A pithy comic strip about life, love, lust and puthy cats.

Est. 1985

Extra, Extra!

Tackling Dummy

By Jimmy Johnson

I didn’t update Tuesday, because I was traveling back from viewing the total eclipse with some friends. I won’t say a lot about that, because so much has already been said, but it was a very interesting experience. The weather in north central Tennessee was perfect, and I feel lucky to have seen the full effect. I will say that I am now an eclipse snob. I have known about the coming of this solar event for several years and long ago made plans to be in its direct path. What I did not know until recently was that my own hometown and surrounding area would experience something like 95% totality. I couldn’t help thinking, “I’m driving six hours for an additional five percent?!” However, when that sun winked out completely, as if a celestial switch had been thrown, I knew it was worth it. The difference was dramatic, and I’m going to rub it in with all my buddies who thought they saw the eclipse.
Buy the new book, "Beaucoup Arlo & Janis!"Today's "Arlo & Janis!"

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173 responses to “Tackling Dummy”

  1. Ruth Anne in Winter Park Avatar
    Ruth Anne in Winter Park

    emb: How many of us would have been born if all parents waited until they could “afford” a kid? My parents were married in 1928; my brother was born in 1939 and I in 1949.

    For the readers in the Village: I just came across this list – http://lithub.com/100-books-across-america-fiction-and-nonfiction-for-every-state-in-the-union/ – that could make for some interesting discussions. I like the cover art as much as the choice of titles.


    Rescuing cats, I just saw a cat bag advertised on line.

    I have evacuated for hurricanes and one wild fire. My pets all went with me. If not, I couldn’t leave them.

  3. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Mark, I felt like squeezing out a few nostalgic tears when I saw those nifty onion bags.

    Ruth Anne, I am going to take a good look at your book list; it looks promising. Thank you, and thanks to Mark also.

  4. emb Avatar

    They, before the Depression, both had paying jobs, and they had enough for Mom to quit hers. What they had in reserve, of course, were securities that became worthless. Dad, too old at 51 to be an attractive hire, was out of work most of the time from late ’29 until WWII. He was still working as a machinist at age 75, having put so little into SS. Peace,

  5. Charlotte in NH Avatar
    Charlotte in NH

    Dearest Ghost, you have certainly filled in a large gap in my knowledge bank. Good grief, had no idea of any of this. I’ve led a very quiet life; good thing really!

  6. emb Avatar

    P.S. Dad had 3 kids by his first wife, who died when their youngest was 9 or so. All my half-sibs were old enough to be my parents. And Mom was 37 when I was born, in 1929 pretty old for a primipara. So it was really a decision for them.

  7. TruckerRon Avatar

    What an amazing finger puppet! When the reporter says it’s fully articulated, she means it!


  8. John Nielsen Avatar
    John Nielsen

    When do I get my Kickstarter campaigns rewards? Or are you planning on just keeping my $250.00? Any communication at all would be helpful.

  9. Debbe Avatar

    Good morning Villagers….

    Jackie, lived in Corpus for 14 years…absolutely heart breaking. Loved to take the ferry ride over to Padre from Port Aransas to Aransas Pass (also at that time they were building “Bullwinkle” the biggest off shore oil rig…now we’re going back some 40 years here. Left CC in ’87.

    Miss Charlotte…taking Dad to heart doctor on Tuesday and I AM going to get him back into rehab/exercising…he thinks just walking around here is exercising. His appetite is going down his and all he wants is sweets…..made the mistake and bought some Nutella….not good, but you know what, you only live once.

    Nice truck Jackie and GR…and good names pilgrims 😉

  10. Debbe Avatar

    This was me a couple of mornings ago…I got up, made my coffee, turned it on and walked into the kitchen….there was a whole pot of coffee on the floor and coffee grinds all over the cabinet top….I forgot to put in the coffee carafe 🙂


  11. Debbe Avatar

    Llee….that was/is such good news to read about your brother…..Amen

  12. Debbe Avatar

    Jerry….too funny, too true though. Glad to see you post, love your little snippets…they make me smile.

    And the joke, TR, was funny too.


    Glad you are back Debbe. Do not keep watching hurricane news. It is devastating and so sad. I could not recognize anything in Port Aransas .

    They say every boat in marina sank, even 65 foot ones. There were millions of dollars there.

    Obviously our show in October is cancelled. I have not heard if Farley Boat Works, the school and museum, is there. My friends got out mostly.

  14. Debbe Avatar

    I know Jackie…..

    here’s a little info on that Bullwinkle platform. I remember them towing it out to the Gulf.


  15. Debbe Avatar

    interesting video of them towing it out to the gulf:


  16. Debbe Avatar

    …and finally, my tomatoes are finally starting to turn red!!!!!

  17. Jerry in Fl Avatar
    Jerry in Fl

    An old friend from long ago has died, Jay Thomas, although that was not his name when we were in school together. Houston is having a very bad time. We have been very fortunate here. The sun is shining and there is only a very slight occasional breeze. Harvey could possibly go back into the Gulf and come this way so I will be watching. Other than rain, rain, rain there are no predictions being made at this point. The NWS is calling this unprecedented.

  18. Ghost Avatar

    Concerned about sandcastler™ and Loon. Jackie tells me he is not on Book of Faces, but he is apparently on Twitter. If any Villagers hear from him there, please let us know.

  19. David in Austin Avatar
    David in Austin


    We have camped in the Pioneer RV park (the one in your video) many times over the past 20 years. There are normally 100+ campers located there semi-permanently. I hope that most were empty. So far no reports of numerous fatalities, so at least the people that stayed could find shelter somehow.

  20. Ghost Avatar

    Jackie is hearing from other friends in Houston that the first floors of their homes are flooded, cars are under water, and water rescues are underway in subdivisions all over the area. Just saw a report from State of Texas that 316,000 are without power NOT including the City of Houston. Houston PD Chief has announced there are more than 10,000 people awaiting rescue, just in Houston.

    This is turning into a disaster beyond belief. Jackie says that even when she lived in Houston over 20 years ago, experts had been saying for years that if such massive rainfall occurred over areas with so much concrete and asphalt coverage, this would happen. Unfortunately, they seem to have been correct.