Yesterday, July 29, 2015, marked 30 years of Arlo & Janis in newspapers. It’s an understatement to say the big anniversary bash was low key. Oh, months ago there were big plans, but the best laid plans of mice and men aft get knocked into a cocked hat. I confess to a certain ambivalence about the whole thing. To survive and thrive for 30 years in the newspaper syndication business is a rare accomplishment. Conversely, bragging about how long one has been around in the syndication business is tantamount to bragging about how lame and irrelevant one has become. That’s not always fair or true, but for some it is the consensus. I do want to say that I feel very privileged. I love what I do. Who wouldn’t? And I thank all of you who have made my livelihood possible over the years by reading Arlo & Janis and encouraging me. I consider it a personal favor, which I will return by drawing the best comic strip I can.

They Suit Horses, Don’t They?
By Jimmy Johnson
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177 responses to “They Suit Horses, Don’t They?”
hug me, not ‘hub’ me,,,,where’s that edict button
GR 😉 Ian showed me this video the other day…..hmmm, I thought, it’s appropriately named “The Walker”….maybe something to add to your playlist.
The answer is probably. We are all unique and grieve differently. There will be days that you will miss her terribly and others when you realize that she is never far away. Hold onto your Faith and you’ll ne OK.
Debbe & S/RO – I, too, lost my mother in a car accident some 34+ years ago. It does stay around in the background, but the shock and severity of the hurt does decrease. This is, indeed, where faith comes in….
I just got home and apparently everyone said what they had to say. It doesn’t work that way. You’ll notice that it never stops me. Love is a magic feeling that you get when you see “the Person”. I say that sincerely. I remember on the Monkees that Davy Jones got a sparkle in his eye when he saw the one and when I say magic that’s what I mean. I read once that it is love when you can’t imagine living without the object of your affection. That may be the best definition that I’ve seen.
Debbe 😉 – Walking Playlist #11 – Why does this song remind me of Tijuana, at least when it was relatively safe to go there?
And yes, Lorraine will be coming soon and … Hey, do I spy something that starts with a “p”?
My cousin sent me this – no verified
One thing not mentioned is the cola is almost as acidic as battery acid – I will check the chart at the dentist tomorrow.
The most meaningful advice was near the bottom:
“My first piece of advice to them would be to do a simple swap,” he explains, “replacing fizzy drinks with water and fresh lemon or lime juice.
“In many cases just doing this would have a dramatic effect on their health.
“This indicates to me that fizzy drinks and sugar are big issues relating to blood pressure and metabolic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.”
(Hugs are never subtracted or divided always multiplied)
(Is that an Algebraic formula?)
I volunteer from about 0715-1335 in a hospital [time varies w/ the surgical patient load, mostly]. One perk is that volunteers eat in the café free. [Hey, JJ provides the accent ague.]
Café stocks 8 oz.* containers of skim and 2% milk. At breakfast I take one of skim and one of 2%. The skim is to drink and for my raisin-filled cream of wheat [I do whole grain hot cereals at home, when I’m not having sardines on toast.] The 2% is for the three cups of very milky coffee I consume; the fancy coffee machine and a microwave are close by my desk. At lunch, I drink skim. At both, I watch medically savvy personnel bring their trays out into the dining area. Probably less than 5% drink milk. Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, etc. Sad.
*Speelczech doesn’t recognize oz. unless there are 2 spaces after 8. Weird.
Peace, emb
No gluten, no meat, no caffeine and don’t eat anything white. One glass of wine every evening and you will live forever, but I won’t.
Please allow me to clarify, if that’s possible. EMB, I have been reading your comments for a long time and I have more respect for your lifestyle and opinions than anyone else here. I am blessed with unusually good health. I have no problem with blood pressure, heart, diabetes, etc. I am 5’10” tall, 185 lbs and have a 34 inch waist. I have neurological problems probably caused by exposure to chemicals and radiation over 30 years ago. My point being that I never smoked and quit drinking after one bad Christmas party in 1972. Other than those simple precautions I think that my health is a matter of fate or whatever you choose to call it. I think that, kidding aside, I am a careful driver, but twice in the last two days I had close calls that could have taken me out. I’ve said before that I’m the luckiest person that I know and here’s hoping that continues for both of us and the rest of you too.
Only water to drink, but if I get really crazy, I’ll jazz it up with some sugar-free powdered lemonade mix. No alcohol since New Year’s Eve, which is when I wicked up my diet and exercise regimen. (A moderate intake of 2% milk, but used only for cooking purposes.)
I predict health issues will be a hot topic here in the coming days. And Janis kept worrying about Arlo’s health. I wonder if, other than walking, she was minding her own.
Carbonic acid, as found in carbonated drinks, is one of the numerous weak acids which ionize in water to the extent of about 1% or less. In contrast, battery acid is sulfuric acid which ionizes in water solution 100% unless there is an extremely concentrated solution used. The strength of an acid is judged solely by the percent of ionization in water solution. Battery acid is always stronger than carbonic acid, and by a huge margin. There are only about 5 strong acids commonly used, and sulfuric is the strongest of that group of 5. (Yes, there are a few even stronger – using different measurements – but they are not at all commonly used.)
The concentration of an acid in water is just the ratio of the acid to the water, and is independent of the strength (except for very high concentrations as mentioned above).
Continuing the story, there is also some phosphoric acid [I don’t know which one of the several] in at least some carbonated drinks. Orthophosphoric acid is another of that group of 5 common strong acids, though the amount included cannot be very much. It is a source of orthophosphate ions which – I am guessing here – are useful in forming the body’s supply of ATP, with its high energy bonds, & bones. As I am neither a physician nor a biologist, I defer to others on those matters.
It won’t let me post my morning ‘rant’….all I get is this jibberash about an URL contact webmaster and my number in infinite….
Good morning Villagers…..
Ian has left the building. He once told me I wouldn’t be able to find the place where he was going to live….but guess what, that section of town is my old stomping grounds.
let’s see if this will post
Good morning Villagers…..
Ian has left the building. He once told me I wouldn’t be able to find the place where he was going to live….but guess what, that section of town is my old stomping grounds.
let’s see if this will post
….still won’t let me post
But hey, ya’ll have a blessed day…………………
GR 😉 love the Joan Jett version….and just where did you find all those pics of Lorraine?????
what a beautiful Abyssinian….I think it’s a ruddy color
Check out that mess in the Gulf.
Debbe, I think you are right about it being a Ruddy. Glad the service turned out well for you and your family. Hang in there.
Yep, just as I figured…all the physicians and paramedics are chiming in over on TDS this morning to diagnose Janis’s episode of syncope or heat stroke or whatever.
Here’s a fun fact, if it is heat stroke…immediate treatment includes getting the victim indoors; removing her clothing; and placing her in a cool bath or cool shower. “Honest, officer, I was just giving her first aid!”
At least today’s TIP BlogSpot is topical:
Peace, emb
Don’t take life serious, it’s going to kill ya.
Looks like Janis is going to need some of the medical advice we’ve been discussing- hopefully nothing more than dehydration and especially hopeful this isn’t based on an experience from JJ’s life.