Late fall is beginning to arrive around here. After several days of blustery wind and rain, bright blue skies and seasonably cool temperatures finally have arrived. I’ll be driving again today, and it’s looking like conditions will be excellent. In my opinion, we’re due for a milder winter; the past three have been harsh by our admittedly low standard. I guess that’s about all the news around here. Be sure to come back soon!

By Jimmy Johnson
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171 responses to “Tees”
Forgot to say but it got so bad we were signing Styrofoam in hidden or semi hidden area to identify the silk pieces when we saw them being sold on side of road during memorial season.
Anonymous, what I find even worse is the low-down scum who steal the bronze vases built into the marker, and sometimes even the markers. And those who buy these things saying, I thought they were authorized to sell them for scrap, should be made to pay for replacements when the actual thieves can’t be found. Some years ago, someone stole the plaque off a statue honoring WW! soldiers in Birmingham.
emb, why should anyone believe a theory that’s flunked every prediction made in its name?
’nuff said.
Dear domaucan, good for you; the only person here who remembered that awful day in 1963. Yes, I remember too, being well over 60. And what is more, I wrote down in my notebook everything about that day. I was reading it again just recently. You can forget a lot in 52 years but the painful emotions of that day in Dallas will never be forgotten.
Critiquing politicians’ scientific knowledge could be a slippery slope.
May I have this dance?
Mark, I will give you another tomb desecration I abhor, , the theft of angels, statues, crosses, fences and even tombstones for resale in antique shops, art galleries, etc. Taken from older cemeteries I imagine most.
In Louisiana where I am from the old family country cemeteries are not protected by dedication and many are plowed under.
Fox News or whomever to the contrary, it hasn’t. That should be obvious from the data at the above site.
My item included critiques of both parties. Why should I be surprised or disturbed by a stupid Democrat? W.J. Bryan was a Democrat.
As Stephen J. Gould [a Marxist] maintained, Bryan’s motives at the Scopes trial were good. At the time, “Social Darwinism”, which was unscientific and had little to do with Darwin’s actual theory, was being used by the well-off as an excuse to oppress not only non-whites but also the poor in general. Sad to say, some late 19th-early 20th c. scientists were also Social Darwinists. Many were, and some still are, misogynists. A few degreed scientists [mostly outside of biology, and MDs [MDs may also be scientists, but it’s not obligatory], and some engineers are creationists. Contrary to propaganda, the % of creationist and “intelligent design” creationist scientists is not increasing.
Bryan also, I think, believed in a literal 6-day creation and such. When Darrow questioned him, he denied that man [sic] was a mammal. Maybe he shared the widespread notion that, “If you cannot believe every word in the Bible, you cannot believe any of it.” Sad, and not particularly faithful.
Peace, emb
Predictions that didn’t happen:
Trucker Ron, the whole “global cooling” thing is a myth…it was a Newsweek article, not peer-reviewed literature. The scientific literature of the time did not support this conclusion, and as you might imagine, science has learnd a lot since the mid-70s at any rate. That’s the natire of the beast: continue to refine the state of the theory as more data and observations roll in. The data are simply too robust at this point to continue to ignore the obvious.
Sorry, folks, but I don’t like having any sort of debates over silly things here. I’d rather talk about Janis and her wardrobe, season by season.
I’ll just ask Rusty one question: Do you trust the satellite data which shows no significant warming in almost 2 decades or the computer models?
TruckerRon – you beat me to posting that
Good morning Villagers….
…..everything is cyclical
And it was a good day to be off, after my last post, I thought I’d better quit before I got carried away
eight years….and yes, any woman would know why her eyes ‘glistened’….it’s called love.
Andrew and Rachael came by for a visit with the kids….forgot to mention that a couple of weekends ago, little Brooklynne Rose was my lovely assistant at work. It had been quite a while since I had seen her…but yesterday we all watched Brooklynne and Kyler wrestle on the floor and it was funny, poor Kyler lost and I mean lost his pants, she spanked him, gave him a wedgie and all the time he was laughing…..children are fun to watch playing innocently.
Not looking forward to going into work, Andrew checked on Skittles and the other teen (he’s a cowboy wanabe), and they had the belts running on 100!!! I foresee belt rolls and egg blocks in my morning walk. I run the belt speed around 45 ti 47…..
may your Monday be blessed…..
yes you may….but
classic with class
…but out of curiosity, I saw this on the right and wanted to hear her version…and it’s nicely done
good point…..
Anonymous, this happened last month in Alabama. The statue was spotted at a flea market and reported to authorities. When the sellers found out they had been located, they left the statue and disappeared.
Thanks for taking care of that one supposed ‘prediction.’ The original claim was ‘flunked every prediction.’ Also, thanks for a succinct summary of what scientists do. When I’ve time [I’m in a pre-TG rush right now], I may do a short take on how good scientists behave, using a U.MI. Ann Arbor paleozoologist as an example. Don’t know him; he arrived after I got degreed there.
It’s not our mission here to solve a scientific and social problem that science-deniers, corrupt media, some people of the cloth, and some of the 1% have made political. ‘Nuff said.
Peace, emb
Something a bit different for Thanksgiving, perhaps?
Trucker, just to answer your last question: there never was a “warming pause” per se either. While sea surface temps seem to have lagged, more disturbingly (to me, anyway) is that once the oceanographic data were examined (my old background), it was found that the temp increases were happening deeper, down around 100-300 meters (still “shallow” to an oceanographer, but not “surface”). This has potentially scary and not necessarily well understood implications for ocean circulation patterns. Frankly, what is more concerning to me as a marine biology nerd is the measurable acidification of seawater due to CO2 increases and the drastic impacts this will have on the biota if it is not slowed.
However, back to our regularly schduled and more fun discussion: 1) Can’t wait for the t-shirts and 2) I know I am not the only guy around here who would appreciate an old-school Janice “pin up” calendar…pretty sure Arlo (and GR6) would approve…
Thanks again. Janis thanks you, too. Happy TG.
Peace, emb
How is it “denying science” to point out that 3 decades of predictions (based on computer models) have failed to predict anything? Or to point out that we still have polar ice despite numerous statements to the contrary by former VP Gore?
Anonymous is wearing a fedora to match her long western style duster, drape neck tunic, cable knit tunic over that layer and skinny jeans. When did hats become fashionable for women?
Have a huge collection of caps including one that says Sexy in heavy jewels. Haven’t worn that advertising gimmick yet. UT do wear the ball caps like the Wooden Boat ones. Controls hair on windy days. Otherwise counting scarves and jewelry I have on a bunch of layers. Sorry, no pokies through the layers.
I figure my wardrobe is better than arguing about climate change!
“. . . despite numerous statements to the contrary by former VP Gore?” There are some 300 million Americans. Some are better at some things than about getting their facts and memories straight. With all Gore’s faults, I still think I voted for the lesser of two flawed candidates in that election, as did a plurality of the voters.
Three weeks after 9/11, G.W. Bush said at a prayer service, “This conflict was begun on the timing and terms of others. It will end at a way and at an hour of our choosing.” [From a book review in the New Yorker last summer.] Well over a decade later, it has not ended. Shrub is a member of the UMC. So am I, but I’m not guilty thereby. I’m especially not guilty of the needless deaths of thousands of American military, and many more relatively innocent civilians.
Science is not what the media tell you. Its primary literature is what is published and later confirmed, modified, or rejected in peer-reviewed journals, and also in the secondary lit., responsible, largely unbiased and unbought reports in publications such as Amer. Scientist, Quarterly Rev. of Biology, etc. Some written, sound, and video media are not as trustworthy as these
I did not call anyone here a science denier. I do not know who did what cptr. modeling. I presume the assumptions of the modeler and the input into the model have much to do with the results. I have no expertise in cptr. modeling. I’ve read enough articles involving it over the last 2 decades to know that scientists often have to go back, rethink, revise, and maybe reject their models. I suspect that some cptr. modeling is done by folks who tailor models to insure a desired output.
I’ll be away for a week. ‘Nuff said. Peace and happy TG, emb
emb, “I’m not guilty of the the needless deaths…”. In my opinion, neither is Bush. The guilty parties, some dead, some still committing atrocities, are those who bombed the World Trade Center twice, invaded Kuwait, etc. ‘Nuff said. Enjoy your Thanksgiving, as I hope we all will.