I’ve noted the doubt creeping in about the much-discussed, often-promised A&J tee shirts. Expect a semi-big announcement toward the end of next week. And give me a break: who goes Christmas shopping before December, anyway?

Stuffing Nonsense IV
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

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Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
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153 responses to “Stuffing Nonsense IV”
Ghost, cowboy toys and Davy Crockett were the rage until I hit about 10. Then it went to James Bond and Man from Uncle themes. One of my favorite toys was a mini-golf game by Hubley. The golfer was mounted on a rotating base in the center and you had a round knob to turn him and a wide lever to press to make him hit the ball. Had various obstacles and was pretty challenging to get the right amount of force to go into the hole.
Vespa scooter. Got it. Got it taken away. Still want one.
Anonymous, combining the image of the Big-Texas hair you with 3-inch red nails and the Vespa scooter. That would have been something to see, all right. But I’m guessing you got it much earlier than that since someone took it away.
Before that first top photo of the 13 year old Lolita lying in the grass. Yes, way before.
Yeah, sand, the VP9 is a good choice. TheVP40 is actually a bit large for concealed carry. The VP9 is smaller than the VP40 but is still larger than a G19 or G23. I’ll admit the HKs are prettier than the Glocks, though. 🙂
Originally, James Bond was under-gunned because Ian Fleming didn’t really know much about firearms. A gun expert contacted him and made some suggestions, and 007 was soon packing a Walther PPK. As someone said recently, hopefully Walther at least sends the Fleming estate a nice fruit basket every year, as the company has sold a ton of the little pocket pistols because of the novels and the movies.
Motorcycles, scooters and mopeds can all be problematic for their drivers, but more often than not due to either operator or to drivers of larger vehicles with their heads up and locked. I know of one case involving a new moped driver who attempted to make a left turn onto a five-lane street from a standing start; hit the curb on the *far* side of the street, throwing him off the moped; and took a header into a concrete-and-metal light standard. DOA.
“…13 year old Lolita lying in the grass?”
I believe that Howard Wolowitz, on The Big Bang Theory, when once disparaged for riding a tiny little scooter, claimed his Vespa was “the second largest one they make”.
Uh-huh. Photographer was walking down street, I was reading book in yard.
People used to take my photo spontaneously, some still do occasionally. Unposed.
Heck, Ghost at least one of those female employees of yours must have a Facebook account. I am under my own name and a second one called Boat Widow, on lots of boating pages too.
Still plowing through boxes and boxes of my mom’s stuff, as well as mine. I imagine I may find those photos from Cuba in 1960, they were professional photographer too.
Think I was 12 when I got my Vespa. We lived in an American “camp”, a small American suburb encircled by barbed wire high fences and security guards, believe population was a couple thousand. None of us had driver’s licenses as long as we stayed inside the fences. The cool kids had Vespas, the even cooler kids had MG and other European cars and we drove around like a pack of crazies at a young age.
Of course being from Louisiana and out in country with a non driving grandmother I got my first car at 14, a Mercury sedan with a ridiculously huge V-8 engine. Owned it for a year with a learner’s permit as I recall or an exemption.
Really fast car, out ran a few police cars in it. Surprised I never got arrested.
Good morning Villagers…..
Auughhh….rain in the forecast for the next couple of days. Then temps will drop again.
Gary, no longer do they pressure wash the cages….the one time they did, the cages started to rust. They don’t make cage wire like they use to. Now it’s wire brushes and blowers. And am I lucky, my Doctor says I’m not to go out into the hen house while they’re cleaning. That’s alright by me, I’ve enough to do in getting my packing room cleaned and disinfected. But I did volunteer to trim the wire in the bottom cages over the beams where the manure has rotted away the cage and they have holes in the bottom. Some are big enough for a hen to fall through.
Teens were lazy yesterday, well one in particualar…Skittles. The other got in the pit and finished knocking manure off the beams….and yes he did wear a respirator. Came back in with manure up to his waist…..he washed up, and reappeared wearing a hazmat suit. “Debbe I’m naked” he said. I told him it didn’t look like it to me, as you’re wear that suit. But I’m naked underneath…..and to quote Ghost….I told him it did nothing to my fervent imagination. Huh, he said, what is fervent….I told him “look it up”
Other than that, we had a belt break and an auger go out. I was the only one there when the auger came out. Andrew and Evan returned and we had it back in before I left at 4ish. I’ll lay you odds, it’s out this morning, unless they left the toggle switch in the off position.
….and it’s a MONDAY
GR 😉 glad to hear you stay in touch with your mother every day….and how is she doing? My Dad returns today….we girls still don’t know what to do, I told Brenda yesterday that I believe Dad is ready to ‘go’…..when you start saying “I don’t care anymore” there is a subliminal message there.
…and where’s my song!!!!!!!??????
GR 😉 I was originally going to post the Pablo Cruz version, but I found this a little bit more titillating 🙂
No woof here….but that cat sure does look like my white one, Snowee
Bit of snow reaching the valley floor today. First of the season, and it means there’s tons of it falling up in the mountains to recharge our aquifers and to make the skiers happy.
Oklahoma is getting rain and we are forecast for severe coupled with flash floods here at my house. Lovely.
They apparently really do this, and I never thought to mention it in writing!
Peace, emb
Snowed here [1/2″?] couple of days back, but all gone by evening except / N slopes. No records, but mild for 1st half Nov. A month from today is LVB’s birthday.
Peace, emb
We’re having a bright, sunny, not too cold day here for the first time in several weeks. Of course, now that I’ve said that the weather will change. 🙂
Stayed in bed and cuddled with 10 pound dog and a couple cats. Good plan.
Whether, weather, whence, wince?
Whether it’s cold
Or whether it’s hot,
We will have weather,
Whether or not.
Probably first heard from Mom, mid ’30s.
Peace, emb
Good one.
Dear emb, couldn’t figure who the heck you were speaking of — finally said, it will be Dec. 16 — then I saw it right away. When the children were growing up, Chris had the whimsical notion of having a cake and singing “Happy Birthday, dear Ludwig … ” and we did, for quite a few years.
And I like the little verse about weather; it’s new to me. Nice that your mother liked words and rhyming; passed this on to you, it seems.
Test. This is only a test. Had this not been a test this would have been a real message.
This is a real message. The Oxford Dictionary has gone where dictionaries have never gone, emoji.