roger! Keelhaul the mizenmast! Scuttle me timbers! Tell that bilge-sucking swabbie the head be for that, not the poop deck, or else he be shark bait! Dead men get no booty!”
Thus endeth my example of Authentic Pirate Gibberish™ on this year’s Talk Like a Pirate Day.
Email from Dell I just got says “Ahoy! 24 hours of plunder-worthy deals up to 50% off.” OK.
When corporations start using something from pop culture in their advertisements, it’s probably dead. As I told a friend in the 70s, “Right now, somewhere, there is a meeting in progress in a boardroom about how they can make money off the word ‘psychedelic’.”
Real boat workmen up here, one of last places in America that has such a thing as workmen who can build and repair square riggers, talk like college academics and are all well read and literate. Lots of Arlo and Janis fans among them.
The shipwright I just handed the keys to my boat is a soft spoken Hoosier and fan of A and J. Told him I was nagging Jimmy to bring the sailing strips, tee shirts and books and do Wooden Boat Show. He said he’d look forward to meeting him.
Hal said straps. Ghost, you were funny.
Ahoy mateys! Easy day, for a Monday, at work. 🙂
Finally got my nails done (Something I never thought I’d hear myself say, but safer when dealing with so much nasty money.), did a spot of shopping, then came home and repaired some pathetic spaghetti sauce. Blacklight is beside herself because I won’t let her have any.
The Kroger on the north end is a fancy “super” Kroger – I don’t especially like it as it is not as user-friendly. However, it carries my beloved Fage yogurt, and has a discount fruit and veggie bin for “not perfect” produce. Still not sure what is “wrong” with my $.99 bags of onions and golden potatoes, but I will take the deal.
Off tomorrow, will be spent mowing and working in the yard; it is way out of control, been too sick to fool with it. Still have a stubborn cough, and my voice sounds weird, but holding at a solid 87% healthy.
Went to South Bend on Saturday with some friends to see Wicked. The Morris theater is a charming venue with wide, comfortable seats – by quirk of design, I had a “sidetable” and extra leg room. 🙂 “Galinda/Glinda” owed much of her performance to the film Legally Blonde and Elphaba much to Big Bang Theory’s Amy Farrah Fowler. The lead witches were fantastic singers, and the first act ended with such sonic force, I dared not move for a moment from sensory overload. Wonderful performance.
Lady Mindy, good to hear from you and even better to hear you are recovering. One month ago today Mom passed, and I got symptomatic the next day. I’m finally back to about where you are, except my cough has abated, but I’m still snuffling a little and sneezing a lot. I make it 93% of normal. (Yes, I did the math.) Stay well.
Jackie, I think (make that “I’m pretty sure”) HAL has infected my iPhone. I was using the dictation feature a little earlier for a text message that contained the phrase “…never missed a beat when…”, and it was transcribed as “…never masturbated when…”. #truestory
I’ve got to admit that Authentic Pirate Gibberish™ was homage to Authentic Pioneer Gibberish.
Wrong… it was Authentic Frontier Gibberish. Well, you see what a head full of snot does to your memory. 🙂
Hal’s favorite is saying Dickens likes to sleep on my public area.
Well, I got kicked out of my overbooked hotel with many apologies. They have a movie Festival sort of like Sundance which I had forgotten about. I am in dog friendly family owned motel along with passel of workmen. But right down road from best Chinese restaurant in area which is actually tiny, an organic farm stand with deserts to die for and a new farm restaurant that may belong to Gene and Mary Lou.
In fact, the younger Days MUST live somewhere nearby.
You seem to be correct that PT is a special place. At least I know of few places where one could be kicked out of one’s hotel and it actually turn into a fun adventure. Or is that just the kind of thing that happens to you all the time?
PT is a special place but I think perception is difference in if one sees disaster and doom or a new adventure. And yes, I have lots of adventures. Don’t get kicked out of hotels often but that is a small boutique. In fact, entire town is a boutique.
Good morning Villagers….
Smigz….thanks, never thought of it that way…I like that. 🙂 Half full or half empty…my subconscious sometimes kicks into the half full mode.
My other two cats are having a hard time adjusting to the kitten, Spike. Lots of hisssess…especially at 3:30 this morning. My white cat, Snowee, always sleeps on my left side with her head and left paw resting on my arm and chest. Spike found his way up the to the bed, and yes, hisses woke me up. Going to have to train Spike that the bed is her territory, she is definitely the matriarch here.
Jackie, the Ben Franklin in Jasper is closing. Sad to see it go. I’ve been friends with the wife since high school. She is a year older than me, and she and her husband want to retire. I’m going to miss all their Christmas tree displays.
Indy Mindy, glad to see you are feeling better. But don’t overdue it today on the yard work.
gotta go………..
GR 😉 Alice was in that boardroom 🙂
Mark, I can believe that pic….put TP underside….so far, so good.