Yesterday, July 29, 2015, marked 30 years of Arlo & Janis in newspapers. It’s an understatement to say the big anniversary bash was low key. Oh, months ago there were big plans, but the best laid plans of mice and men aft get knocked into a cocked hat. I confess to a certain ambivalence about the whole thing. To survive and thrive for 30 years in the newspaper syndication business is a rare accomplishment. Conversely, bragging about how long one has been around in the syndication business is tantamount to bragging about how lame and irrelevant one has become. That’s not always fair or true, but for some it is the consensus. I do want to say that I feel very privileged. I love what I do. Who wouldn’t? And I thank all of you who have made my livelihood possible over the years by reading Arlo & Janis and encouraging me. I consider it a personal favor, which I will return by drawing the best comic strip I can.

They Suit Horses, Don’t They?
By Jimmy Johnson
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177 responses to “They Suit Horses, Don’t They?”
Charlotte in NH
There is that but the other side of the coin is
acne, hormones, insecurities, angst, Algebra, Parents (I guess that hasn’t changed much And we miss them dearly)
c x-p: That happened to my older granddaughter. A Natl. Merit Scholar, she was originally pre-med, and did all right grade-wise, but found the cut-throat U.MN p-m environment distasteful. Took an art history lib ed. course, fell in love w/ it, specializes in Mid-East and other Asian art, has learned appropriate languages [a talent I lack], and is in grad school at U. Chi. Realizes this is not a guaranteed full-time job, and is taking approp. courses / teaching, library, and such. Granddad is subsidizing.
My own epiphanies were learning that I love to teach and to write. Attended a 50th reunion walleye fish fry w/ BSU ’65 alums this evening, was surprised at the number who remember me fondly as their lib. ed. biol. prof. And ran into a biol. major who has just retired from the Cornell faculty, who knew a [late] Cornell Ecol. prof. who was an undergrad at U.M when I was a grad student there.
Peace, emb
My oldest son is a computer guru. I don’t have contact with him but then neither does anyone else. I think they have him and his computer locked away somewhere. My youngest has degrees in psychology and criminal justice. A chip off the old block, you say? Well, he has traveled the world and now works for Disney making at age 25 way more than I ever did. If you’ve done the math you see that I had my kids late.
Old Faithful webcam is sensitive enough to full moonlight that the geyser is visible even on a “blue” moon.
Good morning Villagers….
Steve and GR 😉 it was beautiful. My mother looked stunningly beautiful…..the roses were perfect. I actually got up and read at the funeral services. I started out with we were here to celebrate and lay to rest Mom, Grandma Dee, Great-grandma Dee, Aunt Dee, sister and friend. Told them I found great comfort In Isaiah 40:28-31. (Then I read it) Then went on to say that when looking at Mom, it looks as thought she is asleep, as she is, because Paul wrote in 1st Thessalonian Chapter 4. and then I read it. The Spirit was in me as I read it with great feelings and looked up at the people and made eye contact. As we were filing out, the Minister complimented me by saying “you must have read a lot of scripture publicly.” No, not really I said, I just prayed that the Spirit would be with me….and He was. It was a wonderfully,celebrated life of my Mother.
Thank you all for your support during this difficult time for my family.
love, Debbe
Also today is Ian’s last day at the hen house. When driving into work yesterday, he said when ever I get ‘cold’ feet and doubt over moving to E’ville, I snap back to reality as we drive into this parking lot and smell the hen house. He leaves tomorrow. I gave him Mom’s cell phone, and I want an address, and I also want the name and number of his roomates’s mother.
And I am also training a new woman to work with me. I think we should The Boss’s company, “Second Chance”….as all have a background, and so does Shirley. When I called her she sounded so excited…..we’ll see.
I love reading all the above comments….so many new commenters.
Miss Charlotte, be blessed in knowing that you can still see the flowers, smell the flowers and feel the humidity in the air….arrrgghhh. I don’t if it’s humid where you’re at, but here you can almost cut the humidity with a knife
…GR 😉 , that was the first cassette I bought for Ian’s Nickelodeon ‘boom’ box. He was probably about three, and he loved that song……didn’t take him long to learn how to ‘rewind’ 🙂
I remember whenever an oldie but goodie would come on the radio….like the song “Dude looks like a lady”…..and I’d start singing. Ian would look over at me and ask “mom, have you heard that song before?”…no, I would say with a grin…and continue singing. My son grew up loving the old music.
I’ll post one of his playlist to add to your morning workout….I actually like it
And I’m glad to hear they found out early about your Mother’s eye, and she is doing well.
Debbe, We got up so it’s a good morning. I will try to be patient as I visit my mother today.
When we were dating we saw Chariots of Fire about 20 times. Isaiah 40 was read during that movie. It was also read at my Mom and Dads funerals. It was 31 years ago today that I lost my mom in a car accident. Peace.
Debbe 😉 I am happy to hear that there was such an appropriate celebration of your Mom’s life, and that you were such an important part of it. It is obvious that you have also read Exodus 20:12. (One should note that commandment comes even before the one proscribing murder.)
Honoring our parents is a requirement placed upon us; the love we give them is a bonus.
Aww, the little lizard returned to his beloved. A story with a happy ending. 🙂 It would have been fun to watch Arlo drop his thighty whities; the guys get Janis teasers, turn about would be nice. 😉
Debbe: It sounds as though the service was beautiful. Isn’t it amazing when you are able to do something like that? Your mouth opens and words just flow… Sometimes when that happened to me, others would say how inspiring my talk was – and I could not even remember what I had said.
I don’t speak at church any more. The desire to do so, and the ability, just left. But I am so thankful that I was able to have the experience.
You are AWSOME
Debbe, {{{HUGS}}}
Debbie, thank you for telling us about the service. It sounds like it was just beautiful. And do keep us posted about Ian. The Village cares
To those who are adventuring with Windows 10, let us know what you think, please.
Dang autocorrect. I know it’s Debbe!
Debbe, I am so glad the service was such a good experience.
Where’s everyone?
Here is the assignment for the Village: In a few simple and well-chosen words, define “love”.
I offer this: Love is the extreme case of caring.
Our guest minister this evening cited a definition by Robert A. Heinlein: “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”. As it was not his theme to run with the definition, it was not mentioned to any deeper depth.
How about it?
“Love is the feeling you have for the person who best reinforces your self-image.”
No, I’m kidding.
Or am I? 🙂
Love is… (Hey! Didn’t JJ just cover this? ?) Terrifying, complicated, hard work, but essential to a fulfilling life. Hey, I’m not much of a romantic, more of a realist.
Love is finding a person whom you love, who loves you despite your shortcomings, and who teaches you [mostly / example] to be more loving. Peace, emb
Debbe 😉 – Walking Playlist #10 – A reminder not to quit. My Motto: “Ne jamais abandonner.”
Good morning Villagers…
I am humbled by your comments… does make one humble. To do what is right for the both of you.
I like the above reflections on what love is…going to bookmark this page.
I never mentioned the music, my sister found someone to sing, and Amazing Grace was sung.
Steve, even after 31 years, I know the pain is still within you. It does get better, right?
Ian is moving about an hour’s drive away….my Mom is about 15 minutes away.
My poor sister Brenda and her husband have been through a lot in the past week and a half. First it was on their second day of vacation in Montana that she found out about Mom. She said that as she was going thru the airport she’d look at people’s smiles and focused faces and she want to cry out “My Mom just died, will someone hub me?” Then the funeral and all….then they had to leave that night for Davenport, Iowa. Their youngest daughter is moving there and she is a sports physical therapist. Now this little girl doesn’t stand but maybe 5 foot three inches. But she is tiny and mighty. She has to be ready for high school football by the 10th. They were able to find her an apartment and will be taking her out to Davenport by the end of the week.
My sister Brenda has a lot in common with you Ruth Ann….she is the school librarian.
Started training Ian’s replacement yesterday and all she could say is I’ve saved her life by getting her a job and back on her feet.
gotta go guys, thanks for my tears of joy.
love to all