A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Sound Sleep

By Jimmy Johnson

This is that special time of the year when it becomes obvious that the same aggravations, the same distractions and the same difficulties that bedeviled a body last week, in the year 2017, still exist. Why do we ever think they won’t? It isn’t my favorite special time. Someone yesterday was asking questions about the colorization of Arlo & Janis. It’s a subject we’ve discussed before, but it also is a subject that evolves. We’ll talk about that later this week.
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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53 responses to “Sound Sleep”

  1. TruckerRon Avatar

    Leg cramps aren’t a fun way to wake up! But if you drink enough water to be hydrated, and you’re also diabetic, you’re getting up several times each night. ๐Ÿ™


    Silly me, I thought he was coughing. At least that’s what mine has been like.

    Plus bald and mismatched pokies.

  3. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    I’ve never been bothered by leg cramps in my sleep. I used to get them in my arches as a kid and have been bothered my them more recently as well.

    As I mentioned yesterday, not my favorite time of year either.

  4. Sideburns Avatar

    I used to get leg cramps when I was younger, now I get them in my left foot. Not fun, especially if it gets my kitten’s attention and he decides to attack.

  5. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    The retro illustrates our reactions to the normal vs the abnormal.

  6. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Looks like the snow might have missed Jerry in the Florida panhandle. Grey and nasty in central Florida since Monday but the sun finally came out this afternoon, thank goodness. Family members near Savannah measured 5 inches of snow and posted pictures that seem to back that claim. Our 2-year-old grand-nephew had a great time playing in it; his new favorite word is “noooow!” – he hasn’t quite gotten the hang of the “s” yet ๐Ÿ™‚


    Ghost and I are home at last and I am exhausted from two days resting in Tulsa to be able to .make trip home safely without one of us collapsing. We are sick of feeling sick.

    Ghost stopped to see our ophthalmologist on way home, his viral infection had morphed into a bacterial eye infection.

    We are home on bed rest until next week when we do this all over again to see if I am well enough for chemo.

    Cancer and being ill don’t mix.

  8. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    Today in 2000 the last daily Peanuts ran in newspapers as Charles Scultz retired due to poor health and colon cancer.

    Mr. Schulz died February 12 and the last Sunday ran the next day.

  9. David from Austin Avatar
    David from Austin

    It is hard to believe that it has been 18 years since the last new Peanuts. I have the “Peanuts Begins” restart on my subscribed comics feed. I’m hoping to make it all the way through, but not counting on it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    I have been reading about the Charles Schulz museum in Santa Rosa. I had feared the museum had burned in the fall fires but thankfully it did not. Mr. Schulz home burned and some memorabilia but most was in the museum and is safe.

    The skating rink is safe. Mr. Schulz son also lost his home.

    Reading about Franklin and the integration of Peanuts tonight seems so typical of Mr. Schulz.

    I smile because in the early 1950s down in Venezuela we got Peanuts somehow. I remember learning to cartoon drawing Charlie Brown at a whopping eight years old! As Jimmy said, amaze your friends.

  11. Ghost Avatar

    To be more precise, the eye doc said my viral upper respiratory disease migrated up my sinuses and hence to my eyes, developing into a case of left-sided viral conjunctivitis with bacterial involvement. I said, “I know, doctor; I’ve got the danged pinkeye.”

    I shall always remember being assured, quite earnestly, by a second-grade classmate that pinkeye was so contagious one could contract it by merely being looked at by someone who had it.

  12. emb Avatar


    Perhaps we will all eventually have access to just about everything past. Me? After a long check-in w/ someone, I’m particularly interested in the therapsid to mammal transition in Permo/Triassic times. Also, when and where was that kid actually born, and who was his real dad? And what else interesting has been going on in this ginormous universe in the last 13 D years? [And I suspect Shakespeare actually wrote the plays; wasn’t planning on investigating that.] And was Patience’s marriage to Archibald a success?

    Speelczech recognizes Triassic but not therapsid.


  13. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    emb, when I read your comment my mind translated therapsid to therapist, which confused me in the context of your comment. I had to go back and look again to get the right word. Aggh! even my mind is making spellcheck errors.

  14. emb Avatar
  15. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Dearest emb, I had to study your letter some until I figured it out. Yes, I’d like to know too.

    This morning under the bird feeders, seven Gray Squirrels were foraging for seeds in the snow. Birds were all visiting the neighbors I guess; plenty here later in the day. Never have I seen this many squirrels here at the same time — quite a sight.

  16.  Avatar

    Ghost, I have found that Johnson’s Baby Shampoo cures pinkeye. I use a drop at full strength in affected eye, burns like hell. Most recommend shampooing hair and let some get in to the affected eye. Pinkeye is usually gone overnight.

  17. Jackie Monies Avatar
    Jackie Monies

    One of the most humble things I learned about Charles Schulz was his burial. He is buried in a simple grave in the veteran’s section of the cemetery in his hometown county. His marker is a flat military bronze marker that gives his name, birth, death, rank and service.

    Let his works be his memorial, not a stone or monument.

    I love one of his quotes, “I would have done this even if they hadn’t paid me.”

  18. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Notes on A&J
    Current –
    We year dated a half doz to doz checks ahead – and yes we still pay by check.
    Of course we will have to remember when the predated run out.

    I find that a swig of Dill Pickle juice (3 fingers in a juice glass)
    stops the cramps in 15-20 seconds. If I remember a sip before bed seems to keep
    them away. But the question then is, would I have gotten cramps if I had not
    taken the juice.

  19. Old Bear Avatar
    Old Bear

    Getting Old

    If God wanted me to touch my toes, He would’ve put them on my knees.

  20. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    About today’s strip: ah yes, those lovely winter breezes!

  21. Trapper Jean Avatar
    Trapper Jean

    c-ex-p, as to the term “son-in-love”, I borrowed it from a dear friend, so you certainly may borrow it from me.

    I’ve read that Stephan Pastis, who has his own fire related worries in California, is also involved in the effort to keep the Shulz museum safe. I’ve been reading Peanuts just about my whole life, yet it’s hard to think that Charlie Brown and crew are actually a couple of years older than me when they are always and forever in the second grade.

    The weather in Georgia is somewhat weird this week. The northern part of the state is just cold, damp, and miserable while the southern part is getting snow. My aunt and cousins in Savannah were able to build a decent sized snowman yesterday. I’ll be back in Chatsworth this weekend with my daughter and grandbaby, where it is still supposed to be cold and damp. We’ll see how it goes.

  22. Mark in TTown Avatar
    Mark in TTown

    Comment and nice photo from LLee on FB: the other day (between THanksgiving and Christmas) the birds were verrrryyy quiet. This was the reason….sitting on their favorite feed pole, between the quince bushes….


  23. TruckerRon Avatar

    Some good news:

    A boy in my church developed leukemia about 6 years ago. It was fought with the best treatments available, but it kept coming back (4 times). Last night his mother announced that after the CAR T-Cell therapy he received during the fall the doctors cannot find any cancer or indicators of cancer! They are cautiously calling him cured!


  24. Llee Avatar

    WOohooooooo!!!!!!! Such good news- thanks TR. Hope it all keeps going well.


    Interesting, I was also reading about immunotherapy yesterday and the use of the bodies immune system to fight cancers.

    It cannot be used in all cancers but in some it produces total reversals like Truckers friends child.

    The case I was reading was a young woman in her 20s with terminal colon cancer that had moved to many organs. Her sister found an immunotherapy test group with an opening rather than just go into hospice.

    She is now apparently cancer free.