I’ve noted the doubt creeping in about the much-discussed, often-promised A&J tee shirts. Expect a semi-big announcement toward the end of next week. And give me a break: who goes Christmas shopping before December, anyway?

Stuffing Nonsense IV
By Jimmy Johnson
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153 responses to “Stuffing Nonsense IV”
Debbe and Ghost Sweetie, I think this says it all:
Rolling on the floor laughing, Jean!!!
Jean dear, nudity personally quite often leaves me very warm. 😉
Debbe 😉 Yes, hon, I do believe that was AM in the green sweater and wearing the dancer’s tights/pantyhose/whatever, which were 95% opaque. I did the math…carefully…three times. As far as the blonde’s possible lack of panties is concerned…I didn’t notice. 😉
I did enjoy seeing the scenes at the beginning of the video from “The Misfits”, the last movie for both Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable. As far as I’m concerned, she never looked lovelier.
In a similar vein (or artery) is this video, also showing some famous faces…and derrières. Plus, the lovely Diana Rigg, showing 007 *her* license to kill.
Sue Ane Langdon, the lady in the blue dress distracting Walter Matthau, was, in another movie, also the one wearing the pink pants and having car trouble. (That latter movie is one of my favorites, “The Rounders” with Glenn Ford and Henry Fonda.) I suppose she could have had a body double for the car scene, but she was very shapely and pneumatic, so I’d guess that was in fact her derrière.
Debbe 😉 Tomorrow is a travel day, so in case I don’t get to it later, here is some more Old Gold for you.
Also, in case any of you guys have yet to decide the answer to one of the great philosophical questions of our day (“Ginger or Mary Ann?”), perhaps the song’s video will help. BTW, I have solved the mystery of why the SS Minnow sank while on a three hour cruise, a three hour cruise…they all carried too many damn clothes with them.
I have just jumped the shark. My official crazy cat lady leggings just arrivedc, along with two scarves covered in cats, two purses with rather. Modern art applique and embroidery cats and an adorable pair of flat ballet type shoes with cat ears, nose and face on toes.
Bring on the tee shirts Jimmy. At least one of them has to have a cat.
Anyone here besides Mindy and me voting for Freddy and the Bi-ped? That is Mike Rowe and his dog. Dog is running for president, Rowe for vp.
The white lace crocheted lace shirt/jacket arrived and it exceeds Ghosts standards, as does the black and white lace tunic. Of course I may have to wear it somewhere inappropriate but it sure is pretty. I have flesh toned body stocking, just like I used to wear, so no nudity under the clothing. Love.
Forgot to say I once again have gas and hot water. No more cold baths and showers. I am going to sit in the tub and take a Janis bubble bath complete with wine to celebrate, alone. And I don’t drink.
After eleven days we are gas leak free and inspected but furnace has to be repaired. Naturally my heat and air people are swamped because it is turning cold this week at night.
Wish I had a photo of Ashes who is lying with his head in a oriental antique bow, his body on a photo album and his butt and tail on my bed. He’s a big cat, moved in for weather.
But remember, Anonie, you’ll still be naked under the flesh-toned body stocking and anything you’re wearing under the body stocking…if anything. 😉 Stay warm.
Charlie Sheen…what can I say? Other than what I’ve said before…play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
GR6, Maybe if we are all very quiet, he’ll go away for lack of attention. As one of the posts on Facebook had it, Stop making stupid people popular.
That’s why I read “Feel Good Naked” and think I will go reread it some tonight. It isn’t about BEING nude, it is all about feeling good nude under the clothes. It must work, I do.
The gas inspector didn’t want to leave, he kept looking for another leak. my new minion as chaperone helps. I love clothes but I haven’t felt this good in a couple of decades. Heck, I may go visit my high school reunion now, something I have never done.
Yeah, Mark, I’d like to think his self-esteem would dry up, and he’d disappear from all the trashy TV shows and InterWebNet sites that make a fortune following asshats like him if intelligent people would just ignore his antics. But then there is the problem of all those unintelligent ones. 🙂
“No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.” – H. L. Mencken
Speaking of tee shirts, is there a consensus about what the definition of “toward the end of next week” might be?
Also, if it is a cat tee shirt, the first time I wear it to the range for training, it will become a “Tactical Cat Tee Shirt. 🙂
Hey, when I used to bowl in a women’s lrague, unlikely as that sounds, we were sponso red by an Air Force squadron and I wore a rather risqué tee shirt with a Tom Cat on back.
Ghost, as for “end of next week”, I think it is similar to the old computer joke from the ’80s about the next version of Fortran (“Fortran X”, where “X” was supposwd to be the year), where people said “X was not an integer number”… 🙂 I learned Fortran 77 in the mid-80s, and its next decendent seemed long in coming… 🙂
GR6, would that make you the battalion Catitical Officer?
I never used paraprosdokian in a sentence so you a dime up on me.
Never knew it was called that but I probably have the cost of a Latte for all the
times I have uttered a paraprosdokian.
“On the other hand — he wore a glove”
“30 days has April June & Nov. all the rest have 31 (a little poetic license there)
except Feb. which has – peanut butter.”
“Mary, Mary quite contrary how does you garden grow”
“With Silver Bells and Cockle Shells and – one stinking Petunia in the middle”
“Jack & Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water,
Jack fell down & broke his crown and Jill – collected the insurance.
There is one about Miss Muffet I will pass.
No, sand, just a Tacticat Operator.
Dear Jackie, your new clothes are breathtaking! Splendid that you have heat and hot water now, must feel so good. Ashes the cat has to be very comfortable.
GR6, do you have track vehicle qualifications on your military driver license? If not, you could only be a probationary Tacticat Operator.
Me driving a track would be catastrophic.
So now I’m missing see-through clothes for lack of a Book of Faces account?
And yes, Anonie, several of my all-female staff have accounts, but as you may imagine, they are all very curious about every little thing I do away from work, and they would want to know why I wanted them to look up something about you on FB, and they were never believe any explanation I could give them, and I would never hear the end of it.
As I once mentioned, having an all-female staff is like having multiple wives, except not being able to sleep with them.
Headed out early tomorrow morning, although the weather may be a bit problematic. Oh, well, I used to fly in worse, and without the option of pulling over to the side of the airway and waiting it out if it got too challenging.
GR6, I envy you your all-female staff. When I worked as a security guard the post captain hired a mostly-female young staff while I was at another location. When I returned to my original post, I could not believe the back-stabbing, infighting, name-calling and general chaos that ensued. They were mostly all new to the job market and to doing contract security work and all wanted to be boss. Some could be counted on only to never show up on time, if at all. But they were young, attractive and my boss was having a ball just being there. A few months of dealing with that, and I requested a transfer, which is how I ended up in Nashville.
I will be in Nashville in a couple of weeks,
Thought I jumped the shark with the cat woman clothes until today’s goofy box arrived with the black leather jscket. I do not remember buying guide that and it is European style
With the two pairs of black leather skinny jeans and the two black sweaters with leather inserts, the jacket and boots I am biker grandmother ready for biker bar or a remake of the Wild One with senior citizen cast appropriate to who I run into on way to Sturgis every year.
About Charlie Sheen, I quit paying any attention after Breakfast Club and Platoon so you know how long that has been. At least I think he was in those? I can’t see he has done anything worth notice or the obscene amounts of money he got for being obscene.
Smartphone is often unintelligible.
Good morning Villagers….
Yeah, I saw the headline on poor Charlie…..and Jackie, he was not in the movie “Breakfast Club”, but he was in ‘Platoon”, and I never watched his sitcom. Play with fire, and one gets burnt.
Got the ball rolliing on Dad’s demise….he is taking all the cats to the vet, then I move in with some serious ‘bombing’…
Thunder and lightening rolling in right now….lost electricity last night for about an hour.
Mark, thank you for the thingy jingy idea…..we’ll see.
GR 😉 be safe and happy trails
Jerry, I could never understand the spelling of coyote and how it’s pronounced either.
Would you just look at that radar screen……
be blessed