I don’t have a lot of time this morning, but I did want to post something, as service here has been spotty lately. I’m not sure my subconscious wasn’t at work when I chose today’s classic A&J. I’ve been fighting with my computer lately, plus the mockingbirds have begun their seasonal concert. Except, in reality, they sing about 3 a.m. For hours. I actually have gone downstairs in the middle of the night to flush one from the camellia bush below my bedroom window. I didn’t kill him, but I did scare the bejeebers out of him. Is that a sin?

The Mockingbird’s Shrill
By Jimmy Johnson
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413 responses to “The Mockingbird’s Shrill”
Ghost, when I was five, my Grandpa took my pet rabbit to live in a nice farmer’s barn where he would be happy. I was eleven before I realized where Frosty really wound up.
I am so far behind on comments right now. First, thank you Bill, for the “Doesn’t it make you want To Kill A Mockingbird” line. I thought that too, and laughed myself silly.
Jerry – If you look that much like Gibbs, I am also jealous of your wife. And I was giggling over your jokes too. Holy ground indeed.
Debbe – I’ve had small cracks I Herbie’s windshield for years. Our local leo’s haven’t bothered me about them.
John in Texas and Miss Charlotte – Great news on the health updates!
I had a cooler reset yestetday; it did not go to plan. Long story short, nothing has been right about the cooler shelving for years. There was literally no way to follow the “offical” product placement plan – which always earned someone an ear full. Today I finally put the right person on the spot to get most of the shelving corrected. However, much to the dismay of the assorted minions sent to reset the darn thing, this person was a two-hour wait away. And to cap off the day, two of the companies reset minions never showed. And as the cooler is actually correct now, all of their products had been pulled from the shelves, but no one was there to put them back – except my clerk and I. After all of that, I still had to sort and corral all of the outdated, overstock, and discontinued products. My boss told me to do the bare minimum and let it go; he would come in this morning after his 8am dr appt. and finish up. Nice thought, but my first deliveries come at 6:30am. Both are beverage companies, and need to be able to see what products they need to bring in and get to the cooler – did I mention I am off today? Finally left at seven last night. Came home, at dinner, and crashed on the couch. Now I am wide awake with a sleeping kitty on my lap.
My condolences to Jackie and Granny Carol (and anyone else who is missing a loved one and needs a hug). Two of the prior managers of my store lost brothers in the past few days. I believe both gentlemen had heart attacks. The one gentleman happened to be driving – the only merciful thing was it was only a single vehicle accident. I had planned on slipping away for the funeral today, but the FUBAR reset trashed the idea, sadly. I am friends with the former manager, and knew his brother in passing. Thankfully, another manager was able to go at least. The tragedy could have been so much worse. Then yesterday, one of customers came in sobbing as he’d just lost his wife. One thing about managing a small, neighborhood location like mine is everyone knows everyone. The whole area is reeling from all of the sudden losses.
No Ghost, not a local invitation. Going to use my passport.
Good morning Villagers…
I see we’re on the road again with Jackie 🙂 You go girl.
Mindy, we too have experienced a couple of losses within our small family owned business. The Boss’s girlfriend’s mother passed away, and Marlene’s brother’s wife died due to complications of a lung transplant from 6 months ago. Then The Corp guy who comes in every Tuesday to weigh eggs, his mother died last week. I know one thing, live every day like it was your last. Amen.
Went over to the other hen house to see the new peeps….they are beautiful….snow white. They look so cute with just the start of their combs coming up. When mine were delivered they traveled two hours to get here….they were nasty looking, except the ones on the top. These new peeps only had to travel a half an hour to get here. Round two of hens will be in the next couple weeks.
Missed out on the women’s championship game….woke up to husband watching wrestling….got my cookies and milk and wen to bed.
Here are some interesting and nostalgic sounds that are soon or are no more:
Cha Ching…..have a blessed day everyone
John…good to you rebounded well.
emb…I agree, they are not attractive cats, and I don’t think I’d want one on my lap. There’s something to be said about a warm, fluffy lap cat.
today’s grin:
..and there’s something to be said about a sharp dressed man in kilts….now Mr. Connery knows the feel of a breeze between the legs (Pic with foot on big rock)
this is good….and wasn’t pepper spray discussed here a few days ago, maybe in the above comments….too funny
TIP comic and BlogSpot are = again.
Strunk, White, and emb say “Columbus’ ” should be “Columbus’s”.
Good morning, took dog for walk and it was nice and cool. We’re it nor for all the stops and sniffs this would be great place to walk, empty spaces. I know I am inviting comment but with indoor pool, exercise room and good flat surfaces in parking a motel or hotel is great place to stay in shape.
This smartphone is going to drive me nuts. Doesn’t print as you write and I never preread a thing.
how about a new post ?
Don’t sweat it, Jackie. We usually understand what you are trying to say. 🙂
And I proofread all my comments, and some of them still turn out awful.
WordPress has a random idiot feature that scrambles posts. Add in Siri’s love of stupidity. Makes for fun posts.
Debbe, I use the device in sound number 8 all the time.
Mindy…resets! Ugh! Always such a weight off when they’re finally over.
It is kind of sad, Debbe, to think that everyday sounds, the background music of our lives, can die, too. We can now record things so the future knows how they sound. But it makes me wonder about all the sounds from the past that may be gone forever. What may they have been like? What did everyday life sound like in 1802 CE, 547 CE, 4793 BCE?
Interesting video about women’s self-defense.
Interesting, Lady Mindy. I saw many of those same moves in the self-defense class I attended recently, plus some even worse things that can be done to an attacker with one’s hands, feet and knees. And you probably noticed the use of blows to pressure points such as to above and/or outside of the knees, and where the neck joins the top of the shoulder. “The only fair fight is the one you lose.”
One thing that might be a little misleading in the video…the purpose of such self-dense moves is of course to stop the attack and discourage/disable the attacker long enough to get away/seek help. In a real-life situation, you probably wouldn’t want to stand around to see what the attacker is going to do next.
I kinda like Janis’s bare arms/bare midriff look in today’s real-time. She should start wearing cropped tank tops.
OF area not foggy, two men w/ lunch on benches, another just joined them.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, surviving Boston marathon bomber, found guilty on capital charges. Not too shocking, that.
Now begins the decision as to whether he should be sentenced to death. That would seem not to be a difficult call, seeing that one of the bombs exploded and disemboweled an 8-year-old boy and ripped the leg off his sister.
GR6, go to DEFCON ONE!
OK…had to have Google ‘define defcon one’….it has two meanings…don’t go to UB, which I didn’t, but in the intro below link page site it tells you Hey. I scroll, never take the first link at the first impulse. Now, what if I didn’t want to know the UB definition…and knowing UB…I just had to look…I mean it’s right there…in smaller print…and you keep on reading…. 🙂
And Denise….I called my husband over to read the dates that had CE behind them. He explained it to me….then curiosity took me to this link…..
More storms moving in..and more tomorrow.
Then Debbe said: “More storms moving in….” DEFCON ONE 😉