Sorry to have been gone so long! I have been working on other projects. I guess there’s just no way to avoid the “remember when” factor on this site, try as I might. Today’s classic A&J is yet another example of swift cultural change. First, “casual Friday” was introduced, when white-collar workers were allowed to dress down from coats and ties and the equivalent ladies’ apparel. Today there are coats and ties still out there, but the daily norm for what remains of the white-collar work force is distinctly casual. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. Hey, I’m a cartoonist! I can work in my underwear if I want, although I never do. Well, not in just my underwear. You know, I get asked that question a lot, which I think is kind of weird.

Subtle Distinction
By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
Remember: it’s that weekend. The return to standard time can be a bit of a shock in the late afternoon, but I rather enjoy ...

What’s old is old, again
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to build a web site, but there are similarities. Everything needs to be just right, or ...

Back to the ol’ drawing board
I don’t have a lot of time this morning. I wasn’t going to post anything, but I’m tired of looking at that old photograph ...

Thursday’s Child
On Sunday, I teased you with the suggestion there are more changes coming here. There are. They will appear soon, and I think you’ll ...
233 responses to “Subtle Distinction”
GR ;: Miss Grant does carry that song well, but Joni Mitchell still is ‘Suite Judy blue eyes” to me.
Miss Hynde came out with a solo album last year….found this…..
I need some advice….my new gloves, which are small, are still somewhat big….does leather shrink if washed and dried…..anyone??????
Just thought of something GR…..I bet Anony is still in that vibrating chair 🙂
Debbe, YouTube has started a paid ad-free version. So to make you want to pay, they are inserting annoying ads, just like TV. And just like TV, I mute my speakers till I can skip the ad.
Debbe: Yes, it does.
Today’s TIP comic is same as Friday’s, but its BlogSpot is different. Self censorship, or the ordinary kind?
Peace, emb
Good morning Debbe. Tippy is great. I’ve never seen a kitty that is this loving.
Debbe 😉 I recently found a huge bargain price on-line for a pair of these and bought them.×800/media/product_images/jonnydepp-wearing-raybanaviatorsfw800fh800.jpg
Yep, the Ray Ban Aviator sunglasses, just like the ones I wore while defending the good ol’ Constitution of the United States from All Enemies, Foreign and Domesticâ„¢, and just like the ones Tom Cruise wore while pretending to be a US Navy jet jock. (Do they still let sailors fly airplanes?) Anyway, now if I’d shave my beard and dye my hair, I’d look just like That Dude. 🙂
I wonder how I would look if I let my hair grow out and get it styled that way. Like a Wise Guyâ„¢, probably. I suppose I could show that photo to my P&PHS, but knowing her, she’d probably react like she was sitting in Anonie’s vibrating chair. 😉
Today’s Pibgorn is one of Brooke’s ‘A demon’s nest of sentiments’ [if I have that right], but shorter and better than most.
‘Right (adj.): 49% wrong.’
Today’s ‘Herman’ is delightful.
Peace, emb
Especially for Sleepy…I mean, Morphy: “Statistically, six out of seven dwarves are not Happy. – J. L. Curtis
GR6, I have a nice pair of Ray Ban Aviators in their case in a drawer. Currently wearing a pair of Ray Ban Club Masters, makes me look like a distinguished Jack Nicholson, only with a pony tail. 😉
Loon was showing me hair chalk yesterday, allows one to put in color streaks that wash out. Almost tempted, haven’t had any color streaks for several years.
New Years resolution update. Of the 25 pounds I resolved to lose, have only 30 to go.
Way to go sandcastlerâ„¢…. I only have 35 to go!
My update: of the 12 pounds I resolved to gain, I’ve managed 19.
Sideburns, nice to know there is one goal buster in our village. 😉
sand, be sure to consult with Lady Mindy regarding appropriate hair color choices. 🙂 I had a pair of Ray Ban Wayfarers, but that was back in my sports-car-with-the-top-down days. Also, good to know you are tracking your progress so assiduously.
I believe Jimmy once told us that one of his goals was to keep the dialogue in his cartoons as brief and snappy as possible. Judging by 9CL and Pibgorn, McEldowney* does not share that goal.
*”If you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with your BS” – Anonymous (No, not our Anonymous, that other Anonymous.)
I wear bifocals that turn dark in the sun, That way I only have one pair of glasses to look for.
Jerry in FL, I wish I could wear those. But the process only works on glass lenses and I’m so nearsighted the optometrist advised against me getting them. They would weigh too much to be comfortable so I stick with polycarbonate lenses and the polarized clip-on sunglasses.
I hope that works well for you. Recently I have developed a wandering left eye. This is getting to be a problem, but I am not considering surgery at this point. I would protest that this wandering eye has nothing to do with looking at women, and it doesn’t, but I have to admit that I’m not necessarily 100% innocent in that regard either.
I have a Wandering Eye also detected in 2nd grade not a Roving Eye.
My glasses are AO (American Optical) “cooler” and did not cost like the big name ones.
GK did an interview with Marshall Muirhead Saturday.
GK can be good but if he gets preachy or gets on tangents the best I can say is embarrassing.
re: Ghost Riders
Burl Ives beat Vaughn Monroe by 1 month – but IMHO Vaughn’s is better and made the
top hits for 1949.
Mindy prayers for your Grandma –
Yes – dehydration can cause those symptoms.
Let us all light a green lamp for Veterans.
Less than 10% of WWII vets are still with us.
We lost my WWII Vet FIL in 2002; he was 88.
I like GK’s radio show… made driving on Saturdays a treat. Just wish he’d stay away from “political humor.” There’s more to good political humor than insulting the other side. Jon Stewart does it much better than GK.
Weather-wise, Veterans’ Day can be a tough one to hold a parade on at this location, but they try to do it each year. When the weather was warmer back in the early 90s we took the kids each year.
OB: Wouldn’t have gone anyway. Bemidji Community Theatre w/b doing ‘Hello Dolly’ next two weekends. I expect to go, even though I’ve seen it 2x. Wife was active in BCT, would [or does; what do we know?] want me to go. I’d go anyway; love the show. My kind of comedy.
Figures that only 10% of WWII vets survive. I was still in H.S. when it ended, served during the Korean War, on L.I, NY, and in Ger., Fr., and UK, and 6+ yr. in AFRes. What fraction of KW vets are still around? Resigned AFRes in ’60 or so, actually the patriotic thing to do.
‘Indian Summer’: we had a nice one in Oct., 60s F., maybe even 70s. Then cool, frosts, occ. transitory snow, but now 4 days of high 50s in Nov. Deer season opened last Sat., but hunters will likely lack tracking snow. Hasn’t gone below 0 C for sev. nights. Summer Triangle overhead now, but that would be true if it were -40.
Peace, emb