Sorry to have been gone so long! I have been working on other projects. I guess there’s just no way to avoid the “remember when” factor on this site, try as I might. Today’s classic A&J is yet another example of swift cultural change. First, “casual Friday” was introduced, when white-collar workers were allowed to dress down from coats and ties and the equivalent ladies’ apparel. Today there are coats and ties still out there, but the daily norm for what remains of the white-collar work force is distinctly casual. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. Hey, I’m a cartoonist! I can work in my underwear if I want, although I never do. Well, not in just my underwear. You know, I get asked that question a lot, which I think is kind of weird.

Subtle Distinction
By Jimmy Johnson
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233 responses to “Subtle Distinction”
And I think if I ever have a hen I’m gonna name it Inna Godda da Vita, any damm thing but Sue.
I understand that there’s a good chance of a meteor shower around the Great Lakes tonight. Take a sturdy umbrella!
Speaking of precipitation, it looks like the Carolinas may get another hurricane. They can’t get a break this year.
If you like Revolutionary fiction you might like
The Sea Eagles about the American Navy – by John Jennings. Copyw. MCML
Van Wyck Mason wrote several –I may have mentioned him before.
Did you go see Garrison Keillor Sat? Do you know Marshall?
Thanks, but no. I’m not a fan. I was before he started the Sat. 1700 show, when his morning show was actually called ‘A Prairie Home Companion’, and he hadn’t cultivated the ‘country’ twang. Played the Beach Boys a lot. ‘Help me Rhonda’ was once voted [at least supposedly] MPR’s #1 out of the top 15 / a listener poll, possibly during a spring membership drive.
Wife and I did watch the one time PHC televised its radio show, and he and Jeannie Redpath did ‘Tuna the food of my soul’ to a well-known tune. I think you can access that online. With a minor change in their words, I sing that to myself around the house.
Peace, emb
Marshall? Marshall Muirhead is a dentist in town, and my Cornell ’51 classmate Marshall Berger is [was?] a Manhattan lawyer and judge, and also the one degree of separation btw me and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Cornell ’54, who worked for Weill, Gottshalk, and Manges while Marshall was with that NYC firm. May have actually seen on the quad when I was a senior, but who knows? emb
corr.: ‘Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP. . . . seen her on the quad.’ Wiki says they now have 1,200 lawyers. Maybe they had fewer in 1954. Maybe she never met Marshall, but I will think she did, unless I hear otherwise. emb
Steve in Royal Oak, MI, check out this story:
Dave in Austin might be interested too.
Yesterday evening, my friends called and asked if I wanted to join them for a late dinner. I had already eaten an early dinner, but agreed to join them for dessert. Got home later than I should have, got my shower, climbed into bed, got comfy … and my midnight girl called and said she had to leave because her kid was sick. *!@#£%@* So back into work I went. Got up 4am on Saturday; finally got to bed (okay, my ridiculously comfy couch) 1pm-ish on Sunday. Fortunately, as a long time insomniac, I am accustomed to long stretches of awake time. Unfortunately, just as I was finishing for the day at the store, my great-aunt called to tell me the nursing home was sending grandma to the ER for a possible stroke. They went to get her for lunch and found her unable to communicate, drooling, unable to make a fist, and her bp was elevated. I also know my limits, and a two hour drive was out of the question. I told her I physically couldn’t make the drive and why. She understood (and missed her granddaughter’s engagement party to boot), and promised updates. They ultimately ruled out a stroke (but verified a stroke in the past, whuch we knew), but they have no idea what is going on now. She regained her ability to speak, lost it again, and got it back. Right now she is stable and alert. I will be going up to see her tomorrow (my day off, by dumb luck.) between testing. Fingers crossed.
Thanks for the grins Jerry. My umbrellas aren’t that sturdy. And are you going to take that hen to
Mindy from Indy, prayers for your grandmother. And glad you didn’t try to drive while exhausted. She needs you to visit, not be in the next bed.
No Debbe, she doesn’t wear black stilettos. She prefers something like Doc Martens for better traction. But I would love to see her in black stilettos. 🙂
Sideburns, a shillelagh would be a nice addition to her collection but we will probably wait until she gets her black belt with the walking cane. We both do Filipino stick fighting and there are many similarities between that and the walking stick. The same should hold true for the shillelagh too.
Mindy: I won’t try to try to diagnose from a blog post, but there are numerous possibilities regarding your Grandma, including sugar levels, dehydration etc, that produce a serious episode, but can be quickly rectified. Of course there could be other reasons as well. Keep the Faith, get some rest and we will keep her in our prayers.
Gary: There is definitely a important place for impact and edged melee weapons in one’s self-defense quiver. (I’m assuming that is at least one reason why you and your wife have decided to become proficient with them, and not entirely as a sport or a hobby.) The same is true for chemical weapons, as well as for hand-to-hand defensive measures. It concerns me that people who rely entirely on firearms for self-defense are putting all their proverbial eggs in one basket.
Lady Mindy: Prayers for your grandma. Grandmothers are very special people, and I miss mine very much.
Mindy, I think that was the lyrics to a Johnny Cash song. And JC singing Ghost Riders in the Sky was on the radio (I only listen to the best stations) and my wife asked me if he was the first one to record it. I told her no, Burl Ives recorded it before him. She didn’t believe me until she got home and looked it up. The things that we learn here!
Ghost, especially since no one has banned canes or walking sticks from public places yet. That gives me an idea. If you are told you can’t carry your firearm although you are licensed, claim ADA violation. That criminal is younger, bigger, heavier, carrying an illegal gun, etc, so you need your legal weapon as compensation.
Although I don’t need it my cane is right by me in my car. I couldn’t walk a straight line so if I’m ever asked to get out of my car I will lurch out with my cane. I also have a tag for disabled parking. It’s not all to take advantage. Sometimes my walking is not great. I tripped on a brightly painted yellow curb yesterday.
Cape Fear need not worry, the tropical depression is going where all good td’s go, the north Atlantic.
Mark, that’s called “disparity of force” and is well established as a legal justification for the use of deadly force to save your own life or that of another, even if the assailant is “unarmed”. Obviously, that’s a legal principle not familiar to many of the “geniuses” (some of them with law degrees) who bring us our “news” and “commentary”.
Debbe 😉 I actually like this version better than Joni Mitchell’s.
OK, you know how Amazon likes to make “suggestions” for things you “need”, based on your previous purchases? Well, tonight they told me I might like to buy a “Sea-Dog Line Straight Chock – Stainless Steel”. As best I can tell, this is some type of cleat that attaches to a boat deck to accommodate a mooring line. (Where’s Anonie when I need her?) I have no boat, and I have never ordered anything from Amazon or any other company that is even remotely nautical in nature.
To make things even stranger, were it states “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought…” it lists a pair of jungle-style combat boots; a set of brass door hinges; a roll of synthetic brown leather bicycle bar tape; a 48-inch 20-lb pull recurve bow; and a set of 12 arrow nocks.
I swear I am not making this up.
And no, even though it sounds as though I may have, I did not answer the magazine ad that read “WANTED: Somebody to go back in time with me. This is not a joke. P.O.Box 322 Oakview CA, 93022. You’ll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before.” But it does sort of sound like some of Amazon’s customers may be preparing to do that.
Gary, my understanding is that a shillelagh is just a form of walking stick, as you can see from this picture: If you and your wife know how to defend yourselves with a cane or walking stick, you should be able to wield a shillelagh with confidence and vigor should the need arise.
Good Morning Villagers….
Indy Mindy, so sorry to hear of your Grandmother. I pray she recovers……..Amen. Grandmothers are very special, I too miss mine. We grew up next door to our paternal grandparents, a day didn’t go by that we didn’t run over to Grandma and Grandpa’s.
Gray, yup, ya gotta have traction 🙂
GR 😉 not black, but they do match my Carharts!! And it’s is almost time for my dance of the seven zippers…my new boots have zippers too. It’s a freezing 31 degrees on my front porch right now….arrrgghhhh!!!!!
…and didn’t that ad appear here sometime back? The Wanted ad GR mentioned. I know I saw it here….I think, as I don’t click on ads…besides I have ad block…and what is it with commercials opening up on U tube videos??????
I see TDS is wide awake this morning….second comment was TMI.
Morning Jerry, how’s Tippy?
gotta go…..
Ruth Anne, I will definitely keep those names in mind when my new ‘chicks’ come in on the 22nd of December. I am so happy though, that George will have a forever home and not go out with the flock. Will click on link later….thanks.