Late fall is beginning to arrive around here. After several days of blustery wind and rain, bright blue skies and seasonably cool temperatures finally have arrived. I’ll be driving again today, and it’s looking like conditions will be excellent. In my opinion, we’re due for a milder winter; the past three have been harsh by our admittedly low standard. I guess that’s about all the news around here. Be sure to come back soon!

By Jimmy Johnson
Recent Posts

Ghost of Christmas Past
This holiday Arlo & Janis comic strip from 2022 is similar in concept to the new strip that ran yesterday. I thought the latter ...

I have produced a number of comic strips related to Veteran’s Day. Especially in latter years, I have tried to emphasize the universal experience ...

Dark Passage
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What’s old is old, again
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Back to the ol’ drawing board
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Thursday’s Child
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171 responses to “Tees”
I was really sorry he wasn’t around. Another neighbor two doors down says we are having steady traffic again that drives down that street (he lives on street I back up to) and they turn at the corner of his house and return steadily which probably means someone down there is dealing.
He can’t figure it out as he says our street is long time and mainly older people. This is the ski-doo and golf cart dealer who I bought my golf cart from that got stolen. Turns out his mechanic was one of firemen who responded to the burned cart. He said they burned down half the woods with the acceleration they used.
Lovely lake living.
Anonie, don’t be too shocked (no pun intended) to learn that some people are pond scum. Locally, a woman got busted recently for theft of flowers, plants and decorations from graves in the old-line city cemetery.
Perhaps some tasteful signs posted at strategic locations around your property, reading…
Trespassers and Thieves Will Be Shot.
Survivors Will Be Shot Again.
Debbe 😉 I hope you got to take the day off Sunday, hon.
Shhhh. Debbe is sleeping.
And a Good morning Villagers……
What a great tune to hear this morning GR 😉 , thanks. And I did sleep in, finally arose at 8ish.
And it did get down to 20 degrees last night, just called the hen house and it is a pleasant 72 degrees in there. I went back yesterday afternoon and shut some fans off at the inside toggle switch, and it worked.
My husband just called for me to come watch the news about a little boy (3 years old) in Anchorage who had overheard his mother speaking about the homeless in that city. They even showed a clip of him crying about people sleeping on card boards. Now this little three year old has taken up the challenge of getting clothes, socks and such for these people. He even sold his elaborate, wooden train set to a friend for $20 to buy more warm clothing. The little one is very intelligent for just being three, his speech is so clear, and his emotions endearing. God bless that little boy and his Mother.
Sandcastler, my antenna is broken off my Suzi, so I don’t get radio time…besides, what they play on the radio isn’t much to listen to. But do give me credit for knowing about the Beach Boys and the Mamas and Papas 🙂 See, as I’ve said, you learn something here everyday.
Emb, my niece lives in Davenport and I have the city listed on it was a frigid 2 degrees there and about 6 inches of snow.
Indy Mindy, I am sorry you had to endure the six inches of snow and Herbie ‘conking’ out on you. Damn girl, you do have perseverance….you have my deepest admiration.
Well, sister #2 doesn’t want a ‘meeting’ with Dad….and I am beginning to think along her lines. I just want to keep things calm and warm. Dad is looking forward to me coming in and helping him. We’ll just either come back here, or go to sister #3 for some good old talk, and not lectures. It’s like #2 sister said….when Mom died, she thinks that is when Dad started giving up, so many time I have heard him say, “I just don’t care any more”….so we’re going to try to make him have a reason to care….baby steps, we’ll take baby steps and spoil him.
I had bought those reflectors that you put in the ground to note the turn in to your drive way…they were shaped like a cat’s head….yeah, some A-holes stole them. My husband suggested nest time, he will wire the electric fence to one of them…if I ever replace them.
And more good news, the stray that has been handing out here, she’s the neighbor’s cat. I stopped by there yesterday to ask if she got the eggs I dropped off. I then asked her if she had been missing Gandolf as he has been hanging around here too. Then I asked her if she knew about a yellow, slim cat….oh my Cat….it was Winnie, and she had been missing for over a month. They put her outside because she started using the top bunk as a liter box. The Dad come by last night and picked up Winnie, and is going to keep her inside…she is a very loving cat….happy ending, love them.
gotta go, I got some bombing to do….and yes, I do still have to warm up the car.
Well, just called Dad, and he’s says it’s too cold…doesn’t want to put the cats in the garage. I said ok…..some other time, Dad…then we made small talk about the weather, and the six inches of snow my niece got in Davenport….as I’ve said, baby steps…..
AND, who’d have thunk…learned a new $50 dollar word from TDS…..terpsichorial. Boy are they fired up there…
So husband is putting fillets on the grill, kicking back, and I think there just may be a few cold ones in the fridge 🙂
gotta get me a pair…..
So, this what a Rockhopper penguin looks like….
Indy Mindy…wow, what an inspiring video of the man’ art, only using the top row of an old typewrite…thanks for sharing.
Debbe 😉 Yep, early this morning when I checked out today’s real-time (the best time, as usually no one on TDS has commented yet), I thought to myself, “Some of them on TDS are going to get fired up about this cartoon.” But I’ll take your word for it. 🙂
All I know about the subject of today’s cartoon is that when I arrived at Millionaire Widow Lady’s condo for the weekend, I seldom got more than a few feet inside the door before she would meet me for my “hello hug”. Which, accompanied by long, slow kisses rather than music, seldom lasted less than 30 minutes, not seconds. What a great way to start a weekend!
Janis doesn’t know what she is missing.
GR 😉 I remember “greetings at the door” like yours…..sometimes the door got barely shut fast enough:)
Debbe 😀
After about ten minutes, MWL’s eyes would start to glisten, and she would sometimes comment that her eyes were “watering”. I knew why but never told her.
Does anyone else know? 😉
I have memories ofvwalking in, finding a trail of discarded clothing; pirate party!!
Buncha horns! [Not that she never took the initiative.]
Reminds me of a recent New Yorker cartoon. He and she are in bed, still awake and not fully lying down, he busy with his tablet, she in her spaghetti strap nightie looking a bit annoyed.
“Touch anywhere to start.”
Just checked in and first thing I read was Ghost and the widow lady. How many millions since you didn’t accept gifts do you prefer? I will let you know when I hit goal weight, lost 2 pounds in last two days.
Actually your cemetery theft story happens a lot, florists know. My late aunt returned to cemetery to find woman stealing all the flowers from her just buried brother and standing on her late husband’s grave.
She said “I asked her politely to stop but when she wouldn’t I whacked her with my purse until she did.” Those Southern ladies speak softly but carry big purses.
Ghost, you have a way of keeping the tact in tactical. Your MWL remembrance was emotionally moving. I had to say, she knew that you knew; and that is why you had many weekends instead of just one in a string. But you knew that, too.
… or figured it out since.
Anonie, my response to the cemetery bandit, had it been my sister’s or father’s grave, would more likely have been, “I asked her politely to stop but when she wouldn’t I whacked her.” ::Blows smoke from barrel and re-holsters::
Morph, I’ve always been one to know a good thing when I saw it. It was a good eight years. I miss her.
A 2.5 quake at an old hangout of mine-Franklin, NC.
For the Village art aficionados, this may come to a Target near you with no notice.
Were “Guerrilla Artists” formally known as “Performance Artists”? Their “creations” have roughly the same artistic value as far as I can tell.
Also, I’m guessing this “artist” wouldn’t qualify for a job in the stock room. But I suppose that’s why there’s an NEA.
As arrangements of stuff, many are nicely composed.
Also, posted without comment, except to note that it’s not only about Republicans.
Peace, emb
Ghost, to compound cemetery theft, many take the items for resale to other florists, including flowers and stands, vases, baskets. I consider this desecration and theft.
I am a superb designer of funeral and cemetery pieces, both fresh and memorial silk headstone arrangements. As another aunt said while looking across cemetery at our family graves, “Jackquline Ann, no wonder yours all get stolen, they stick out all the way across the cemetary.”
The joke among floristsome is that the family wants to view them as they drive down the road,