A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Tackling Dummy

By Jimmy Johnson

I didn’t update Tuesday, because I was traveling back from viewing the total eclipse with some friends. I won’t say a lot about that, because so much has already been said, but it was a very interesting experience. The weather in north central Tennessee was perfect, and I feel lucky to have seen the full effect. I will say that I am now an eclipse snob. I have known about the coming of this solar event for several years and long ago made plans to be in its direct path. What I did not know until recently was that my own hometown and surrounding area would experience something like 95% totality. I couldn’t help thinking, “I’m driving six hours for an additional five percent?!” However, when that sun winked out completely, as if a celestial switch had been thrown, I knew it was worth it. The difference was dramatic, and I’m going to rub it in with all my buddies who thought they saw the eclipse.
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173 responses to “Tackling Dummy”

  1. Ghost Avatar

    Not really. Jackie’s last overnight out-of-town stay required only a large purse, two large tote bags, a makeup kit and a medicine bag. And a few hanging garments.

  2. emb Avatar

    ????? are closely related to !!!!!, and mean just as much.

    The dreadful thing is that both L, R, and non-political outfits that want you to sign letters to senators and such often have garbage like that in the letters. Only sometimes can you edit them.

    Commonly, such letters begin, ‘I am writing to urge you to sponsor S. ###…’ Do they really be told that I am writing? It’s a missive, right? It reduces to ‘Please sponsor S. ###…’ Being senators, many of them probably know what DOD stands for, so ‘Department of Defense (DOD) …’ reduces to ‘DOD …’.

    Willy Strunk rules! Peace,


  3. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Here’s a collection of our eclipse pictures. The better ones of the sun were taken by Bob with his better camera, telephoto lens, and filter. I’m pleased with the ones I got too.

  4. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    Just discovered that it’s possible (and easy) to change my screen name on Flickr. Since I haven’t been the Lyman Library Lady for two years, I guess it’s time 🙂

    By the way, there are captions on the pictures, although most need no explanation.

  5. ursen Avatar

    Debbe had to bookmark the pastas. When I feel less lazy and more adventurous I will try some of them. Right now struggling with sick, hope it is not what my granddaughter had, which was strip throat. I’m too old to fight that off easy. Already lost my voice. Matches losing my mind I guess.

  6. ursen Avatar

    Strep throat, sorry fingers got away from me.

  7. emb Avatar

    Ruth Anne: Them are neat pitchurs. Peace,

  8. emb Avatar

    Whoops! I goofed, forgot I was watching older footage via the red line at the bottom. Of course, you can do that, too. Warning: for some, like me, it’s addictive.


  9. Sideburns Avatar

    Finally, after all too many months, I picked out a four-month-old tom kitten (already neutered) at the local animal shelter (no kill, since 2014) and brought him home Saturday afternoon. At first, there was a baby gate to keep my sister’s dog from getting too close, not because she’s aggressive, but so that the kitten could get used to the dog’s offers of friendship safely. By bedtime, the gate was gone. Sunday, I was still trying to work out what his name should be, when Marcia suggested that since he was a brown tabby with black spots, he should be named Leo. I was already starting to think that way too, but picked Leopold! as his formal name, and Leo for short. (Let’s see who’s the first one here to work out why the exclamation point is there.) He’s 5 pounds, and you can see a picture of him at http://www.zeff.us/Leopold!.jpg if you’re interested.

  10. TruckerRon Avatar

    Leopold! Perhaps this Bugs Bunny cartoon had something to do with it?


  11. TruckerRon Avatar

    It’s been a while since I’ve watched Old Faithful erupt. If you’re curious, it’s at:


    Old Faithful Geyser is predicted to erupt at 8:45pm ± 10 minutes Mountain Time on August 28, 2017.
    Old Faithful Geyser is predicted to erupt at 9:45pm ± 10 minutes Central Time on August 28, 2017.

    Which means it’ll be happening during sunset and may be extra spectacular with the reddish sun (Montana’s enduring multiple wildfires).

  12. TruckerRon Avatar

    Oops! Sunset at Old Faithful Inn is at 8:06 MDT tonight. Which means the sun will be below the horizon, but there may still be enough good, reddish light to make it worth checking it.

  13. TruckerRon Avatar

    And now the predicted time has moved to 9:28 MDT? I give up.

  14. emb Avatar

    This morning’s Dustin comic is instructive. Peace,

  15. joe d Avatar
    joe d

    jj – hope Harvey doesn’t effect you

  16. emb Avatar

    Me, too, but must admit what first came to mind was a large rabbit. Actually, never saw the show. Peace,

  17. Mark from TTown Avatar
    Mark from TTown

    Jackie, does this remind you of anything? http://www.gocomics.com/closetohome

  18. Steve from Royal Oak, MI Avatar

    Ruth Anne, I haven’t lived in Royal Oak for nearly 2 years, but I still tell people that is where I am from (at least as an adult). You will always be the Library Lady even if it is emeritus. Now can you officially say that it is Emeritus? I’ll let wiser heads decide that!

  19. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH


  20. emb Avatar

    A nice distinction, to which I have no objection. It gets nasty, however, when some male chauvinist pig [I believe it was a member of Congress] asks some LLB or LLD if she is a ‘lawyeress’? Happened sometime in the last decade or two. When it comes to college grads, I just use ‘alum’ and ‘alums’.
