This is that special time of the year when it becomes obvious that the same aggravations, the same distractions and the same difficulties that bedeviled a body last week, in the year 2017, still exist. Why do we ever think they won’t? It isn’t my favorite special time. Someone yesterday was asking questions about the colorization of Arlo & Janis. It’s a subject we’ve discussed before, but it also is a subject that evolves. We’ll talk about that later this week.

Sound Sleep
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

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53 responses to “Sound Sleep”
Mark: Maybe the FB comment itself said. That bird is a small falcon, most likely a female merlin. Peace,
emb, googled the photo and their answer was sharp-shinned hawk. But you are the Village’s bird expert.
Happy January 4, 2018 🙂
I really hate to hear that GR is ‘down’ also But, knowing GR, he will persevere. There are horror stories out there about men being sick that one would put a pillow over his face….heh, it gets worse, but that’s story for another day
Miss Charlotte, I hope you are hunkered down for the incoming blizzard.
Been lazy and puny, thankful for slow cookers…pork loin cuts with gravy. No mashed taters though, Dad doesn’t like them….just thought of something….there’s always mashed tater cakes, slivers of onion and butter…lots of butter…real butter. Instant ‘taters’ are good too. Need to check pantry.
I hate, and I mean.hate.this cold. Pray all stay warm and fuzzy.
TR, it’s always good to read a good outcome such as the young child with the leukemia and the twenty some year old lady. Yes the medical world is not cheap, wonder how many and how much went into this CAR T treatment..
later gators……
B’ugs OB
Well, look I am seriously not interested in fighting over the issue. But if it was right and decent to call out Gary on his joke that the risen Christ could be refereed to as a zombie…
Then I will certainly call out emb for questioning the parentage of my Lord and Savior.
I have great respect for believers, naturally.
I also have great respect for any one who holds a different belief system.
But to be half on board, but reserve the right to mock your fellow congregants at your pleasure is some distance past what I call acceptable.
Thank you for your attention. If there is a different way to interpret emb’s curiosity of ‘that kid’, I would be very interested to read it. Glad tidings to all who chose to observe the traditional date given as the visit and Adoration of the Magi, whatever number there may have been.….deja vu 🙂
…don’t know when….but, know where 🙂
Debbe, must be the myrrh. :purr-r-r:
Morphy, you are right of course and braver than I. I noted and told Ghost, “I became a Christian and was baptized a Methodist at age 21, took a year of adult instruction. Went to church for ten years. This is not acceptable Methodism”.
I consider myself a questioning back slid Anglican. My ancestors fill Methodist cemeteries dating back to America’s founding in the 1600s. I honor their beliefs.
Never have I attended a church or religious service just for social conviviality and the pot luck dinners.
Morphy, you are right of course and braver than I. I noted and told Ghost, “I became a Christian and was baptized a Methodist at age 21, took a year of adult instruction. Went to church for ten years. This is not acceptable Methodism”.
I consider myself a questioning back slid Anglican. My ancestors fill Methodist cemeteries dating back to America’s founding in the 1600s. I honor their beliefs.
Never have I attended a church or religious service just for social conviviality and the pot luck dinners.
1. Once bitten, twice shy.
2. Who knew there even was a brown marmorated stink bug?
Enjoy. BTW, this morning was the latest sunrise. Rejoice.
Thanks, Jackie, and continued good wishes for both you and Ghost for each of your ailments. I felt bad ignoring so many other topics worthy of comment. But I did not want to dilute my grievance by distracting.
shifting focus
But you are not twice shy are you, emb? Commenters here go on quite well, and then you have an itch that you need to scratch by hiding a rhetorical in the middle of several other loose idle thoughts. My aren’t you the clever little scamp. Then you desire to appear nonchalant. I will not let the yardbird greet the day a third time without speaking up.
You have offended. And it is not received as peaceful.
You have done it again. You are trying to start a fight with another commenters. If you have a problem with someone else, please just skip their comments. It saddens me to come here and find angry people. There’s enough of that all around us.
Laura, I am very sorry that I have disturbed you. Please believe that that does trouble me. But also please understand that I feel it is emb that inserts these items. And that they require an answer. I have thought more on this, and had prepared an item. But I paused to check before posting. Please feel free to ignore it.
To any I may be troubling: I am struggling on a dilemma. I feel it is proper to have said what I have. Yet I am concerned it may distress others who may have the natural level of doubt shared by many faithful people in any of the major religions of the world. I also do not want to hold class on the subject. I do feel moved to help any doubting Christian by giving a direction to consider. Thomas’s experience is described for us to demonstrate the natural level of doubt. Find his story for yourself, or ask a friend.
I have sometime in the past spoken of Dennis Monokroussos and his blog that principally discusses chess. He recently suggested another man’s paper on doubt: (Dennis does mention the font is difficult and suggests copying and pasting to a document where you can change font and size to your comfort. )
I have not yet given it a fair reading and expect it to be somewhat dry. Just an unfair assumption by me based on a stereotype of people who chose bad typeface. But I respect Dennis and thought I could pass on his recommendation.
Sincere apologies to anyone who feels I have taken the subject too far.
typo: choose
Titus 3:9-10New International Version (NIV)
9 But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. 10 Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them.
Religion does not often enter into my posts as it does others. I don’t even ask for prayer nor offer it. But I do become offended for others and remarks that are offensive to their beliefs, even if they are not my beliefs.
So Laura were I to attack someone simply to pick a fight there is no point, the world is full of big targets.
But I doubt many in Arkansas would appreciate someone in any church I know of saying, “Hey Mary, who was your baby daddy? Who REALLY fathered J.C.??”
I am going to bed and to sleep. Add me to skipper/skippee. Don’t care.
Well, for something completely different with no politics or religion involved, see my latest blog entry.
Getting Old
I don’t have gray hair; I have “wisdom highlights”! I’m just very wise.
B’ugs Debbe & Mizz Charlotte
It’s about that bad alright. Thats why I don’t have cable tv.
This is a typographical test, ONLY: naïve Elohim [ElohÃm] ElohÃm, . What I first did was type in the consecutive letters n, a, i, v, and e. JJ’s program puts in the umlaut over the lower case i automatically [and also just red-lined it because I failed to cap a stand-alone i]. Then I transferred in ElohÃm from my bottom-of-drafts selection of symbols, and it changed the acute accent to a simple dot. Only way I could save that accent was to put a punct. mark immediately after the final m. But now, I think, if I copy the second or third Elohim from the top line: ElohÃm , it stays! End of test.
How come it’s there in my symbols collection? Has nothing to do w/ the original Hebrew. It’s so that, if it’s in a sermon or whatever, I’ll remember to stress the 3rd syllable, el-o-HEEM. Elohim is the word translated as the English “God” in Gen.1:1-2:4a in the KJV and other versions, a term used by the author that scholars refer to as the Priestly Writer. Starting the second [and older] creation legend, from Gen. 2:4b on, Jahweh is used, which the KJV translates as LORD* or LORD* God. This writer, often called the Jahwist, is the second of two writers that scholars suggest wrote all or most of the text in the 5 “books of Moses.”
I’ve likely mentioned before that Elohim, a plural of el, a Hebrew singular for god or God, is not a booboo, but is one way of expressing the greatness [physical or otherwise] of a noun. E.g., behemoth looks to be the plural of a singular for beast. [See God’s response to Job nr the end of that book.]
*KJV and other versions use small caps for the O, R, and D; don’t know what this program would do w/ those, but that’s a form best inserted in a draft after you’re done w/ the text.
Locally, this year has started off unusually well for clear nights–4 in a row! Unfortunately for those who need to breathe, it’s also building up a lot of gunk in the air in our valleys in northern Utah. And that haze means the light pollution is worse than normal. Sigh.
The whether forecast is showing a lot of storminess ahead, so perhaps we’ll have clean air again… but I did have 4 nights for exploring the Pleiades and Orion’s nebulae while they were almost directly overhead.
emb, thanks for helping ID the bird in my yard. I didn’t know what it was, only that it was scaring my “chickens”. (Hi Debbe!)
Trucker, excellent advice on telescopes- thanks! It would be cool….but in truth I wouldn’t use it as much as I might use binoculars. I’ll just enjoy your adventures and Nasa’s photos.
Sandcastler, how’s Loon? Hope she’s feeling LOTS better.
GR, Jackie …. thinking of you and hoping for better days
Old Bear, thanks for the ‘wisdom highlights.’ I may use it, giving you full credit.
Llee, Loon is doing fine. Can’t say the same for the lab that f’ed up the culture on her tumor sample. Infectious disease physician blew a gasket over their having lost the specimen. Can you say lawsuit?