I don’t have a lot of time this morning, but I did want to post something, as service here has been spotty lately. I’m not sure my subconscious wasn’t at work when I chose today’s classic A&J. I’ve been fighting with my computer lately, plus the mockingbirds have begun their seasonal concert. Except, in reality, they sing about 3 a.m. For hours. I actually have gone downstairs in the middle of the night to flush one from the camellia bush below my bedroom window. I didn’t kill him, but I did scare the bejeebers out of him. Is that a sin?

The Mockingbird’s Shrill
By Jimmy Johnson
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413 responses to “The Mockingbird’s Shrill”
emb, I think the breed is a Sphynx. Has a very short coat of fuzz instead of the normal. So it looks much like a naked mole rat. And to develop the breed they used modern form Siamese, which are nowhere near as attractive as the old-fashioned version of the breed.
The rest of you must be having supper, and I should be.
“Now, heaven knows, anything goes” is from the title song of “Anything Goes” the first musical the local community theatre [their spelling] group did. Wife was in the chorus. I took the college girl who was living with us to a performance. A psych prof played the guy who wanted out of a coming marriage, and did one scene in his boxer shorts. She had been in his [our, actually, 3-prof team-taught course], couldn’t handle it, embarrassed, must have laughed/cried whatever for many minutes. Tracy, if I remember right, good student. Supper!
Peace, emb
Diet report, only ate one meal out, relatively healthy considering where I was. Duck Diner is in parking lot of my hotel. Never realized anyone came to eat. In costumes except Princess at Disney world.
Had 6 barbeque shrimp. Grilled vegs and half the risotto and sent bread and rest of risotto back.
Service and staff are great, you can find nonfried food and its convenient as long as your resolution
holds up. Just got invitation I want to accept so rewards inspire.
I have to agree – the Sphynx cat is a most singularly unattractive cat!
Yepp! ?????
Couldn’t find any smiley faces. That is a five star rating, Ghost
Dearest Ghost, I see — you are getting a good deal on the insurance and are being frugal. You are way ahead of me (no surprise there.)
Dear emb, I saw a rabbit last night, the day after Easter; slightly weird coincidence! Quite exciting, because we NEVER see rabbits here; not the right habitat, or the population is way down, or both. Two years ago I was goggle eyed to see a good-sized, full grown rabbit. It came to the back yard off and on for a while, then it disappeared and was seen no more. Last night’s rabbit was really cute! Not a baby, but a child sized rabbit, rather short ears, a very attractive light brown. It appeared to be eating the seeds my tenant scatters on the ground for the sparrows and other ground-feeders. No green plants here at all yet, only last year’s brown grass. A few Crocuses are up; the bunny had better not nibble them, or its reputation will go down.
Forgot to say, it was twilight last night, exactly the right time for rabbits to be out foraging. (What are they doing the other 22 to 23 hours of the day?)
That is a Cole Porter musical, isn’t it? He wrote such perfectly clever lyrics.
WARNING. http://venturebeat.com/2015/04/07/fbi-warns-of-isis-sympathetic-hackers-attacking-and-defacing-wordpress-sites/
Smart phone just changed my five star rating to five question marks. That isn’t encouraging.
So, sand, should be be worried if Arlo suddenly grows a beard and Janis dons a burka?
What are the rabbits doing the other 22 to 23 hours of the day, Miz Charlotte? I’m not sure but it may have something to do with why there are so many little bunnies. 🙂
GR6, consider it an inter agency heads up. 😉
Or why there are many well feed coyotes; rabbit tartare.
Denise in Michigan on 07 Apr 2015 at 2:16 pm #
John, I hope all goes (went) well at the doctor today.
thank you
a huge sigh of relief, aaaaaaaaahhh, my eye is out of it’s strait jacket. I hired a hospice person to drive me around today, along with eye doctor, I had one last little Social Security thing about my late wife to attend to, and then she took me to the grocery store and pushed my cart around (almost sounds like some kind of euphemism). but now I can drive. I’m in a lot of email clubs for food places and I got my free pastry from La Madeleine (French style restaurant/sandwich place with pastry counter up front, I don’t know in all what parts of the country they’re in, but they’re here in the Houston area) So I treated myself to my cheesecake and am reliving the happy times of my youth listening to 70’s – 80’s new wave music, I remember a great place in Houston called Spit, it had chain link fence around the dance floor
to Old Bear – I’m finally into the first Matt Helm, yeah, it’s pretty wild, what you said about everything being so well described, yeah it’s fully packed, makes it very real, . it’s almost too much to absorb after sedate Agatha Christies. … … .. .. .. and if anyone watches Mad Men – actor John Slattery – character Roger Sterling — that’s what the main eye doctor who usually checks on me looks like, kind of weird looking up at him
Charlotte: Distribution maps from 1890 or so show that Eastern Cottontails did not then range into New England. The only native rabbit was the New England Cottontail, which is now endangered:
Eastern Cottontails now occur in all the New England states, and probably have displaced NE Cottontails in many areas. You may have seen both in your yard.
Eastern Cottontails have been introduced in the Pacific Coast states, and are doing well there.
Peace, emb
For anybody interested in doing something with your computer besides reading A&J, (I know, but it only changes once a day), have a look at this site. https://www.zooniverse.org/
Jerry in F
My caves are above ground. Would prefer earth sheltered but
Frau Bjorn resists strenuously.
Finished “Expecting Someone Taller” will reserve comment till I finish
“Flying Dutch” & “Who’s Afraid of Beowulf”
I wonder if this comic strip is accurate?
John in RT
I’m up to Interlopers will do westerns after reading Tom Holt and then Gandelara series.
I think a Cormeran Striker may be coming out this summer also.
If you can get Hamilton’s early books – “Murder Twice Told”, “Night Walker”
“The Steel Mirror”. Was reading a 1949 “Model Railroader” it was a little disorienting
reading modern books. Fascinating telephone #s in 1949, no standardization, some rather
large cities had 4 digit phone #s. Of course many had letter exchanges but a few had letters
at the end.
Dear emb, thank you for the information. From what I’ve read, it’s really hard to be sure of what rabbit species one is looking at; would take a real expert, such as yourself.
Nancy, thank you, too!
John in Richmond, I’m so happy things went well today!
Charlotte, in my backyard, they like to hide under shrubs from aerial predators for a good part of the daylight hours. Then they do silly bunny things all night (I know this because I sometimes can’t sleep). Occasionally, I’m lucky enough to see one especially full of high spirits dance in the moonlight. The baby bunnies wander around trying out plants and spitting out the ones they don’t like. They all seem to enjoy new growth on hollyhocks, but none have ever liked oregano. 😉
Denise, if you get tired of watching the rabbits do silly things, I have a good recipe for Hasenpfeffer. Doesn’t call for oregano, though.
I hope Jackie enjoyed her invitation.
Good night, Mrs. Monies, wherever you are.